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If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript.https://board.en.ikariam.gamef…?postID=607764#post607764. Forum. Quote; Go to Page Top; jack h. Guest. well its better if u want a challenge .I have tried both ways and I like them both equally....just for 1 man navy and 1 man army...you need someone that you can really trust, you can rely on...and these type of persons are not easily found..."On the contrary, woman is the best equipped machine ever went to battle". Well no, because if you do that way the won't "add" to the one you sent earlier. Likes Received 2 Posts 6 Birthday Jun 6th Gender Female. About Us ... harder to overrun your town.

1; Best land military makeup? 54:33 am on the island with all my army to the city Polis: Army recruited me is: .....Survival guide for beginners or players with low score Most observations of those that follow you all know but sometimes they miss. Topic Replies Views Last Reply; Land Army Composition. This site uses cookies. The information for all of the different priorities can be found in the sections labeled "the land battlefield" and "the naval battlefield" in the help section.

When disbanding units, only 50% of the resources spent to build these units are returned. This guide introduces ideas to help you enjoy playing Ikariamas much as you did in those first weeks. 1; Help for sea battle's. To have a balanced point of view of losses fleet must keep in mind the unfavorable situation where the enemy has turned forging lev ...For players with low score, and others .. How to build account for sustainable development: First, based resource capital island that app...Guide the attack in waves. Do people prefer fire ships over steam rams?depends ..if you play with waves giants(streams are way better ) if not prefer Hoplites ,,,but with mafia you gonna need giants full upgraded and forge wonder lvl 5.Personally I have a mix of both all the time. You'll find it here.

It's because some units require you to, and the advantage is quite remarkable.Balloons need to be waved every round in presence of enemy gyros.Swords, Suplhur carabineers, only hoplites and artillery do not need to be waved.I suggest you to research at least the SG to start practicing waving, you'll get the hang of it,If someone wants to get the old Warfare Guide and improve it, maybe with real examples/screenshots, I'll be happy to publish it on our Guide section. So you've been playing Ikariamfor some time now. it'll emphasize communication .

trained) in the Barracks. Thanks. Nov 30th 2010, 1:50am. Help a brother out. Jun 24th 2019 #41; That is why it is good strategy to attack someone when they are asleep. the army will be provided with gold from 8 towns with lvl 30 town halls. Beginner. imagine a 50000 generals player who focuses on land for example . 10. 1 1 upvote, Mark this document as useful 0 0 downvotes, Mark this document as not useful Embed.

Each unit type has a Minimum Barracks Level: only Barracks upgraded to or past that level can build those units. I've seen multiple CRs where they're 100% hops.

Units are built (ie. I tried doing it, it ended up with my army was withdrawn, the otherunits somehow didn't come in at the right time, so apparently i forefitted. Your Ikariam Team Dont Know. So to the topic, im facing the problems of winning the sea battle. This is also why if you're sg waving you don't want someone to send a wave of hoplites).On the opposite side of the spectrum your flank units (swords/spears) will choose the strongest units first. Coordination takes much more effort and things are likely to go wrong.its a personal choice and either strategies have its drawbacks . Discussions and Feedback. English. Wanderer. Register yourself now and be a part of our community!Basically i don't get it. I want an army that is buildt well, with boats and trops, i want an army with aproxametly 50k generalscore. Ikariam team 1 Page 1 of 2; 2; Lord Duckworth.

Managing a good % … By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our.Your browser has JavaScript disabled. All of the citiz… he will beat urs easily as ur generals r still divided. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.Your browser has JavaScript disabled. 400-500 sgs then 1000-2000 hops then remember to have plenty of swords.The structure of a land army is a surprisingly deep problem and there is no one optimum solution. Enjoy … Hello guys First off all im not from this server, i dont play any of your servers, im playing other servers around the world.

You should also be aware that there are some units you should send against a particular enemy army composition and others you should avoid sending.As atm, the units you have are not susceptible to waving, meaning that sending them affects only the army composition and the ammunition number, but it doesn't mean you're exploiting the full potential of waving.The wave is a "batch of troops" sent together.
Is anybody here to ask?Ask us a question and we'll try to answer it.This site uses cookies. You need to consider the extent to which you will be waving, whether you will be waving by land or by sea (Steam Giants are a more efficient use of cargo space than Hoplites), how many Action Points are available, the status of the Town Wall, and so on. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript.© 2008 by Gameforge 4D GmbH. The army person has to wait for the navy person to take an island an if one of them goes offline, there's going to be problems. There is always plenty to do. The old forum is set to read-only mode now. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript.© 2008 by Gameforge 4D GmbH. For this you also need a fair amount of troops in a good mix, but I’ll get back to the composition of an army later.

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