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Strip Mine is MILES better than Wasteland. This isn’t to mention the ease of finding these cards by means of other card advantage to dig deep. Wasteland on laillinen myös Legacyssä joka on paljon suositumpi formaatti missä sitä saa pelata neljää kappaletta. This works best in three color decks, but I was able to do it once (!) Strip Mine ei ole laillinen kuin Vintagessa missä sitä saa pelata yhtä kappaletta. His channel showcases nearly 400 interesting and often exciting games, replete with commentary and analysis. Updated Mar 24, 2016 by xubermensch using our MTG Deck Builder. GQ is definitely not better, but it serves purposes.obviously its a 5th wasteland vs decks w/o basics like MUD and most delvers,its very helpful vs a deck with a minimal basics like elves, storm & reanimator,also can be used as a desperate way to search up my own forest.but I would never use GQ in matches like omnitell, burn or death & taxes.No, almost never. There is no inherent advantage gained from trading your lands one for one with your opponent’s, and sometimes that strategy is self destructive. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. Doesn’t that seem like enough ways to deal with an opponent’s single copy of Library of Alexandria? For example, in terms of highly publicized lists from the era, Chip Hogan's deck, which won the Sorceror's Open tournament in 1995 at Origins, utilized four copies of Erhnam Djinn as part of its primary win conditions, in addition to using four copies of Mana Drain. The fact that that is the only deck playing crucible might be a factor, but one of the other decks plays terastodon which often negates their necessity.I try to run at least 2 or 3 of those lands, mostly to be able to deal with the Maze, Craddle, Coffer and *Karakas* (this land not on our own banlist).It all depends on your build. There are more strip mines out in the world than wastelands, by a significant margin. Wasteland on laillinen myös Legacyssä joka on paljon suositumpi formaatti missä sitä saa pelata neljää kappaletta. I’ve seen many games lost by one person zealously stripping away the opponent’s mana, only to watch that opponent cast Balance off of pure artifact mana a few turns later.Strip Mine was ultimately restricted following US Nationals in 1996, but that was only in Type 2 (now known as Standard), and only because it was included alongside tons of other insane, abusive cards like Hymn to Tourach and Necropotence. The single.But Strip Mine is a completely different story. One of the grindiest games I ever played I won by ghost quartering every basic in miracles and wasteland in the duels.Ghost Quarter can catch some people off in game 2.When they see you have Wastelands in game 1, they tend to search up basics first in game 2. It was also reprinted in 4th Edition.

While Stone Rain does make an appearance at times, the use of it is not as widespread as this statement implies. Conversely, you can’t just Strip your opponent’s lands indiscriminately at the start of a game, because if they’re sandbagging the Library you’re going to be in deep shit when they play it.I’ve yet to hear a valid argument for the situation the Swedes have chosen, with both Library and Strip Mine restricted. Wasteland and strip mine are the same "speed"; you can activate both as soon as they're on the field. He is often credited as the "father of card advantage", the first person to recognize...Brian Weissman has a storied role in Magic's history. Kids and adults of all ages enjoy different formats. If not, I ask again why adding a single other land destruction spell isn’t good enough?In addition, you say you have yet to hear a valid argument for the situation the Swedes have chosen. Do you want to preserve the entire feel and flavor of that venerable format, including its warts, or do you want to alter it to suit your own personal fancy?Truthfully, enough things are different about Old School format already that it is quite different from the game we enjoyed and innovated in a quarter century ago. Although the perceived power level of individual cards has always been a key factor, the "enjoyability" of the game environment by a majority of its vocal player base has also been influential. I played a bit of Nic Fit Reanimator with a Life from the Loam Wasteland Entomb package and considered Ghost Quarter, but in the end decided that most of the time you just want the wasteland.RG Lands player, I play one GQ main w/ 4 Wastelands. A number of the decks listed in the Brady Games Advanced Player's Guide from 1996, of which Mr. Weissman was a contributing author, utilized this range of creatures as well.

Search for the perfect addition to your deck. This interaction has resulted in the most absurd of band aids: lots of people main-decking one or two copies of Stone Rain. Take the elitist stuff over to legacy forums or something. Kids and adults of all ages enjoy different formats. Sometimes a viable strategy is to get my opponent off lands and force a concession.If you're already playing 4 Veteran Explorer, they may be short on basics and your Ghost Quarter becomes a strip mine. They are a synopsis on my current build of The Deck for Old School format, from background through sideboard.I think the article was thought provoking. Because of these trategies, basic lands are SUPER impartant in legacy, every deck will have at least enough basics to cast everything in their deck (except shardless BUG which is a HUGE downside to that deck IMO) because they might just find themself in wasteland hell and need to have some kind of a land option that can survive it.

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