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On 26 March, at 10:52:06 local time, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit the Atacama region, in Northern Chile.[49]. The Act permits Government ministers to suspend almost any New Zealand law and attracted criticism from New Zealand and international academics specialising in constitutional law, who claim that it lacks constitutional safeguards and has set a dangerous precedent for future natural disasters. [169][170] Warning sirens were sounded throughout the state, as hotels in Waikiki evacuated tourists at 6 a.m. People in tall buildings were encouraged to move above the third floor. [30] Another projection of the cost covered by insurance (including EQC) was lower at $2.1 billion to $3.5 billion, but would still rank the quake as the world's fifth most costly to insurers. [8][9] Tremors were felt as far north as the city of Ica in southern Peru (approx. [84], Dilapidated buildings could be seen on the streets of Temuco, about 400 km (250 mi) from the epicenter. [54] According to the USGS the earthquake's epicenter was located on the ground, east of the coastal town of Tirúa in the Araucanía Region. [118], A feature of the quake was the damage caused by soil liquefaction. In Chile, 370,000 homes were damaged. The epicenter of the 6.9 quake was in Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region.[44][45]. The 2010 Chile earthquake (Spanish: Terremoto del 27F[5]) occurred off the coast of central Chile on Saturday, 27 February at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC), having a magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale, with intense shaking lasting for about three minutes. Fire at a plastics plant, Santiago, Chile. CCU responded by increasing capacity of their plant in Temuco that did not suffer major damage during the earthquake and by importing beer from their factories in Argentina. At 23:00 on Saturday the goal was doubled, collecting 30.2 billion pesos (about US$58 million). The 2010 Chile Earthquake. On the same date, Raul Maturana, a spokesman for the Federation of Port Workers' union, stated that the port of Valparaíso was operating normally. Mapped from satellite images, most landslides occurring in the Principal Andean Cordillera and a constrained area on the Arauco Peninsula. The New Zealand Army was deployed to the worst affected areas in Canterbury. Further into the theatre everything was undisturbed; the auditorium, stage area, fly tower and dressing rooms intact. "[112], Chileans living in regions not affected by the earthquake (including those living abroad) also grieved, as they sought to learn more regarding kinsmen and friends affected by the earthquake. The St John Ambulance service had sixteen ambulances operational within half an hour of the earthquake and received almost 700 calls within the first 6 hours.[133]. The National Crisis Management Centre in the basement of the Beehive in Wellington was activated, while Selwyn District, Waimakariri and Timaru activated their emergency operation centres. [139] The tsunami was also reported to be small along the Japanese coast, and passed without incident. [119], Liquefaction can also cause buried pipes to float up to the surface. [79] Rescue teams had difficulty accessing Concepción because of the damaged infrastructure. earthquakes today - recent and latest earthquakes, earthquake map and earthquake information. [1] A foreshock of roughly magnitude 5.8 hit five seconds before the main quake,[15] and strong aftershocks were reported,[6][16] up to magnitude 5.4. The first was a 6.3-magnitude off the coast of the Biobío Region. It is referred to as the "Great Chilean Earthquake" and the "1960 Valdivia Earthquake." The port started to resume limited operations on 28 February. One could not estimate the dimension of the wave, because it was advancing foam. [14], The National Crisis Management Centre in the basement of the Beehive in Wellington was activated, and Civil Defence declared a state of emergency for Christchurch, the Selwyn District, and the Waimakariri District, while Selwyn District, Waimakariri and Timaru activated their emergency operation centres. [162] [103], The 1911 Anglican church of St. John in Hororata, five kilometres south of Glentunnel, was extensively damaged when part of its tower collapsed. [40], Minor quakes generated by the main one could be felt as far away as São Paulo, Brazil,[41] located about 3,000 km (1,900 mi) away from Concepción. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. [14] The hypocentre was at a depth of 10 km. [27] Caroline Holden proposed a three-fault model, consisting of a 6.3 Mw quake of 2–4 seconds on the Charing Cross fault, followed by a 6.9 Mw quake lasting 7–18 seconds on the Greendale Fault, and an approximately 6.5 Mw quake of 15–18 seconds near Hororata. Up 14. Usually the heart unit at Christchurch Hospital handles two to three heart attacks a day, but the rate had risen to eight to ten a day since the earthquake. [141], At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. The same estimate was echoed by the rival German-based Munich Re AG.[16]. Personnel also retreated to the station's highest building, GWR, while the tsunami warning was in effect, Ellis said. The administrative building was uninhabitable, and the authorities had to be set up in the parade ground. However, according to the University of Chile's Seismological Service, the seismic event was located 134 kilometers off the coast of Tirúa, measuring a magnitude 6.9 ML. [151], Initially, the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) said they did not expect a tsunami to reach New Zealand,[152] but later issued a warning stating that waves of up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) high were likely for the eastern[153] and later the entire New Zealand coast. Many of Christchurch's major landmarks survived intact, including the Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings, the Anglican cathedral, and Christ's College. [165], Réseau France Outre-mer in Papeete reported that a wave measuring less than 1 m (3 ft 3 in) passed east of the Gambier Islands with no damage, according to Monique Richeton, the mayor of Rikitea. [140], The projections use DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis) gauges spread along the sea floor, which is a fairly new technology. [111] Several other Christchurch area churches also suffered serious damage, including St. Mary's Anglican church in Merivale, St. John's Anglican church in Latimer Square, and the Rugby Street Methodist church. [152], A benefit concert, Band Together, was held on 23 October 2010 at Hagley Park. [76] A curfew was put in place from 7 pm to 7 am for parts of the central business district. The epicenter was 55 kilometres (34 mi) south of Lebu. The table below shows the percentage of the regional population whose homes were destroyed or were severely damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in the six most affected regions. The data were collected between May and June 2010. were expected to hit the eastern coast of the Philippines on Sunday between 05:00 and 06:30 UTC (13:00 and 14:30 local). Earthquake information for europe. [23] The maximum recorded peak ground acceleration was at Concepcion, with a value of 0.65 g (6.38 m/s2). The first wave was expected to reach American Samoa, which is still recovering from the 2009 Samoa earthquake and tsunami, at 08:51 local time. Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist for the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center was quoted as saying: "We expected the waves to be bigger in Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were. The organization warned of the possibility of dangerous waves, strong ocean currents and foreshore flooding to occur on the east coast of Australia for several hours on Sunday. The EQC has reinsurance of $2.5 billion with a $1.5 billion excess, so its exposure is the first $1.5 billion and any amount after the first $4 billion. [78], Access was restricted to over 350 homes in the town of Kaiapoi, of which about 100 were deemed unsafe. [83][84], A 5 km (3.1 mi) section of rail track was damaged near Kaiapoi and there was lesser track damage at Rolleston and near Belfast. [76][77] Power outages were reported as far away as Dunedin. This is 60 km (37 miles) north of Concepción and 170 km (110 miles) south-west of Talca. [102] Demolition began on 19 October 2010 and was continuing in late January. [105], The Valley Inn Tavern in Heathcote, built in 1877, survived the initial quake, but had to be torn down after the large 5.1 magnitude aftershock. The primary goal was to understand how the Chilean society and relevant organizations responded to the magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake that struck the region … The state tourism authorities announced they would be sending a letter to the CNN news network to protest the "alarming" way in which it had forecast a tsunami for the major tourist destination of Acapulco. The alleged offenders subsequently appeared in Court on burglary and theft charges in connection with the looting. References & Resources. [11] The New Zealand Army was deployed to help the police enforce the closure and curfew. Details of this damage is listed in the article on that aftershock. [26] It is tied with the 1906 Ecuador–Colombia and 1833 Sumatra earthquakes as the sixth strongest earthquake ever measured, approximately 500 times more powerful than the 7.0 Mw earthquake in Haiti one month prior in January 2010. [29], On 5 March, two aftershocks above M6.0 were reported. [62][63] Precise GPS measurement indicated the telluric movement moved the entire city of Concepción 3.04 metres (10.0 ft) to the west. [53] On Lautaro, Cañete, Nueva Imperial, Traiguén and Carahue the quake was felt at intensity VI (strong) of the Mercalli intensity scale. Duvauchelle Hotel was also seriously affected. Most of the damage was in the area surrounding the epicentre, including the city of Christchurch, New Zealand's second-largest urban area with a population of 386,000. [112], The city's Repertory Theatre, on Kilmore Street in the central city, was reported to be extensively damaged and may be beyond repair,[113] however the Repertory Theatre website notes "Beneath the rubble the lower façade is intact with not even a broken window. Kanamori, H. (1977). The segment of the fault zone which ruptured in this earthquake was estimated to be over 700 km (430 mi) long with a displacement of almost 10 meters, or 120 years of accumulated plate movement. [110] The government warned looters they would face the full weight of the law, as penalties for stealing are increased under a state of catastrophe. The quake was felt as lasting up to 40 seconds,[10] and was felt widely across the South Island, and in the North Island as far north as New Plymouth. [105], Nearly half the places in the country were declared "catastrophe zones", and curfews were imposed in some areas of looting and public disorder. [86], Major bridges on state highways and the Lyttelton road tunnel were inspected by the NZ Transport Agency, and found to be in structurally sound condition. [91], The quake caused damage to historic buildings in Lyttelton, Christchurch's port town, including cracks in a church and the destruction of parts of a hotel. [2] Chile's Seismological Service located the quake's epicenter at about 34 km (21 miles) off the coast of Ñuble Region in the Biobío Region. PHSchool.com has been retired. The repair of electricity was estimated to be more difficult in the rural areas. [19] Initially, a curfew was established for parts of Christchurch Central City from 7 pm to 7 am in response to the earthquake. Bachelet descartó tsunami, y dijo que no necesita ayuda internacional", "Int'l community offers sympathy, aid to quake-stricken Chile", "Así será el programa de televisión Chile Ayuda a Chile", "Centenares de personas saquearon supermercado en Concepción", "Turba saquea varios supermercados en Chile tras caos generado por el sismo de 8.8 grados de magnitud", "Ya son 723 los muertos por el fuerte terremoto de 8.8 grados que destruyó gran parte de Chile", "Saqueos y violencia azotan Chile tras terremoto de 8.8 grados", "Chile earthquake: looters return £1.3 million of stolen goods", "Lawlessness after quake in Chile fishing village", "Security concerns spread as Chile quake death toll rises", "Balance: 160 personas fueron detenidas durante la noche", Chile’s San Antonio Port Returns to 80% Capacity (Update1), "Chile wants loans, focuses on aid for quake areas", Minagri anuncia que consecuencias de terremoto no afectarán abastecimiento de trigo y leche, Molineros aseguran normal abastecimiento de harina, pero panaderos acusan alzas en precios, "El sismo hace escasear la cerveza en Chile", "Continúa la escasez de cerveza por terremoto", "Massive earthquake, aftershocks rattle Chile tsunami warning issued", « Strong earthquake hits Chile, Tsunami warning issued in region », "L.A. County fire officials expect waves from Chile quake to top at 3 feet; no warning to be issued", "PTWC Bulletin 18: cancelling warning for all countries except Japan and Russia", "Tsunami threatens Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Pacific Rim", New Zealand is among 53 Pacific Ocean nations where tsunami alerts have been issued following an earthquake off Chile, "Tsunami Monitoring and Warning in Hong Kong", "Coastal B.C. People were found dead after the earthquake struck, mostly under buildings and inside cars. During their escape, prisoners burned seven houses close to the prison. [135] No large wave was expected to strike British Columbia, but strong local ocean currents combined with a wave put low-lying coastal regions at risk of flooding. [8] Because this aftershock was centred very close to Christchurch, it was much more destructive and resulted in the deaths of 185 people. The New Zealand Army deployed personnel upon the request of the Christchurch mayor. [70], Santiago's national Fine Arts Museum was badly damaged and did not reopen until 9 March 2010. [116], On 4 March, President-elect Sebastián Piñera, who assumed office on 11 March, was quoted as saying that his goals were "to cope with the emergency needs of citizens, find people who are still missing, provide prompt and timely assistance to the sick and wounded, and restore law and order so that people can return to peace. Police emphasised this was only an isolated incident. Chile earthquake Image: A number of towns and villages were completely destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami Just over a month after Haiti's devastating earthquake, Chile … Heritage New Zealand board member Anna Crighton said the earthquake had been "unbelievably destructive." This has caused problems for the gravity-fed sewer system, which may need to be completely rebuilt in some areas. [127] Hawaiian media reported that tsunami warning sirens first sounded at 06:00 local time. Earthquake information. The mayor warned of significant penalties for demolishing buildings without consent, and launched a fund to help repair historic buildings damaged by the quake. Earthquake information. One man stated, "I've personally saved dozens of people from attack in this apartment block. [129] Although the earthquake killed far fewer people than the Haitian earthquake less than 7 weeks prior, it was still devastating. [107] However, measures were taken late. The first wave arrived on Pago Plaza at 21:58 UTC. [75] Four metres (13 ft) of sideways movement has been measured between the two sides of the previously unknown fault. Following the earthquake, the polls for the mayoral election swung from favourite Jim Anderton to incumbent Bob Parker. [124] Liquefaction risk at the Pegasus Town site was identified in 2005, so the developers spent approximately $20 million on soil compaction, and the ground there held firm during the quake. As a result of the warnings, patrolled beaches in New South Wales and Queensland remained closed (red flags) and lifeguards ushered people to leave the water. Since the major earthquake, and as of 15 March, at least four to forty >M5.0 earthquakes have been recorded daily in the vicinity of the main earthquake,[42] including four above magnitude 6.0 between 3 March and 6 March. [117] The Government allocated NZ$10 million towards restoration of such buildings a few days later. [1], The earthquake took place along the boundary between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates, at a location where they converge at a rate of eighty millimeters (3 in) a year. [165] Lieutenant Governor Ipulasi Aitofele Sunia urged residents not to rush to A'oloau, a high elevation area on Tutuila, as it could cause traffic jams, putting safety at risk. [98] In the later Christchurch earthquake in February 2011 the building was severely damaged, and it is planned by Heritage New Zealand for it to be dismantled, with the possibility of reconstruction. Originating off the coast of southern Chile on May 22, 1960, the temblor caused substantial damage and loss of life in Chile and—as a result of the tsunamis it generated—in Hawaii, … [2] By 6 March UTC, more than 130 aftershocks had been registered, including thirteen above magnitude 6.0.[30]. World earthquake list. [135] The first wave was expected to reach southern British Columbia at 15:11 local time. The EQC payout is limited to the first $100,000 plus GST of any individual claim, with any amount above that covered by the insurance company holding the policy. The leading Chilean newspaper El Mercurio described the situation in Chillán as reminiscent of the "Wild West". [146][147], A joint mayoral relief fund has been established by Selwyn District Council, Christchurch City Council and Waimakariri District Council, to which the government has initially given NZ$5 million. [101] In July 2010, the government of Argentina released a statement that they would lend $300 million to Chile for reconstruction efforts using Argentine goods.[177]. In Temuco it was perceived at intensity V (moderate). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 11(3), 216-226. Several cases of gastroenteritis were reported. The tsunami warning was cancelled for all countries except Japan and Russia in PTWC Bulletin 18 of 00:12 UTC on 28 February 2010. Many coastal areas in Japan had been evacuated as a precaution. The port of Valparaíso was ordered to be closed due to the damage caused by the earthquake. The scarcity favored consumption of "premium beers" like Kunstmann and Paceña. Two Dunedin supermarkets sold out of bottled water following the earthquake as people stocked up on emergency supplies. Tsunami waves of between 10 cm and 50 cm were recorded and their surges were believed to have created strong currents. [94], The earthquake was a wake-up call to many New Zealand residents. It had a total fund prior to this earthquake of approx $6 billion. Police promptly arrested a couple of opportunists who had broken into a liquor store shortly after the quake and attempted to take alcohol. In Concepción, Talcahuano and Temuco it was felt at intensity V, and in Chillán and Valdivia at intensity IV. [130], In general, tsunamis tend to come in several waves, of which the first may not be the highest. [101] That decision was reversed hours later when the building's owner proposed to dismantle the building over several weeks. [150], The response to the earthquake was praised by most citizens with 94% saying that Civil Defence had performed well and 90% saying the City Council had performed well. The 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile on Saturday, 27 February 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC). [12][13], The earthquake's epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 mi) west of Christchurch, close to the town of Darfield. [89] The final death toll of 525 victims and 25 people missing was announced by authorities in January 2011. [123], A tsunami warning was first declared for Chile and Peru,[124] and a tsunami watch for Ecuador, Colombia, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica. Crime in Christchurch decreased eleven percent compared with the previous year following the earthquake, although there were initial reports of looting in the city centre and "known criminals" trying to pass off as council workers to get into the central city cordon area. [27], An aftershock of 6.2 was recorded 20 minutes after the initial quake. Chile earthquake of 1960, the largest earthquake recorded in the 20th century. [150] Mariano Rojas Bustos, then head of Chile's oceanographic service SHOA, which is part of the country's navy, was later fired for the organization's failure to provide clear warnings about the tsunami. [115] The spire of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Temuka was also shifted 10 centimetres (4 in) by the earthquake, leaving it precariously balanced, and the town's historic Royal Hotel was also damaged. [135] Residents were advised to avoid beaches, harbors and marinas. CARE is an international humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and world hunger by working alongside women and girls. As the building was newly completed, 19 of the apartments were occupied and 36 were unknown if there were residents therein. Chilean television host Don Francisco led a telethon called Chile helps Chile with the goal of raising 15 billion pesos (about US$29 million) needed to build 30,000 emergency houses ("mediaguas"). In many cities, people slept in tents, in parks or simply on the streets for fear of aftershocks. [6][1][2][7] It was felt strongly in six Chilean regions (from Valparaíso in the north to Araucanía in the south), that together make up about 80 percent of the country's population. [114], On 28 February, President Bachelet said that her government had reached an agreement with the major supermarkets which would allow them to give away basic foodstuffs in stock to people affected by the earthquake. According to one health official, three hospitals in Santiago collapsed, and a dozen more south of the capital also suffered significant damage.[72]. Initial deep sea readings showed wave height of 25 centimeters, which is huge for deep water, according to Gerard Fryer of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. According to an Associated Press Television News cameraman, some buildings collapsed in Santiago and there were power outages in parts of the city. [87] The Main South Line, linking Christchurch with Dunedin, was given the all-clear and reopened, albeit with a 40 km/h speed restriction north of Ashburton,[86] just after 6 pm to allow emergency aid, including 300,000 litres (70,000 imp gal; 80,000 US gal) of drinking water, to be railed into Christchurch. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. [2] The end-regions of the rupture zone coincided with the Andean oroclines of Maipo (33° S) and Arauco (37° S). [108], In the prison of El Manzano in Concepción, a prison riot began after a failed escape attempt by the inmates. [140] On 7 September, John Key appointed Cabinet Minister, Leader of the House and MP for the Christchurch electorate of Ilam Gerry Brownlee as the Minister for Earthquake Recovery to oversee the response to the earthquake. [90], The Chilean National Emergency Office (Oficina Nacional de Emergencia) estimated that the intensity of the earthquake was 9 on the Mercalli intensity scale in the Biobío Region and 8 in Santiago. A beer rationing scheme implemented by CCU, in parks or simply on the outskirts Santiago... Boil tap water before using it for brushing teeth, drinking, and Christ 's College and Waimakariri District the! Dressing rooms intact, band Together, was extensively damaged connection with the looting port captains 2010 chile earthquake saved lives. 1,600 ft ) percent jump in the Pichilemu region. [ 18 ] the... Significant damage to docks and pilings in the article on that aftershock ( Ruinoso ) is. 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