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Posted on February 7, 2012 by Reem. Mike Ghouse is committed to build a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. Sunni Muslims celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday on the 12th day of Rabi-al-Allal month, and Shiite Muslims celebrate it on the 17th of the same month. The Prophet’s birthday was first celebrated by the Fatimid rulers of Egypt in the fourth century of Islam. Also, stories of the Prophet Muhammad are told and poetry about him recited. People who destroyed Muslim heritage sites said it was in fear of people turning into pagans, But where are the Muslim Pagans since the inception of Islam until they came about in the 20th century? It generally involves an assembly where lengthy poems are recited in Arabic eulogizing the Prophet, his birth, his life, and his sufferings, etc. @Muslimah8320 This is one of the most controversial topic among muslims for some long time now. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is an imitation of the Christians, because they celebrate the birth of the Messiah, peace be upon him. Out of nowhere a bunch of miscreants started pelting rocks at them and the prophet started bleeding. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) fasted on Mondays, and no other day, but from year to the next, his birthday may come on … There are many who will celebrate his birthday ( Mawlid ) with abandon, immerse themselves in cherishing his memory and enjoy moments of spiritual ecstasy singing his praises. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It was a raging conflict, and they decided to go to Muhammad knowing he would do the right thing. The best way to build cohesive societies is for its members to participate in festivities as well as commemorations of each other, or at least understand each other's' joys and sorrows. Muhammad is the last prophet who was born in Mecca. One poem, called Qasida al-Burda, is specifically recited. Do you think that celebrating his birthday is permissible or prohibited? Copyright © 2021 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. INTERFAITH DIALOGUE - Muhammad (pbuh) was the first Human in history to have initiated an interfaith dialogue, and he showed tremendous respect for the otherness of others. the prophet MOHAMMAD peace be upon him never celebrate his birthday nor his companions did it ,this is an innovation following other religions ,such as Christ-mass MADINAH CHARTER - It is one of the first pluralist constitutions of a state that offered freedom to practice ones faith. While the exact day is not known with certainty, the Prophet’s birthday is usually celebrated on the 12th day of Rabi Al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. The earliest celebrations of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday were in the 8th century in Mecca and the first official public celebrations occurred in Egypt in the 11th century. • Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet has no origin amongst the Sahabas: The (Sahabas) Companion of the Messenger PBUH never celebrated the birthday of the Prophet, neither in his life nor after his … This February 4 (the 12 of Rabi al-Awwal) is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. Prophet gives an example of planting a seed or sapling that will grow to be a tree and benefit the future wayfarers with a fruit or the shade. However, most Muslims celebrate it by singing Milaad Carols known as Naats and Nasheeds and celebrate his life. Therefore, to celebrate the holiday is a bid’ah, or innovation in the religion, and thus should be prohibited. It is an historical fact that the earliest generations of Muslims did not celebrate the Prophet’s birthday. Muslims around the world celebrate Mawlid (Muhammad's birth) in Rabi’ al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. The answer is that it is not permitted to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), or the birthday of any other person, because this … We have to earn the trust among the people we live, no matter who they are. holiday in many Muslim majority countries, other communities have done with their prophets, Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies. Indeed, goodwill is sustainable. There is nothing in the Qur’aan to say that we should celebrate the Mawlid or birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Then he advises, the conflicts persist because we don't know each other. Justice gives birth to peace, and when there is justice, a sense of security permeates in individuals and the societies. Mawlid An-Nabi, the Prophet’s (Peace and blessings be upon him) birthday, if you want to analyze this to know if it’s a Sunnah or an innovation, first of all, people celebrate it on the 12th day of Rabi’ Al-Awwal, however, the authentic opinion of scholars is that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was born on the 9th of the third month of the Islamic calendar. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY - He told his daughter that she will have to earn a place in paradise through her own deeds, there is no nepotism, and you stand on your own. In reality, Muslims who do not celebrate the birthday refuse to do so because they believe it is not an appropriate way to express their love of the Prophet. I am pleased to present a few of the 15 key incidents from my speech. The first model he created was to be Amin of the society; that is being just, truthful and trust worthy. A safe society to him was like mother's lap for the infants; safe, worry-free and secure. Can you apply this in your daily life? Celebration doesn't always mean a party, and prophet Muhammad did celebrate his "birthday" by fasting every monday. We remember him and pray, but do not have a problem with the way others chose to celebrate him. If there is a demand for it, I will write the sequel. Muslims around the world will be celebrating the 1444th birth celebrations of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on Jan. 14, 2014. When we live in the same communities as neighbors, we might as well learn about each other. Despite the disagreement, one thing that all Muslims agree on is the importance of the Prophet Muhammad in the Islamic worldview. His associates were angry and ready to go and get the bad boys, but the prophet said no to them, then the arch angel Gabriel appeared and said, he would crush them all into pieces. Imitating them is extremely haram. BILAL - Honoring Bilal, the freed slave with a superior place in paradise was to remove the racial barriers. The main tenet of Islam is the belief in God and that Muhammad is his final messenger and prophet. Prophet held them all back. Can you think of how valuable this is in peace negotiations? Of course, just as some of us in West don't quite believe in equality of women, there are Muslims who do the same. As a pluralist, I had a lot of questions about prophet Muhammad before recognizing him as a peace maker and a mercy to mankind. The book, Muhammad by Karen Armstrong was a great help in understanding the man and his decision making process geared to create peaceful societies, and have since come to love his work. They wanted to build societies where every human was free to pursue his life, liberty and happiness. Just a day before they were fighting with each other for exclusive rights, and here they are, facing each other, and participating together to set the stone back in its place. Indeed that is the first and foundational Sunnah (practice) to build peaceful societies. He announced that women were free to marry, divorce, own property and business in a time when women were considered a chattel. Conflict mitigation and goodwill nurturance. Muslims commemorate this day, which is also known as Maulidur Rasul or Maulud Nabi, by sending their blessings to Prophet Muhammad with recitations of praises and blessings (marhaban). Morocco Tunisia Egypt Ethiopia Lebanon Syria Palestine Turkey Iraq Iran Uzbekistan Pakistan and many more every year celebrate the prophet's birth. This past Saturday, February 4th, Muslims around the world celebrated the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday or as it’s known in Arabic, Mawlid al-Nabi. Did Muslims call him the Amin? CIVIL DIALOUGE - Sura Kafirun offers the best example of conducting civil dialogue. Indeed, prophet Muhammad's life was an example of living the life of a peace maker. No one is superior to the others in the eyes of God. This holiday is usually not celebrated with large parties as one may expect. The prophet was a simple man and did not want to celebrate his birthday, nor did he encourage anyone to do so. It is about what makes him a mercy to mankind. There are opposing beliefs towards … HUDAIBIAH - Prophet gave an example of learning to respect the otherness of other, one of the greatest examples that can be applied in peace making in most situations. Believers around the world celebrate the event in varied ways, including sharing with the poor and congregating in mosques. Why do you think that the Prophet’s birthday has generated so much disagreement? And if others feel safe and secure with you, God and the prophet would be pleased with you. The Prophet's Birthday is an important occasion for Islamic believers. Nor did any of his companions celebrate … Indeed, prophet could have placed the stone himself or asked one of the elders of his tradition to do it, but being a peace maker, he saw this was going to be a model to mitigate conflicts and nurture goodwill between the leaders. The best way to honor the prophet is to follow him, and become a Rahmat (kind and just) to your spouse, kids, siblings, parents, family, friends, customers, clients, vendors and every human around you. This past Saturday, February 4th, Muslims around the world celebrated the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday or as it’s known in Arabic, Mawlid al-Nabi. Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in the year 570 AD. Some supporters of the birthday also commit gross exaggerations in their praise of the Prophet and in celebrating his birthday. From Damascus to Delhi, Tehran to Timbuktu, there will be sweets, music, poetry and celebration. You may say that prophet Muhammad never celebrate his birthday. The Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his death. Please share your comments below. If aggravated, small conflicts can flare up into major wars, but if mitigated peace is the outcome. Even though this day is a holiday in many Muslim majority countries, Muslims do not agree on whether this day should be celebrated at all. • Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet has no origin in the Sunnah: The Messenger PBUH himself never celebrated his birthday nor did he command any such occasion for Muslims. Prophet Muhammad's formula for peace: Mohammed Khalid Tanveer • … The Islamic ruling on celebrating birthday is that it is a foreign practice … Celebrations now include carnivals, special sweets, and distributions of food. Decide i am just warner. With regard to singling out one day of the year for fasting it, in celebration of the birth of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), this is an innovation (bid‘ah) that is contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Sunni celebrations later began around the 12th century. In Dallas, we celebrate the season of nonviolence between Jan. 30 and April 4 every year, and it is a period between the assassinations of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Over the last few years we have added prophet Muhammad as a peace maker, and Jesus as a pluralist to the talks. people go from reading of his life to singing songs in praise of him and thanking God for him, some were written during his life and others after. The event is used to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, who is the founder of Islam. The Prophet Muhamad neither celebrated his birthday nor the birthdays of any other human being including his family. Once, the stone came off the wall and created a huge problem -- it was considered sacred and each one of the dozen or so leaders of different traditions was fighting for his holy right to put the stone back in its place. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. There is no free lunch. I had the chance to go to a mawlid celebration for the first time ever. The Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, also known as Mawlid, is a Muslim holiday that takes place on November 9 to 11th, or the 12th day of the third month of the lunar calendar, which is used in Islam. I wanted to understand the prophet as a human with whom I can relate, and critically review his contributions towards creating cohesive societies, where no individual had to live in apprehension and fear of the other. He was born in Mecca, Hijaz, now Saudi Arabia on 12th of Rabiul Awwal, the third month of Islamic calendar which translates to the year 570 AD. The prophet was a simple man and did not want to celebrate his birthday, nor did he encourage anyone to do so. Shia Muslims were the first to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. A peacemaker is one who mitigates conflicts and nurtures good will and brings about a sustainable balance to the society. Moreover, they argue that Muslims are instructed not to do the same to the Prophet Muhammad as other communities have done with their prophets. WOMEN - Men and women are each other's garment, protector, supporter, respect and honor. He was a radical women's libber. EQUALITY OF HUMANS - Inculcating the values of equality through the prayers, fasting and other rituals of Islam. It's a lesson for Muslim majority nations to follow. Muslims from all around the world have celebrated the prophets birth for the past 700 years. Indeed, India's constitution is enriched with similar elements. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was sent as a mercy to the people, the UAE leaders have said as they paid tribute to his legacy ahead of his birthday. While the exact day is not known with certainty, the Prophet’s birthday is usually celebrated on the 12th day of Rabi Al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. You can visit this link QuraanToday.com. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. He knew violence begets violence and goodwill nurtures peace, so he prays for them with effective results. Conclusion: celebrating the Prophet’s birthday was not prescribed by Allaah or by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so it is not permissible for the Muslims to celebrate his birthday, in obedience to the command of Allaah and the command of His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He is considered to be the example that all Muslims strive to emulate and for this reason his life is remembered and commemorated in some way by all his followers, whether they celebrate his birthday or not. "Festivals of the World" is an educational series published by Mike Ghouse since 1993. No, there were no Muslims at that time; it was the Pagans, Jews, Christians and others who called him Amin. There is no room for prejudice of any kind in Islam; it is prejudice that destroys the social fabric of a society. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Mahatma Gandhi applied that principle effectively in his great Salt (Dandi) March. Those who oppose celebrating the Prophet’s birthday argue that there are no accounts of the Prophet Muhammad or his early companions celebrating his birthday. Islamic Ruling on Birthdays. To those who are celebrating birthday of prophet mohammed (saws) no one knows the exact date of his birth there is a dispute, on thing is confirmed he died on 12 rabi-alawal. This Feb. 4 (the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal) is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. How do you celebrate this day? What has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is different to celebration. Now imagine what was going on in their minds! This is not called into question by anyone, even those who advocate celebrating it. Muslim scholars disagree over the legality of celebrating this holiday. Although the exact date of his birth is unknown, Muslims agree he was born in the year 570 CE. Part of HuffPost Religion. Interestingly, some countries, most notably Saudi Arabia, actually discourage the celebration of Muhammad's birthday since it is often the occasion for the excessive veneration of the Prophet. Muslim. GOOD DEED - What is a good deed? They are in fact celebrating the day when our beloved prophet (saws) left this world. The hadith tells us that it is forbidden to imitate the kuffar, and we are commanded to differ from them. Please note the simplicity in writing is designed for people of other faiths to learn and to know, so we can function cohesively. Click here to email Inside Islam. However, like all faith groups, Muslims are guilty as well in not following the guidance to the fullest extent. Some claim the prophet himself celebrated his birthday by fasting on that day; others claim it is Bidaah because Sahabas did not even celebrate their own birthdays let alone the prophet's birthday, and we should follow them given they are more committed to Islam than us. ASWAD NARRATIVE Other scholars maintain that while there is no precedent for the holiday that spending the day remembering the Prophet Muhammad is something positive. TRASH THROWN ON THE PROPHET - It is the patience and genuine caring without having an ill-will towards the one who had the ill-will towards you. The term Maulid is used in Egypt and Sudan to refer to the birthdays of Muhammad and local Sufi saints. Aswad is a precious stone that prophet Abraham had affixed in the wall of Kaaba, the cubical building in Mecca, around which Muslims circumambulate as a part of the Hajj rituals. To celebrate or not to celebrate Public celebrations of the birth of Prophet Muhammad did not happen until about four centuries after his death. On his way to the City of Taif, he rested in a place with his associates. He called on them to join him, and laid a carpet on the floor and lifted the stone and placed it in the middle of the carpet. The occasion is celebrated on the 12th of Rabi al-awwal, the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar, this year corresponding to December 11 and 12. View the CC license | This February 4 (the 12 ofRabi al-Awwal) is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. I don’t see the big fear of it, but I see the great joy in it and the caution of people turning to it more than the ritual prayers. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood). You have heard them all, but perhaps seeing it in a humanistic dimension for the first time. Due to space limitations, I will end the article here and urge you, Muslims in particular to see the application of prophet's formula "mitigating conflicting and nurturing goodwill" in the following instances. He asserts that the best one among you is the one who takes the time to know the neighbor. Public celebrations of the birth of Prophet Muhammad did not happen until about four centuries after his death. Instead he turned the other cheek, simply meaning -- do not aggravate the conflict further, but find the solution. It is one of the first models of mitigating conflicts and nurturing goodwill. Indeed, if we sum up the work of Zarathustra, Moses, Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Mahavira, Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, Nanak, Bahaullah, and other masters in native traditions, we clearly see the propagation of these twin values. The famous 8th-century historian Ibn Battuta relates in his Rihla, Vol. However, most Muslims celebrate it by singing Milaad Carols known as Naats and Nasheeds and celebrate his life. Peace can be defined as a state of mind where one lives without apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other. I have been skeptical about the divine status accorded to religious masters in every tradition including Islam. Each group was allowed to apply their own faith laws to their situation. “Throughout the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, he never for once celebrated his birthday, and did not direct his righteous followers to do anything of that nature’’. When you know each other conflicts fade and solutions emerge. Sustaining peace and harmony in a given society hinges on justice and mercy, the qualities we ascribe to the creator. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is considered an important and auspicious day amongst Muslims. Mike Ghouse is a Muslim speaker and a pluralist. He then asked the leaders to stand around the carpet and lift it in unison. In one single act, the conflicts were mitigated and environment of goodwill was cultivated. This is too elementary for the followers of the faith, but informational to those who are not aware of the tradition. There are many who will celebrate his birthday (Mawlid) with abandon, immerse themselves in cherishing his memory and enjoy moments of spiritual ecstasy singing his praises. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is indeed a peacemaker and a mercy to mankind, and is one of my mentors along with Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa and my late father Abdul Rahman. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. It was really as I had expected, and nothing of the fears I was cautioned of. Just as Jesus and the other great masters had endured harassment, prophet Muhammad faced it as well. Do you celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday? If he celebrates the Arrival of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), on every punishment is reduced, Then what rewards should be imagined for the one who celebrates the Arrival of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) all his life and passes away as a Muslim. I do get it but is this true or made up because other sites have a different day for his birthday. HUMILITY - Treat no prophet above the other, it is one of the most powerful verses in Quran, and it is to prevent Muslims from believing that their prophet is superior and becoming arrogant. This poem was written by the 13th century Sufi Al-Busiri. Today, we have Pope Francis amidst us who is a blessing to carry out their work. God informs in Quran (49:13) that he created humanity from a single couple into multitudes of tribes, communities, nations, and conflicts were bound to happen with the given differences. But don't you ever read any hadith, once a shahabah asked him why he does fasting in monday, and he answered because monday was the day he was born. Why? Conflicts can flare up into major wars, but do not aggravate conflict... Used in Egypt and Sudan to refer to the City of Taif, he in... For his birthday, nor did any of his birth is unknown, Muslims on... 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