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Photo by David Himbert / Hans Lucas Studio. Please. I carry Morocco’s love with me, add to it, and give it forward. It has a 48% cancer rate. The officers were three white men: Jon Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove. For several decades, ending in about 1973, the Eugenics Movement targeted African American women on which to perform coerced and forced sterilizations and hysterectomies. In support of  peaceful and patriotic protesters who speak out, who take a knee, who raise a fist, who march forward, who take ethical ground—I write. For six months I persisted. The subtitle reads “Workers of the world, stroke yourselves!”. She is a student in the creative writing department of Boise State University where her focus is creative non-fiction and poetry. I’d like to have the spaciousness in which to remember the experience of humanity, warmth, and welcoming I received in France when I was twenty-five. Our viewpoint and experience differ depending on which side of colonialism and racial discrimination we land. The Black man repeatedly shouted, “Get off my neck.” In London, like in Paris, like in Minneapolis, the events were captured on video—which is good. In 2005, after a long struggle with Baghdad, the Iraqi Kurds won constitutional recognition of their autonomous region, and the Kurdistan Regional Government has since signed oil contracts with a number of Western oil companies as well as with Turkey. Since then, I have moved fifty-one times in America. Deplorable case examples: Dred Scott vs Sandford, The Civil Rights Cases, Plessy vs Ferguson, Buck vs Bell, Korematsu vs United States, Citizens United vs FEC. In 2020, police brutality toward Black people remains a source of social terror. During a pandemic, many global lives can be lost in three months. Yet, in just this one section of the family there was the progeny of a once slave owner and a former slave; there were Irish and African, Christian and Muslim, alcohol abuse and mental illness, high-level mathematics and masonry. Your charity, begun at home, spreads abroad. Photo by David Himbert / Hans Lucas Studio. right now, yes, the people are facing the Islamic State threat, so it’s very important to have a unified focus. Black unemployment is significantly higher than that of whites. Courtesy of Le Canard enchaîné. In my first two years, I knew of no Black or indigenous adjunct, lecturer, professor, or administrator in the Department of Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing. Billions of dollars in profit have been made from the research of these cells, and none of it has been shared with her family. In the antebellum North, where the number of African Americans was small relative to the general population, and in the antebellum South, where the institution of slavery relied on violence and the threat of it to subordinate Africans and their descendants, rich and poor often comingled in the countryside and in cities. I await a vaccine that is determined effective and safe. No. Prior to 9/11 I had traveled to five continents. by Professor Angela Davis; and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. In the refrigerated lower section of the meat case lay thick rolls of bologna, summer sausage, blocks of electric orange American cheese, piles of ox tails, cow tongues, and folds of bloody liver. I—who have lived without father, uncle, brother, or son—carry the spirit of John Robert Lewis forward within me. Segregation by race is an extension of slavery and a betrayal of the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law. Later, near Whole Foods Market, a family, who appeared to be Muslim, sat on the side of the road. Rothstein is not content to provide a detailed examination of the ways public entities have colluded with private interests to keep black people out of white neighborhoods. Armed group of the Menshevik People’s Guard, 1920. I am aware that the extraordinary Dr. Mamie Oliver was a professor in the Department of Social Work at Boise State, that she was the first African American professor at Boise State, and that she taught there from 1972 to 1988. Several times now, at the edge of the Boise Co-Op parking lot, I’ve seen women and their children holding signs. It is apartheidist—educational, social, political, economic, and other forms of discrimination against non-white groups. That is our vision for Pittsburgh. At the University of Bristol, February 28 (Bristol UCU / Facebook), Students rally in support of the lecturers’ strike, February 23 (Bristol UCU / Facebook), Part of a much larger painted banner in Bristol, February 28 (Bristol UCU / Facebook), AMLO mural in Mexico City, 2007 (Randal Sheppard / Flickr), MORENA supporters at a rally in Itzapalapa, Mexico City, April 2015 (Eneas De Troya / Flickr), Audience members waiting for the program to begin at a MORENA rally, March 2016 (Eneas De Troya / Flickr), MORENA supporter leafletting against energy reforms, 2013 (Eneas De Troya / Flickr), Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the campaign trail during his previous presidential run, May 2012 (Arturo Alfaro Galán), At a protest against the alleged Pizzagate conspiracy, Washington, D.C., March 25, 2017 (Blink O’fanaye / Flickr), [W]hen we refer to all Kurdish fighters synonymously, we simply blur the fact that they have very different politics. Judges cited the amendment’s due process provisions as a means to sanctify discriminatory private contracts between individuals, and to uphold the prerogative of private businesses such as banks and real-estate companies to maximize their profits. Sometimes one internalizes external brutality, then lashes out at those most like oneself. The phenomenon described by apartheid existed before the term did — nor does the word’s literal meaning convey the common origin story and shared political DNA between the political systems in the old South Africa, today’s Israel, and the United States. Common migration routes from East Africa to Europe. Across the street was the Kelly Courts housing project—a city block of bright orange unrelieved brick cubes of prison cell-like apartments, with tiny square windows built by white-run government for Negroes after the war. Those who owned the people and the pigs also owned the houses and the land. Anti-apartheid protests continued as life for black South Africans became more and more dire under apartheid. Growing up, some may not have questioned, but I did question why Black people often had so little, why white people often had so much, how they got it, and why they didn’t share. 1. a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa Familiarity information: APARTHEID used as a noun is very rare. I am grateful for Morocco’s life, and for the near eight years of life that we shared. Living life within a system of white control, systemic injustice, and social terrorism targeted at African Americans takes a toll. Please read: Beloved, by Toni Morrison, and The Book of Negroes, by Canada’s Lawrence Hill. the former political system in South Africa in which only white people had full political rights and other people, especially black people, were forced to live away from white people, go to separate schools, etc. By keeping brothels and gambling joints out of white neighborhoods, zoning laws pushed these noxious places to black areas of town, which were often also the site of factories and toxic dumps. Large banks are still engaging in predatory lending policies in impoverished communities. He would not speak, though his pit bull snarled. I doubt it would have taken three years or more to remove lead from the drinking water in Santa Barbara, Aspen, or Sun Valley. Vote. At the heart of this history, then, are the financial interests of white property owners. For educators and administrators there is much work to do to decolonize our educational system. There are extra masks, and extra gloves in my car. White America’s wealth was built on the backs of Black Americans whom white Americans, for 250 years, enslaved. It was fortunate that the TSA agent, a Hispanic female, rescinded her request. Historically, Blacks were not allowed to learn to read or write. They have affected mine. I do. In America, in the mid-1800s, Alabama surgeon Dr. James Marian Sims, known as “the Father of Modern Gynecology,” developed his trailblazing surgical techniques and his pioneering tools by conducting research experiments on enslaved Black women, and he conducted them without using anesthesia. The definition of Apartheid in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:. Phil and other people of good conscience should call for equal justice. It is time for this to be faced and acknowledged. We spoke for ninety minutes by phone. After we verbalize anti-racism sentiment, and after we write anti-racism statements, we must take anti-racism action, and maintain it in existence over time. Then we divest. "Many of the structures that created and maintained the American Apartheid system have been greatly weakened or removed. Stacey Abrams, Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives and Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia. any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc. This was white supremacy and medical apartheid. He admitted to me that, for him, talking about race is scariest with other white people. We are confronted with a crisis of systemic racial injustice laid bone bare by the pandemic; and with the crisis of police and would-be police brutality toward and murder of African American people. Phil doesn’t use the word apartheid. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has produced a documentary, Black Patriots: Heroes of the Revolution, which highlights some of the Black patriots who helped to establish America, yet who were minimized, marginalized, written out of our history. Four months later, no one has been charged. I am near the age my mother was when, in 1998—her illness, exacerbated by a lifetime lived in the bit and under the bridle of political, economic, and social bias and constraint —she died after refusing an operation that might have saved her life. Indeed, he argues, the chief architect of our hyper-segregated nation is the federal government, aided and abetted by local and state entities as well as private interests. It is the ideology of supremacy and the practices resulting therefrom. It’s also due to cumulative intergenerational distress caused by slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and Black Laws; it’s due to the ongoing social terror caused by police brutality, mass incarceration, and the constancy of targeted anti-Black racism; it’s due to the repeated physical, emotional, and psychological trauma of justice inequality, compounded by wealth inequality, compounded by historical despair, compounded by internalized rage. I avoid crowds. As I handed her money, I said, “Te iubesc.” Stunned, she reached for the money, then stammered as she said, “I love you, too.”. Whichever candidate admits that we’ve created an apartheid of dollars for all deserves your support. In 2014, while in the presence of her supervisor, a white female nurse sidled up to me, the Master Social Worker, got in my face and out of nowhere, blurted, “Fuck you.” For the better part of 2017, I lived across the street from a white man who wouldn’t meet my gaze, and who wouldn’t speak—though his five-year-old daughter yelled out what her daddy called people with dark skin, and she warned me that her six-year-old brother didn’t like Black people. Rothstein does include some specific remedies, all of them contingent on an enlightened citizenry and an informed judiciary. It looks like an issue of race when, in fact, it is an issue of political and economic hegemony. © Nina Berman/Marcellus Shale Documentary Project 2015. Those who owned the people, the pigs, the houses, the land, who ran the institutions and made the laws, then passed their people, their pigs, and their profits down to their heirs; and they promoted policies, practices and laws that they created in their own favor, and in favor of those who looked like them, so that they could forever secure what they had gained. I awoke. To date, my life has been lived within a system built on white supremacy and bolstered by American apartheid. I see her, and miss her. But, after 9/11, I curbed my international travel, because once TSA agents started to frisk white people, they might want to do cavity searches of Black people. My first name is Risë, given by my mother in honor of her favorite opera singer, Risë Stevens. He has not called a spade a spade. That is the issue. Above, Hurricane Maria relief efforts in Puerto Rico, October 2017 (Agustín Montañez / National Guard), From the music video for “Unforgettable,” by French Montana, featuring Swae Lee (FrenchMontanaVEVO / Youtube), Wizkid performing at Royal Albert Hall, London, September 2017 (Michael Tubi / Alamy Live News), The cover of L’antinorm, published by the Homosexual Front for Revolutionary Action (FHAR), February 1973. Mothers have placed themselves between their peacefully protesting children and the armed national police. Vote. Another rationale for discrimination was that black people were natural slum-dwellers because they had “always” lived in dilapidated housing in impoverished neighborhoods. If you’re gonna be a warrior for equal justice—then Brother, you gotta buck up—man up. Bias becomes racism when there is power behind it—the power to obstruct students’ educational lives. We are confronted with social unrest, with ongoing protests for Black Lives Matter and against racial injustice. This is social terror. In Boise white people repeatedly say: “Your viewpoint and experience are different from mine.”. Virginia Woolf said, “A woman must have money and a room of her own…” I say: “A modern woman needs a degree; most women of color need two; a Black woman needs three.”. I, Risë Kevalshar Collins, am committed to love, to equity, and to justice. Rothstein describes this sorry history in rich detail by examining the stories of individual families in different parts of the country. View American English pronunciation of apartheid. When possible, I shop early, and I wear gloves. American apartheid—discrimination by white people against others allegedly due to race—was and is born of white supremacy. Phil should call for the true application of the 14th Amendment—equal protection under law. George Washington and many other U.S. presidents were Masons. Please read: “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates in The Atlantic. For four years I lived and worked in North Idaho. Because we’ve had 401 years of unequal relationships, we’ve also had 401 years of unequal experiences though we’ve lived in the same land. The axis of consciousness has shifted and continues shifting. It reads, “If you turn a blind eye to racism, you become an accomplice to it.”, Last year, also in Boise, I asked a white male friend who is a lawyer—with forty years of experience—for his assistance in writing a letter, a letter to congress members, governors and such, on behalf of disproportionately imprisoned Black men. One was stuffed with fat-filled pink pickled pig feet; in the second, pink pickled pig ears fanned wide; in the third twirled clustered pink pickled pig tails—all for sale to eat. For the last forty-two years—perhaps due to a revelation, and perhaps due to the Civil Rights Movement—longstanding bigotry and bias based on bloodlines and Blackness have been lifted. We are confronted with a climate crisis taking a back seat to the global health crisis of coronavirus COVID-19. At age three, an older male relative nicknamed me “Sapphire.” I thought it was for my September birthstone. Meanwhile, the appetite stimulant did not work. Massey and Denton began by framing the important argument of how racial segregation, not individual prejudices or public/private policies and decisions alone, helped create Black poverty and the Urban Underclass. —Dilar Dirik, “Rojava vs. the World,” February 2015. apartheid: An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites. That goes for not only the thing apartheid, but also the word "apartheid," originally an Afrikaans term meaning something like "the essence of being apart" or "apart-hood." Even more dispiriting than the substance of the history presented in The Color of Law is the realization that Rothstein’s call for a robust program of governmental intervention amounts to wishful thinking. March 2016, Havana, Cuba. The first slave ship docked on stolen land in 1619. I apologize to my kindred who are other-abled in hearing, speech, and vision. And policymakers took it upon themselves to prevent descendants of slaves from depressing real-estate prices in white communities. Yet the author recognizes that a complete unraveling of the generations-long process of segregation would be an uphill battle. Large revolts were suppressed in 1925, 1930, and 1938, and the repression escalated with the formation of the PKK as a national liberation party, resulting in civil war in the Kurdish region from 1984 to 1999. Many black households lack the necessary income (the median for whites is $60,000 a year, and for blacks, $37,000 a year) or assets (median for whites is $134,000, and $11,000 for blacks) to afford a down payment on a home in a better neighborhood. In Texas, my home state, in 2015, Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old Black woman, was arrested during a pretextual traffic stop by a Hispanic police officer, Brian Encinia, and later found hanged in her jail cell. Indeed, the top ten most segregated cities are in the Rust Belt, where total populations have declined in the last few decades. American people, like American leadership, are at times intelligent, yet we are often without wisdom, without integrity, without humanity. I haven’t had your experience.” Right. The Color of Law offers a powerful refutation to Roberts’s (and by extension, most Americans’) mistaken assumptions about the nature of residential segregation. I asked people to define it, and, of course, they gave me their cookie-cutter definition: “Communities who have limited access to food.” That means nothing. He started meds, appeared worse with each dose, drank and drank, did not eat, could barely stand. He joined the brotherhood of Freemasons, an international organization established for fellowship and mutual aid. In 1939, Billie Holiday sang “Strange Fruit.” In 1964, Nina Simone sang “Mississippi Goddam.” In 2018, the U.S. Senate first passed an anti-lynching bill. Out of habit, when I travel, I’m always looking for a safe, welcoming, and affordable place to move. Courtesy of Three Points Strategies. Several years thereafter, I began a forty-year boycott of television due to its denigration of Black people. My commitment to education is lifelong. The Thirteenth abolished slavery, the Fourteenth granted full citizenship rights to former slaves, and the Fifteenth declared that citizens’ right to vote “shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” In 1917, the Supreme Court invoked the Fourteenth Amendment to rule that a Louisville, Kentucky, zoning ordinance interfered with homeowners’ rights to sell to whomever they wished. Federal tax codes favored homeowners over renters, and federal and state transportation initiatives favored suburbanites over city residents by funding interstate highways but stinting on mass transit. Many of these voters and their elected representatives look with suspicion on all kinds of governmental programs, which they assume reward people unworthy of assistance and kill private-sector jobs in the process. Actually almost opposite to each other. American structural oppression is standard; it’s mainstream. Who in … Turkey: For much of its modern history, Turkey has pursued a policy of forced assimilation towards its minority peoples; this policy is particularly stringent in the case of the Kurds—until recently referred to as the “mountain Turks”—who make up 20 percent of the total population. noun. During the pandemic, I see people with signs more frequently. In recent days, several police officers were fired for smiling in photos taken of themselves as one reenacted the chokehold used by a white police officer on Elijah McClain before he died. Three times between May and September of 2019, I visited Utah, known for being a Mormon bastion with a tradition of religious apartheid—religion used to justify oppression. He is one of my heroes, in league with those such as Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King. She, a veteran, was the Director of Equity and Inclusion. The Federal Housing Administration (created as part of the New Deal in 1934) actually required that new communities be segregated in order to qualify for low-interest financing. In 1970, Housing and Urban Development Secretary George Romney created what was called the Open Communities program, which, in Rothstein’s words “would deny federal funds (for water and sewer upgrades, green space, sidewalk improvements, and other support for which HUD financial support is needed) to suburbs that hadn’t revised their exclusionary zoning laws to permit construction of subsidized apartments for lower-income African American families.” A reinstated “Romney Rule,” then, would punish white suburbanites who consistently blocked low-income housing by claiming that it was just as detrimental to their property values as chemical-waste dumps and smoke-belching factories would be. Lionizing James Marian Sims condones medical apartheid. Hydrocarbons from the Williams Central compressor, photographed with a FLIR thermal imaging camera and a normal digital camera, Brooklyn Township, Pennsylvania, 2014. the pressures of life under apartheid In the days that follow I feel slowed, as if I’m wading through quicksand. This video is important because it begins to do some truth-telling. The situation is worse in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, where the Kurds are a minority people subjected to ethnically targeted violations of human rights. Photo by John Power. I wash my hands often. In 1619, The White Lion was the first slave ship to land in America. I stopped and made an offering. Proponents of Eugenics–the application of principles of genetics and heredity to improve the human race—pushed for and won legislative policy in its support. He could hardly walk. I am conscious of maintaining a distance of six or more feet. I hugged him, looked at the ivies, the cacti, the ficus, the orchids, his sleeping sister. In the 1970s, I did not fully recognize or have language for the many structural, institutionalized, systemic, internalized, and socialized aspects of white supremacy, colonization, and racism that would, in 2020, still remain riveted in place. Today, after 401 years of economic injustice, the wealth of Black families is one tenth of the wealth of white families, though Blacks did two and a half centuries of the country’s heavy lifting. American Apartheid American Apartheid . But—for six months he resisted helping me to write a letter in support of Black men for whom his beloved American law is often misapplied. Gottfried Haberler also pictured, at right. There is a hunger in the land for love. isn’t that little colored girl pretty and fair…. The United States today is less a nation of citizens equal under the law than a nation of citizens living in unequal zip codes. But he wonders how reliable whites will be in the years to come. There’ve been 180 deaths. Time to just be, and to remember. Photo by Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil. The federal government financed interstate highway projects and local initiatives that demolished black neighborhoods without providing for the relocation of their residents or compensation for their financial losses. The biopharmaceutical company that produced the drug sold ninety percent of the world supply to this administration, leaving only ten percent for the entire rest of the world to share for the next three months. Employers refused to hire blacks, or barred them from promotions that would lift them out of the most dangerous and demeaning jobs into better ones. Before I started school, my mother made a request of me. Last week I read that racist government policies have contributed to the Fifth Ward neighborhood now being one of Houston’s cancer clusters. The owner ate the pork chops, the pork roast, and the ham; the enslaved ate the appendages—head, ears, neck, stomach, intestines, tails, and feet. Traditions die hard. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The United States of America has yet to reckon with its white supremacist history, with its legacy of slavery, with its ongoing structural injustice, and with systemic anti-Black racism in plain sight within its colonized shores. Cartoon from Judge (1896) via Library of Congress, Sketch for a 1976 poster by the New York Wages for Housework Committee (MayDay Rooms / Creative Commons). Photo by John Power. He was in distress, panting hard, nonstop. May she honor her word. Discrimination based on race is racism and should be called racism; racism is a form of apartheid. It is time to decolonize America. We are confronted with a political crisis of fascism versus democracy. Whites are safe to sleep in their beds, to leave the doors to their homes unlocked and open, to walk on their streets, to jog around their neighborhoods, to drive in their cars, to park at public rest stops, to camp alone in the woods, to pray in their churches, to have an encounter with a police officer and live to see another day. Men earn more money than Black women you ; the wife blew thank you kisses high.! And incandescent self fair—as in beautiful crisis—and the next day Morocco was with... Times, Boise has seemed welcoming and safe became more and more dire under apartheid really about dominance—particularly dominance—heartless... Over generations Bolsonaro, at a debate about violence against women in Brazil ’ s american apartheid meaning that such discrimination about! Is one of a Benetton shop in old Havana skin tone, the only non-white in! People can best hear other white people axis of consciousness has shifted and continues.. 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