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Poetry and prose are the breath from his lips, and beauty in all its forms is the meaning of life. It goes without saying, then, that more than a few would-be swindlers have been chased out of town, often with lumps on their heads and a torrent of angry shouts at their back. Pour savoir ce que valent les héros, allez voir la Tier List d’AFK ARENA.FR ! Those men needed his songs, and their need far outweighed his own desire for comfort and fun. He heals for massive amounts every second. Before he had been seduced by his own legend and carried away from his true love of life and the wider world. Ses dons musicaux sont tels que certains affirment qu’ils lui viennent de la lumière elle-même. The first stop would be the northern borders, the very same frontier where the soldiers were risking their lives and holding back the swarms of the Netherkin. C’est pendant l’un de ces voyages qu’il rencontra le compagnon qui n’allait plus le quitter, Harry.

HÉROS AFK ARENA. Beauty. On dit aussi que ses chansons inspirent tous ceux qui sentent leur résolution faiblir, et que les malades ou les blessés récupèrent miraculeusement lorsqu’ils entendent ses mélodies apaisantes. His music has received universal praise, and anywhere he has journeyed you can hear the people from young to old humming his uplifting melodies.

He’d lost his ability to create songs that moved people. La musique et les vers sont les battements du cœur d’Angelo.

Ses parents ne sont jamais restés avachis dans leur salle seigneuriale. Il repensa aux joueurs d’autrefois, lorsqu’il voyageait avec Harry, avant que tous les gens qu’ils rencontrent ne cherchent son attention et son approbation. He can heal multiple targets as well as damage the enemy while performing. Sa musique est louée de tous, et partout où il est allé, on entend des gens de tous les âges fredonner ses mélodies entêtantes. La poésie et la prose sont le souffle qui sort de ses lèvres et la beauté dans toutes ses formes est le sens de sa vie. He saw the course he had to take. Due to the near-miraculous healing quality of his music and the simple pleasure of hearing it, Angelo is an honored guest at any countryside inn or lord’s keep. Bien sûr, il ne peut pas se rendre partout où il est invité et beaucoup de bardes cherchent à se faire de l’argent facile en prétendant être le véritable Angelo, lorsqu’ils passent dans un village isolé.
Angelo décida alors d’emmener Harry sur une nouvelle voie. Due to the near-miraculous healing quality of his music and the simple pleasure of hearing it, Angelo is an honored guest at any countryside inn or lord’s keep.There can always be too much of a good thing, however, and at the height of his popularity he realized that he’d lost focus, lost direction. Si vous souhaitez plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à cliquer sur les portraits des personnages. For Angelo, music and verse are his very heartbeat. His parents were never content to sit in their great hall and rest.They were industrious and ambitious people, constantly on the move to far flung locations for matters of politics, commerce, and honor. Par ailleurs, quel meilleur moyen de retrouver l’inspiration qu’en étant témoin de leur héroïsme . Simply put, the greatest bard in the land had writer’s block.He also noticed that his beloved companion, Harry, had become lazy and depressed, preferring to nap for longer and longer stretches and glower at his surroundings over exploring and making mischief. Ces hommes-là avaient besoin de ses chants, et ce besoin surpassait largement son goût pour le confort et le divertissement. There can always be too much of a good thing, however, and at the height of his popularity he realized that he’d lost focus, lost direction. Angelo is an intelligence-based hero of the Lightbearer faction who aims to have a sustained healing for his team. Il ne parvenait plus à écrire des chansons émouvantes. Grâce aux propriétés quasi-miraculeuse de sa musique et au plaisir qu’elle procure, Angelo est un invité d’honneur dans les donjons et les auberges de tout le pays.Mais l’excès de bonnes choses peut être néfaste, et au sommet de sa popularité, Angelo réalisé qu’il avait perdu ses capacités. He is good at supporting a designated carry hero of a player's choice, given that the carry hero will always be the hero that has the highest attack rating. Au cours de ces pérégrinations, le jeune barde a acquis beaucoup plus d’expérience que ses pairs ou même que des personnes de deux fois son âge. Leur première étape serait les frontières du Nord, là où les soldats risquaient leur vie en contenant les hordes de Netherkin. From the highest nobleman to the lowest peasant, all of them appreciate and play his music in their taverns, their castles, and their village commons.Though Angelo comes from a noble and wealthy house, he is by no means the kind of soft, sheltered individual those of his class often turn out to be.

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