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Terinspirasi dari design website Liputan6.com yang di buat oleh Rendy Apriansyah.Get all latest content delivered straight to your inbox.Archer Solo Leveling Guide Ragnarok Online,Blacksmith Pure Forger Build Ragnarok Online,Novice Ragnarok Online - You Must Read This.Kill some Spore until you reach level 30.Kill some Muka until you reach level 45. Ragnarok 2. (Skill Use Fire Bolt and Heaven Drive).Kill some Sting, Anolian, Stalactic Golem until you reach level 99. Increases Max HP by 500. Has a 53% chance to freeze it for 18 sec,Deals (M.Atk*170%) water M.Dmg to the target. If the target is undead, Deals 40% more damage,Summons holy spirits to attack, dealing (M.Atk*400%) natural M.Dmg to the target. During the freezing status you won't receive any damage and wont be able to move for 3sec,During the status of [Ice Tomb], recover 1.5%HP every second. The area will be expanded with 1M with every rune point.Learn [Lightning Rod] Lv. Mage Leveling Guide Ragnarok Online. KabarMag merupakan template blogger yang di design khusus untuk blog news atau magazine. https://list.wiki/index.php?title=Skills_-_Mage_-_Ragnarok_M:_Eternal_Love&oldid=144538,Summons holy spirits to attack, dealing (M.Atk*160%) natural M.Dmg to the target. Mage skill tree in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.

Lasts 15 sec. If the target is undead, Deals 5% more damage,Summons holy spirits to attack, dealing (M.Atk*160%) natural M.Dmg to the target.

Has a 41% chance to freeze it for 6 sec,Deals (M.Atk*130%) water M.Dmg to the target. (Skill Use Fire Bolt and Heaven Drive).Kill some Anolian, Stalatic Golem until you reach level 45. If the target is undead, Deals 50% more damage,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk100%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk200%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk300%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk400%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk500%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk600%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk700%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk800%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk900%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1000%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1100%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1200%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1300%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1400%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg,Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1500%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg.Blocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing (M.Atk50%) fire M.Dmg to enemy units who try to get through it. Lasts 15 sec. So you’ve decided to play the Mage in Ragnarok Mobile. Lasts 15 sec. The wall could block 5 times.Blocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing (M.Atk50%) fire M.Dmg to enemy units who try to get through it. List of all Mage skills in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.

If the target is undead, Deals 30% more damage,Summons holy spirits to attack, dealing (M.Atk*340%) natural M.Dmg to the target. RESPONSIVE CONTENT ADS 650PX 0 Comments.

Lasts 15 sec. The wall could block 13 times.Blocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing (M.Atk50%) fire M.Dmg to enemy units who try to get through it. Ragnarok Online is a fast-paced, community driven fantasy MMORPG. Basic M.Damage +5% with every rune point.5% chance to cast learned Lvl of [Soul Strike] when attacking,8% chance to cast a stronger [Soul Strike], damage +10%,[Napalm Vulcan] may Critical now, Crit effect +10%. If used by a Mage job type, Increases MAtk by 3%. The Mage Guild is situated in the farthest northwest corner of Geffen. bosshunts, grinding, or any scenario possible. Whether its as a main or as an alt your powerful AoE spells will make your character a … (Skill Use Fire Bolt),Kill some Argiope, Sting, Gargoyle until you reach level 65. This comprehensive guide is part of a series that will cover the Mage, Wizard, High Wizard and Warlock.

September 14, 2017. Your ultimate ragnarok mobile guide for Mage, Wizard, High Wizard!

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