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And no points is just as bad as point creep. And you would also have guys put in 30 years and have 30 chances and they may never get pulled on some of these tags but it would be random.

I hunt multiple states and find this more fair than most. The antlers of the elk and reindeer are somewhat similar. My shot group is now much narrower. It’s CPWs blank check…forever! Point creep happens in areas like Arizona because when theres 100 tags and thousands upon thousands people applying it’s easy to to up. I agree on PP systems being a bad system.California puts 75 percent of its elk, sheep, antelope and premium deer tags aside for max points holders.

Because of several important points you have raised in your article. My points vaporized. This is unit 1 and 116 for elk in the Black Hills National Forest and Region A or units 2 and 4 for deer.Of course there are additional places where these combinations are possible, but if you’ve been thinking about trying to pull off a Wyoming combo sometime in the not too distant future, you’ve got some fun options to ponder.Combining any western hunt either in the same trip or while hunting at,A mule deer and elk combination hunt would be fantastic but given,While not the coup that mule deer and elk would be for this eastern.I always like a combo hunt. Point creep happens in areas like Arizona because when theres 100 tags and thousands upon thousands people applying it’s easy to to up. So, they kick the can down the road one more year; the problem persists, more veteran hunters like me drop out, and the young folks never join in. Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to draw a covet, limited-entry tag, the trophy quality through out the West generally sucks, as Eastman mentioned. Not even when I have conducted aerial elk counts for clients—–I have a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology having worked on elk mismanagement in Yellowstone.There is , however, a solution—-Quit wasting your time and money here in the states, as I have, and instead save up for a trip to AFRICA !!!!!! Here are some observations based on 20+ years of “playing the game” and talking to folks in various states that deal with these programs. At least with it in place I know that eventually I will get to draw a good tag.

Why, because someone will pay it. So unless the entire population gain of wyoming hunts, hunts elk, and applies to the same elk unit, theres no significant point creep. You already know my preference for elk runs to big guns like the fast .33s. Anyone think the CPW in CO cares that a family of 4 will now have to pay $600 to apply for S, M, And G? Most hunters don’t know the difference and treat the subject the same. Anyway, let’s take a look at a few options for staying within a single region of the state to pull off a combination hunt.As I mentioned earlier, it helps to have a primary focus. In my experience, tag prices have doubled, tripled, and in some cases quadrupled to the point where it has priced me out of the market. It is not a fair and balanced system in Wyoming.Plenty of interesting comments. Where are your stats, to back up you running your mouth, since u seem to have it all figured out. How do you feel when you read the regs the following year and see people with zero points get tags in front of people with 6 .. never made sense.A pure preference point system, or a squared bonus point system like Nevada guarantees future generations are not allowed to hunt. I will do them in here in Colorado as much as I can. And then it was determined that non-residents could no longer apply for either of these species. SUCKS.On the other side of the spectrum, I’m an AK resident and have applied for a specific sheep tag for 7 years and never got it, while a friend of mine has drawn it twice in the same time span. I write the Commission every year and diplomatically argue my case for changing their system. On a 10 day hunt you can expect to come back with 7-10 different animals , all at a cost LESS than the cost of one trophy elk of deer hunt on a private ranch here in the West. I lived and breathed this stuff and for the most part I know it well. The elk, caribou and reindeer are almost the same size. Modify the point system so the max pt still get a higher percent of the tags- guaranteed .

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