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It requires positive steps that employers take positive steps to promote gender equality and that measures are in place should instances of discrimination arise.Aditionally, job advertisements in Norway also have strict guidelines that employers must follow in order avoid discrimination. In partnership with Promundo, World Vision has developed the Caring for Equality.In India, World Vision works with men as fathers to address the issue of early marriage, child abuse, and gender-based violence in families.Gender equality and social inclusion is integral to empowering vulnerable children, families, and communities to transform their realities.

Plus, it lowers costs, which means more of your gift helps kids!Help a girl go to school, receive an education, and overcome poverty.

In countries like Egypt and Bahrain, husbands have the right to stop their wives from leaving the country while other countries require written permission from a husband to travel. Here's how Norway approaches gender equality. To combat it, World Vision’s work in Armenia focuses on examining and challenging harmful gender attitudes and practices that support son preference. By engaging church leaders in respectful dialogue regarding their culture and the Bible, we affirm those aspects of culture that positively impact communities and challenge those that entrench power imbalances between men and women. It has gone through four feminist movements/waves, but it's still just a start – a similar sustained progression is needed over the next 100 years in order to get close to true equality of all genders.A few printing/factual errors though: Erna Solberg became PM in 2013, not 2003. They exist too, as they do in all other countries.The world as a whole still has a long way to go to achieve true gender parity and that is something we won’t see in our lifetime, unfortunately. True gender equality would include level access to jobs, opportunities or other resources for all recognised genders.But in order to achieve this equilibrium of the sexes, a drive to remove prejudice towards women—and other gender identities—is still needed. The unfinished business of our time Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Within Norway, there is an awareness that minority or indigenous women are particularly vulnerable to marginalisation.It is true that gender equality is most closely associated to women and women’s rights, but if we are striving for true gender parity and acceptance to erase harmful practices and discrimination, it's also important to recognise all genders, including men.In recent years, recognition of other gender identities has become more widespread. Gender equality has an important part to play if a country or society is striving for true equilibrium. Solberg is only Norway’s second female Prime Minister. Erna Solberg is the current Prime Minister of the country, a position she has held since 2013. Gender inequality and gender-based violence costs everyone. By educating faith leaders on gender issues and emphasizing the unique giftedness and important role of women in the families and communities, women are empowered to influence their own futures, girls have improved opportunities to attend school, and churches become centers of justice against gender inequities in their communities.Prenatal sex selection — choosing to continue or terminate a pregnancy based on the baby’s sex — is one of the most blatant forms of gender-based violence. We believe in the importance of working with faith leaders as catalysts in changing harmful attitudes and behaviors in their communities. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Advertised positions must not specify a desired gender for a job role. Norway is a lot more liberal in its approach and is accepting of all genders.

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