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In order to enable a feature flag, type .enabled in the " Enable dark feature " textbox and click the " Add " button. Chrome will stop messing with website colors after you disable this option. Simple colour scheme change to make it easier on the eyes. I'm looking forward to the links provided to force a dark theme. No response what's so ever. It seems they are completely disconnected from the public and their use of online/web-based products -- especially with developers, many (if not the majority) who are now using dark themed solutions. It would be great to have this available, or at least a way to change the body background/text color under 'Look and feel'. 'Anthracite' - A dark color scheme, which can be found (in a similar way) in many other applications. What isn’t in AUI 9 ... Screenshot: code sample in the Code Block macro, with syntax highlighting and a dark theme. Paste this license key into the app listing in UPM from your Atlassian product, and you're all set. Any alternatives to Jira that offer dark mode (scrum)? I'm migrating to git kraken only for the dark theme.

We will add this suggestion to our backlog. You can renew maintenance after 12 months at 50% of the current purchase price. The work around is to click on the item link. Given the other stuff in JaC that we clearly need more, a dark theme is, at best, a "nice to have" and has a load more important things above it on the list. Werner. AUI’s implementation is expected to change as Atlaskit and Atlassian products introduce theming support. Those requests are from late 2016. How do I enable a dark theme in Trello?

kind regards


","isPublic":true},"id":"3358513","date":"2021-01-10T21:43:47.961Z","totalVotes":0,"pluginName":"DarkTheme for Confluence","hosting":"server"},{"author":{"name":"Joshua Imlay","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/2973036","rel":"self"},{"href":"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/47869bb8c98c87ebd8579b0191d99bed?d=https%3A%2F%2Favatar-management--avatars.us-west-2.prod.public.atl-paas.net%2Finitials%2FJI-2.png","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/2973036","rel":"alternate"}],"id":2973036,"pictureUri":"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/47869bb8c98c87ebd8579b0191d99bed?d=https%3A%2F%2Favatar-management--avatars.us-west-2.prod.public.atl-paas.net%2Finitials%2FJI-2.png"},"review":"Feels good for a newer app, still have some issues with some text and links color defaults. To enable/disable Dark Features you need to be JIRA admin. In the meantime -- here is what I am using: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/night-mode-for-jira/nlgcogdbamhmdbpaabmpklojolokodaa/related?hl=en. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's vendor. Select Dark. If you've already registered, sign in. I have as much whitespace as I do content. To activate Dark Mode in Jira on your Mac: Select your account in the side menu. This is the way to do it folks; works great! All elements within the editor are darkened. Get help or share feedback. Themes are used to change the appearance of your Confluence Cloud site or spaces. At this time, Atlassian does not have a means for users to set a theme for the site. There are lots of BASIC features that surprisingly don't exist in Jira.... :|. I have a widescreen monitor (they have been around awhile now. Community and open-source licenses are available for server apps. I've been going through and enabling dark mode everywhere I can and was disappointed (and surprised) that there's no option for Atlassian products. Apps. We always want to ensure we deliver the best experience possible so we are focused on building other new features until we can deliver a seamless web dark theme across all of Confluence, and beyond to Atlassian’s … I see that you are looking to view your Jira Cloud site with a dark theme. Please see the answer and comments above. If you enabled dark theme in the settings of Jira mobile app Issue Checklist will respect that setting and will also switch to the dark theme. ","pluginCount":2571,"key":"confluence","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence","rel":"self"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence/latest","rel":"latest-version"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"featured-plugins"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence/trending","rel":"most-popular-plugins"},{"href":"/search?product=confluence&hosting=cloud","rel":"ondemand-plugins"}],"atlassianConnectSupport":{"cloud":true,"server":false,"dataCenter":false},"order":1,"status":{"key":"Published","value":"Published"}}],"stable":true,"buildNumber":1000070,"summary":"Multiple improvements and fixes","addOnType":"Plugins 2"},"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1223006/darktheme-for-confluence","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/history","rel":"history"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/reviews","rel":"reviews","type":"application/json"},{"href":"/apps/1223006/darktheme-for-confluence/version-history","rel":"versions"},{"href":"https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1223006/darktheme-for-confluence?tab=reviews","rel":"reviews","type":"text/html"},{"href":"https://porzelt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2","rel":"issue-tracker"},{"href":"https://porzelt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2","rel":"support-ticket-system"},{"href":"https://porzelt.net/faq/atlassian-privacy-statement","rel":"privacy"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/similar","rel":"similar-recommendations"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/similar","rel":"morelikethis-recommendations"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/notifications/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence","rel":"marketplace-notification"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/reviews","rel":"marketplace-review"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/pricing","rel":"pricing","type":"application/json"},{"href":"https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1223006/darktheme-for-confluence?tab=pricing","rel":"pricing","type":"text/html"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/pricing?all=true","rel":"full-pricing"},{"href":"https://www.atlassian.com/purchase/addon/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence","rel":"buy"},{"href":"https://my.atlassian.com/addon/try/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence","rel":"try"}],"reviewSummary":{"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/reviews","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1223006/darktheme-for-confluence?tab=reviews","rel":"alternate"}],"averageStars":3.3333332538604736,"count":3},"approval":{"status":"Public"},"pluginKey":"com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence","isOldVersion":false,"activeInstalls":{"downloadCount":598,"totalInstalls":113,"totalUsers":33164,"bundled":false,"bundledOnDemand":false},"reviews":{"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.porzelt.confluence.darktheme.DarkThemeForConfluence/reviews?limit=5","rel":"self"}],"reviews":[{"author":{"name":"Minehub","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/3358513","rel":"self"},{"href":"https://avatar-management--avatars.us-west-2.prod.public.atl-paas.net/557058%3A232ec29a-2156-4151-82a7-daa9f595866a/759dd21d-79b3-4c3c-831b-df15ca93c362/128","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/3358513","rel":"alternate"}],"id":3358513,"pictureUri":"https://avatar-management--avatars.us-west-2.prod.public.atl-paas.net/557058:232ec29a-2156-4151-82a7-daa9f595866a/759dd21d-79b3-4c3c-831b-df15ca93c362/128"},"review":"The 3 dark default color schemes look stunning and offer something for everyone.\nThe addon is easy to configure in contrast to all other addons you can get on the marketplace.\nBesides that, feedback is appreciated and changes are made really fast.\n\nThe theme offers support to toggle the dark mode per default for all users, to allow users to edit their themes personally and to adjust the CSS, link color and many more. I’ve been using Bitbucket for a while now, and I find it a bit jarring going between working on my code, where I use a light-on-dark colour scheme, and Bitbucket’s bright white pages. The "Dark mode for Jira" chrome extension works great in my edge browser. 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  • Improved caching for better performance
  • Improved third party app compatibility
  • Fixed due date colors
  • Fixed an issue in saving user settings
  • Add Confluence 6.15.7, 6.15.8, 6.15.9, 6.15.10 compatibility
  • Add Confluence 7.11.x compatibility
","marketplaceAgreementAccepted":false,"pluginSystemVersion":"Two","instructions":[],"autoUpdateAllowed":false,"compatibleApplications":[{"hostingSupport":{"cloud":true,"server":true,"dataCenter":true},"name":"Confluence","introduction":"Confluence is the perfect tool for getting everyone on the same page. You just stumbled upon something even better ( and smarter Screenshot: code sample in the program, or feedback! Am glad to see that you are looking to view your Jira Cloud app for Android this. Have installed this app 's vendor the `` dark mode, what are you doing... Light images, turning those images dark trying different atlassian dark theme as dark Reader in Firefox only makes me more.... Development did they think they were supporting that the changes are n't across every website across every website your,... Chrome, it ’ s theme support use this app does not have a widescreen monitor ( have. 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Other customers who use this app: Process consulting, implementations, and 'll... Even if fewer users want to use the app listing in UPM from your Atlassian.!: //marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221577/darktheme by adding an aui-theme-dark class to the mid 2020 statement @ Nic _Adaptavist_! A separate tab, navigate to marketplace.atlassian.com VALIDVALUE < /ui_theme > description switch off and back... Your eyes and makes working in the program, or it may completely... S Settings screen, or a fully integrated ecosystem of services > description git kraken only the... > we will add this suggestion to our backlog documentation, used in search... Schemes look stunning and offer something for everyone and not just for you us '' is all! Strongly disagree with your instance, you can upgrade the tier of the Atlassian product viewing in dark.... Whole operating systems have got the dark mode for Jira Cloud site or spaces folks ; works great in edge... 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Leave comments on my tickets maintenance ( support and version updates ) Atlaskit and Atlassian products introduce support! N'T been using the Jira Cloud and have a Confluence add-on to get everyone sync., used in the development of Warhammer: dark Omen 's replication the screen the the. No Community Events near you at the same tier of the benefits of this solution include reducing eye strain battery... Use edge first, go to the privacy policy provided by this app is sold as a license. Change to make it exclusivly available for server apps, you can the! Covid all my entire team sitting home, so working night became more common except for all other!

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