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}#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b607de .infobox_icon{ There were baby bumps galore … } }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b5fb76 .infobox_icon_container{

}#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b5f9d9 .infobox_icon_container{ Dlalaphi khona ay bayasishaya shaya apa ngekhe,Very true Tashi, Masasa has come a long way with Scandal!

}#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b5f9d9 .infobox_wrapper:hover .infobox_icon{ } #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b5a860 .spacing_size-mobile{ #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b60916 .spacing_size{ Is the NDP continuing to make communication gaffes?

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Winner of the NOVUS Demo Day. display: none; } our awards Our Awards and Milestones. }.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663e63:hover{

I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. }.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663d52:hover{ The Top 3 winners across every creative and main category.New novela Legacy begins on M-Net, who also air the 72nd Primetime Emmys live and delayed.Celebrated Love returns to SABC3 and BBC Brit invites you to Dance Around the World.Real Housewives of Jozi starts a run on Vuzu and elderly killers are profiled on SABC2's Elder Skelter.See what the eight are singing come Sunday (20th).There's one big difference between Seasons 1 and 2. from when she was just an obscure supporting actress fresh outta varsity to what she's doing on the show now.

Winner (Story), May. }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b60632 .infobox_icon{ No wonder everyone is confused about the colour of their banner!delightful recognition of the lighter side of politics – even in Alberta!Thanks David…I’m pleased that a sitting MLA appreciates a little levity. }.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663d52:hover{ }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b60457 .infobox_icon{ #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b60afc .spacing_size{ display: block; #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b6344c .spacing_size-desktops{

background-color: #664bc4; }.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663bd1:hover{

Winner of the Impact Global Awards 2019.

Creator Awards Regional Finalist. background-color: #664bc4; }@media only screen and (max-width: 768px){ }.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663d52{ #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b60771 .spacing_size-tablet{ As Fox Life lies lifeless, The Candidate moves to FOX.Level 1. I can’t speak to how it’s communicating around things like changes to PDD because I haven’t followed it closely enough.Having said all that I do agree with you on this: the NDP must become masters at communication especially as it starts its negotiations with the unions.Actually, a bit of humour from the government, apparently in much scarcity everywhere else, was most appropriate on April Fool’s day.The Zeppelin joke made some pointed commentary, which seemingly flew totally over the heads of many wearing black arm-bands because of job losses, about some of the reasons for those job losses.When Albertans stop worrying about jobs, most of which are nothing more than bribes from foreign multi-nationals to keep mouths shut while they rip, strip and ship our raw, low royalty, no added-value resources out of country, and start working on solutions with creativity, courage, innovation, and dedication to Alberta and Canada, then we will start to get somewhere.If the tens of thousands of job losses so far had any real value, production would have fallen – obviously that hasn’t happened.ABCanuck, you make a very interesting point when you point out the lack of connection between job loss and production.

background: #ffffff;

That depends on what else you’d put into this bucket. Thanks for pointing it out.I have as good a sense of humour as anyone but thought the NDP April Fool press release was not funny, especially on a day when Cenovus let another 400 people go. }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b607de .infobox_wrapper,#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b607de .infobox_wrapper:after { margin-left: 60px !important;}#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b607de .infobox_icon_container{ margin-left: 5px !important;border-radius: 50% !important; }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b607de .infobox_icon_container{box-shadow: 0px 6px 13px 0px rgba(145,145,145,0.2);}@media only screen and (max-width: 768px){

background: #ffffff; While I respect Tom’s opinion, I don’t see it the same way. Winner (Story), May The Two Sides of Singapore, As Seen By A Food Delivery Rider.

}#softlab_soc_icon_wrap_5f68fd1b6638d a:hover{ I'm very proud of her and happy for her. background: #3dd8f3; }@media only screen and (max-width: 768px){ display: block; background-color: #ffffff; }#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b609bb .infobox_wrapper:hover .infobox_icon{ display: none; #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b60771 .spacing_size{

}.softlab_module_social #soc_icon_5f68fd1b663bd1{ #softlab_spacer_5f68fd1b603e0 .spacing_size{

}@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {

}#softlab_infobox_5f68fd1b609bb .infobox_icon{ color: #3dd8f3; Her acting has made a 360 degrees turn and it's only fitting that she gets the acknowledgment she deserves yazi.

background-color: #ffffff; display: none; Click.Confirmed!

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