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You should remember how to use the sniper rifle from the causeway mission. Your goal is to suppress the Germans across the way so that Mac can flank them and take them out, so get behind the low stone wall and start unloading your pistol rounds on them. Instead, head east a bit, and you'll find another path leading behind the houses that line the road. If you use your heavy weapon to suppress them, then you should be able to move your assault team around to the right side to get a vantage point on them. Just keep the tank moving ahead of you, and get your fire team into a position where they can suppress the Germans while the tank moves ahead and flanks them. If you hide behind your team here, you should be able to use your Garand or your K98, if you have one, to pick off a few of the Germans in the industrial ruins, but don't risk your health too much, as you still have a long way to go until the end of the level. Rendroc's WarZone - A list of stunning improvements ranging from a command mode similar to Hell's Highway and more effective AI to massive single player bot matches. With the western team suppressed, you'll be able to move around to the south and get into a position to destroy them with your BAR. The relative lack of accuracy is designed to simulate the difficulty in hitting targets in a combat situation and to force the player to use team members to engage enemy units and provide better tactical opportunities. If you place your assault team behind the southwesternmost wall, they should be able to get a good shot on the middle team here and eventually take them out. The game tells the story of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the famed 101st Airborne Division who were dropped behind German lines on D-Day. Here's where the fun begins. When you've taken out the MG nest across the way, leave your soldiers where they are (so long as they're behind cover), then exchange your .45 for a K98 and start planting satchels on the poles in the middle of the field. Thing is, the factory has something like eight to ten German groups in it, as well as a pair of MGs with gunners that are invulnerable to sniping fire. Eventually the eastern fence will run up another grass wall, and the tank will be forced to get back on the main road. If you can stay out of sight of the tank, you'll eventually reach a checkpoint. When Mac orders you to flank, you'll have the option of proceeding up either the left or the right, but the right is far preferable; just jump the stone wall and get behind the car and use your K98 to start sniping away at any Germans that pop their heads up. Despite having the odds against them, the 502nd succeed in capturing the town. The only good thing about the game is the controls. That's the goal, anyway. The hardest part about the first part of this mission is keeping your soldiers alive. The middle team will be the one you need to take down first, so suppress them with both of your teams, then move the assault up to the southwest, where there are two earth walls positioned side by side. You can, of course, utilize strict suppress-and-flank tactics, if you like, but since dead soldiers magically respawn in the next level, you may as well have a bit of fun with them. Here's where things get fun. Most of the squad express their anger at Leggett, who is seen alone and inconsolable at what has occurred. After you've cleaned out the two groups and escaped the farmyard, start moving out towards the road leading north. Morton claimed that it was "without a doubt the best World War II game ever made." If you get your teams into position behind the stone wall here, you should be able to completely supress the western team while you take your Garand and use it to pick off the two soldiers to the southwest. Flanking: Lastly, Matt can obviously flank foes with the best of them. Now, at this point, you should have six poles left to destroy, as well as two groups of Germans to the northwest; one manning an anti-air gun, and one that's firing on your fire team. Instead of charging up the main road here, though, move northwest around the large house and get your soldiers behind some cover to suppress the Germans there. When that's done, place a charge on the AA gun and any remaining poles to trigger the next objective. Objective: Secure the industrial region of Carentan. Use Situational Awareness: The Situational Awareness view that's available in the single-player campaign can also be used in the multiplayer game, although it obviously doesn't pause the action. When he's down, hurry up to the upper floor there and set both of your teams behind cover on the street below you. Risner makes a heroic last stand to ensure Baker survives, although it costs him his life. Download Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 for free. This will reduce, but not eliminate, the amount of damage that Matt will take from return fire, and also let you engage without having to shuffle around to a position where your automatic weapons would actually be able to hit your targets. Brothers in Arms isn't Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, though; if you attempt to rush forward and take out enemies by yourself, you're going to get killed quite quickly, even if you do have an automatic weapon at your side. Have your fire team suppress the artillery near the church to help your tank advance forward. You have two main types of cover to choose from: high and low. The western approach is the safest one for you to mind, as the enemies there will be visible from a good distance away, allowing you to fire on them without too much fear; it's the enemies in the east that will be doing most of the damage to you, so let your fire team deal with them and stay out of the way. You can either attempt to flank around and pop them yourself, or shift your fire team to the right until they're in a position to blast them from the side. It'll take a few good shots, but the German tank will go down eventually. Brothers in Arms isn't your typical shooting game; rather than place you in the role of a rush-forward-and-kill-everything superman, you're going to be in charge of two teams of soldiers, and your ability to complete the missions given to you will depend on your ability to competently order them around the battlefield. You can also take Baker to the left, into the field there, but there's a good probability that one of the teams will move around to cut you off. Brothers in Arms models weapons with erratic accuracy, and enemy fire can interfere with a player's aim to simulate the effects of suppressive fire. They'll die quickly, of course, but they'll provide a useful distraction for you while you get a couple of Panzerschreks off. You can also take on these guys from the northern end of the field, near where Cole gave you your orders, but you'll have to engage in some flanking maneuvers to knock them out of their cover when they dig in. The second wave will attempt to come at you from the dirt road, in somewhat suicidal fashion, so blow them over with your machinegun and let your teammates finish off any flankers. Don't bother trying to snipe this guy; he'll be invulnerable to your fire until you flank him. It's not a powerhouse weapon, but it'll do fine for killing the two Germans that you come across in the course of the level. This is mostly because of the fact that you're a human being (unless you're a robot from the future bent on bending us all to your will, of course), with human reflexes and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. (The tank is apparently too big to fit into the gap near the main road; ordering it to follow you will send it charging up the road instead, which will likely result in it getting hit by the artillery.). Even if he dies, he'll come back next mission, so you can feel free to charge in with him, let him take the brunt of their fire, and come around on the side of the cart opposite to Hartsock. You may need to shift them further to the west before they can polish them off, though. Before you go too far, though, you'll come under assault from yet more Germans. Your fire team is a man short, meaning that you're going to have a harder time issuing suppressing fire with them. [5][40] Gaming sites and critics praised the innovation in gameplay that Brothers in Arms brought into the World War II video game genre, which was already becoming stale and unpopular at that time. If you come to a point where you can't hit any of the remaining soldiers, you can order your team to charge them and take them out. Keep them behind the stone wall near the cart, though; be sure they're not in a position where the German tank can hit them. This is going to be difficult to do without getting at least a few of your guys injured, but luckily there's a checkpoint here that you can use if things really get screwy. If the soldiers near the truck start to shift position, wrap around the eastern house with Hartsock and position him behind the barrels there. There are three individual soldiers in your path, as well as a team of two that you'll have to take down to move on. We don't mean to make this sound trivial; you're going to die here a lot, especially on Difficult mode. He'll immediately task you with defending the farmhouse from a German counterattack. Now that you have a tank on your side, you're going to have to help it reach the crossroads at the end of this mission. Official patch for Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. If you manage to get one or two of them down, you can also use a charge maneuver on them. This can be a difficult fight, especially if you or your soldiers were wounded in the eastern field, but when you get the poles in the western field down, you'll be able to meet up with one of the woozy pilots of a glider to end the mission. Work your way through the tutorials here to figure out how best to use him. As you head back up the road with Combs in tow, you'll have to pass back through the farmhouse field to reach Cole. If you use that for cover, you should be able to take out the MG position in the field with a grenade or by rushing it with an automatic weapon. When you start seeing three squads of Germans coming at you at a time, the fight is nearly over. [4] He and his development team tried to recreate the actual look of 1944 Normandy and its buildings, landmarks, streets and battlefields. Regardless of how you tackle it, you'll want to sneak up the eastern side of the courtyard and finish off any of the nearer enemies before ordering an assault on the rear group, if you weren't able to snipe them all. The next little courtyard is where things get tough. Stay crouched, wait for your reticule to stop shifting around, and pop off your shots when you have an enemy locked in. There are two separate teams of Germans here, each with two soldiers. When you're through the stable, you'll have to assault another anti-aircraft position, this time with three or four different German groups defending it. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Taking the town proves to be challenging as the Fallschirmjäger, the elite German paratroopers, are defending the town with armor support. Pairs of barrels are great for taking up a sniping position. You won't be able command any troops just yet, and your only weapon is the .45 Pistol that Mac gave you last mission, so you're not even going to be all that effective in firefights until you find something with a little better accuracy. In June of 2005, there was an organized march called "Brothers in Arms March" that ran from St. Come Du Mont to Carentan. There'll also be a squad of three or four Germans that will attempt to maneuver through the graveyard here, so try to have your assault team in a position to hit them as they move. When they've cleaned the field, return to Mac to finish the game off! The Brothers in Arms Collection (released in Europe) is DRM-free and all 3 games have the latest patches integrated. Unfortunately, the guys in the bunker will respawn over time, so you'll probably want to head south from your position and deal with the anti-aircraft gun and the other bunker there before dealing with the guys to the northwest. We liked to keep Hartsock back a bit and have him take cover near the truck. We preferred the latter method, as it should give you enough time to get down to the eastern road before the tank rolls into the factory area, allowing you to repeat the "wait until it rolls by to grenade it" maneuver. You can either take these guys down at long range with your K98, or attempt to get up close and personal with the BAR by sweeping around from the southwest. Again, adequate cover is going to be required if you want your teams to survive the second part of this mission. The MG in the house is going to be difficult to hit until you get close, but luckily there's a gap in between two of the buildings there that will let you flank most of the Germans and pop their domes before getting into position to take out the gunner. Objective: Defend Carentan from counter-attack. Unfortunately, the Germans are well entrenched and have the high ground, so it'll be an uphill slog through numerous enemies in this mission. With the eastern group out of the way, you can move your fire team around to a position in which they can fire on the other soldiers and suppress them. You'll need to proceed slowly and coordinate your infantry and tank movement to ensure that both forces make it to the crossroads alive. Hopefully our video will give you some idea of our technique in action, though. All this is just a recommended course of action, mind you; the bunker respawns here can change the situation in these fields pretty quickly. Objective: Advance to Bridge 4 on the Causeway. There'll be a large building overrun with Germans just beyond the checkpoint. We liked to just send our assault team in to take on the AA gunners before pulling them back and creeping forward in the grass to take on the MG soldiers; they won't have any cover from your shots, most likely, so your strength of arms should be enough to kill them. Well, you've got a sniper rifle, which is good, but you've got a bazillion Germans attempting to take you out, and you'll have to proceed past them on an open spit of land while you're getting sniped at all the while. When the second tank is out of the way, you'll have to move into the eastern road and take out the Germans in one of the yards here. With those two teams out of the way, you'll have one more team on the road to the northeast to deal with. Add new page. After the MG gunners are down for the count, you'll want to move your team off to the north a bit so that they can open fire on the artillerymen. Ooo, a tank, you say? You've got infinite ammo and the gun can't overheat, so feel free to just depress the trigger and start wailing away at your targets. [5], However, the game's repetitive gameplay have garnered negative feedback from other critics. Gang up on the other two tanks, and try to approach them with your own tanks from two different vectors to spread your fire out. That's where GameSpot's guide to Brothers in Arms will help you out; in addition to our full walkthrough, we've got suggestions ordering your teams around, tips for utilizing your own character to maximum effect, weapon descriptions, and helpful videos for the game's hardest segments. After those enemies are dispatched, you'll still have to deal with the soldiers at the MG on the road and a group of soldiers manning an AA gun behind another wall of grass. We found the best positions to be for the assault team to move behind some of the crates on the left side of the main road to the south, and for the fire team (when they become available) to move behind the sandbags overlooking the house to the east. Sounds like fun. Left in their default positions, they'll get picked apart by the enemies as they rush in from the south, east, and west, so you'll have to move them into cover. Brothers In Arms puts you in the shoes of Matt Baker, a member of the 101st Airborne Infantry who's been dropped into France in advance of the D-Day Invasion. You should be able to head up a ramp to the interior of one of the grassy areas, but be careful, as there'll be a pair of Germans within, including one that'll man an MG. As soon as you take out the Germans in the yard here, you should hit a checkpoint, which is good, as another German team will appear behind you and probably deal heavy damage to your teams. Doing so is going to be a fairly complex task, though, thanks to the fact that the field is freakin' huge, and that the Germans have entrenched themselves with multiple MG42 positions. Note that the fire command can be combined with a move command, if you wish to have a team open fire on a target immediately after reaching their designated move spot. Objective:Defeat the German attack at the crossroads. Baker is thrown from the plane, although losing his kit in the drop he manages to land safely. There doesn't seem to be any Panzerschreks on the path, although there are a couple of MGs, so keep your tank to the fore and start eliminating them and the rest of the soldiers in the area. If you miss, though, you can just return to the box and get another, so don't feel pressed for time. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Randy Pitchford, the developer of the game, described it as "the best game [he's] ever worked on". After the first group of Germans have gone down, the soldiers manning the AA gun will likely leave their stations and start firing on you. The fields behind the farm are a mess of stone walls, allowing you to maneuver your teams around, suppressing with the fire team, flanking with the assault team. Just before you move a team, snipe out the other members of the two nearest German squads; they'll take a moment to respawn, giving you a bit of peace in which to move. Baker's men fight their way through German armor and infantry as they make their way to the main defensive positions. You're going to lose your fire team at this point, but you'll pick up another Stuart tank in exchange, so it's all good. Now all you have to do is get these tanks back to Mac in one piece. Around the corner, you'll have to take out two more Germans hiding behind a tree of their own, so use your Garand to do so. You'll need a lot of it if you're going to withstand the shells of the two or three tanks here. After killing the tank nearest Mac and the field, all you have to do is send your tanks into the field where the Germans are positioned and wait for them to clean out the mess. The game is based on the historical Mission Albany, in which the player has to complete missions based on real actions of the 101st in Normandy. Wikis. If you want to survive through the first week of the invasion, you'll need to learn how to command your squad, which weapons to use, and how to maneuver through the countryside. So long as your troops are all inside, they should be able to avoid its fire, but for your part, you'll need to leave the stables, work your way around the left side of the truck, then find yourself a panzerfaust in one of the crates nearby and start working on the tank. Pause for a moment, though, as there'll be more troops shifting over to the yard from the road; if you're quick, you can instruct your teams to fire on them and take them down as they're moving into position. This is by far the easiest way to kill it, and will save your own tank from a beating if you can pull it off quickly enough. After the soldiers here are dead, you'll be able to cross the road in front of the artillery (they'll have a hard time hitting you) and take out the soldiers manning it from behind the earth wall to the northwest. Ah, it's the always-unique sniper mission. Don't worry overmuch if your soldiers start dying here; it's the end of the mission and they'll all respawn at the beginning of the next. The tank has two main ways to kill you: its shells, and its machinegun. To get past him, you'll need to set up your fire team in the northern corner of the field, near the AA gun; there should be an earthen wall they can hide behind and attempt to suppress the gunner from. The next day, Baker's squad is ordered to secure a barn, with an M4A1 Sherman medium tank in support. The main protagonist is Matthew Baker with supporting characters like Red, Corrion etc that you can command.. On D-Day+2, still dealing with the death of his best friend, Baker and the regrouped 502nd assault Saint-Côme-du-Mont. All you can really do is attempt to run as quickly as possible down the road until you reach the truck in the middle of it. When that's done, take your assault team across the dam to the spit of land to the east and work on flanking the MG position. Good job! As you start the mission, you're going to be on the main road that you need to follow, but you're not going to want to stay on it for very long, as at least two of the German squads hiding in the brush ahead will be wielding a Panzerschrek. When Baker and squad succeed in doing so, Saint-Côme-du-Mont is effectively opened to the Americans. Ruh-roh. You can suppress enemies with just a second of fire, but they'll still be able to fire back at you, so you'll want to take out anyone with a clear view of your position. If you can quickly check it to keep aware of their movement without having to pop your head up from behind cover, you should be able to get an idea of where to move or position yourself to ambush or attack them. When they're dead, you can grab an MP40 from one of their corpses, if you wish. Hartsock can suppress them if you move him up behind cover and order him to do so; you can even help him keep them pinned down with your .45 or the M4A1 Carbine you seem to have found somewhere. Besides the infantry, though, there's also a German tank watching over the mortars, and that's what you've been saving your grenade for. Someday the Germans will think to make tanks with hatches with locks, but for now, feel free to blow them up with grenades. This is honestly going to be a pretty difficult encounter, especially due to the fact that it's been so long since a checkpoint. As per the last encounter, we liked to suppress the teams, then flank them with Baker from the right approach. Turns out that Foucarville, which you thought was under Allied control, still seems to be in the hands of the Germans. All you can do at the beginning of this mission is follow Mac and Leggett until they reach a farm zone. When you've got to put a lot of lead in the air, the MP40's a handy weapon to have around. Ben Griffin of PC Gamer praised it for its real portrayal of war, describing it as "a great history lesson, effortlessly straddling the line between authentic and enjoyable". Now the fun's really begun, though, as a tank will show up near the factories to the southwest. Real soldiers: Featuring a cast of more than 20 characters, each with a unique personality, appearance, and style. Next up is the weed-strewn field near the church and the graveyard. If your fire team is suppressing them to the point where you don't have a shot, move them around to the stone wall nearby so that they can get occupied with the other Germans there. They'll also take fire from said enemies, of course, but unless the enemies completely flank them or come from behind, they shouldn't ever actually take damage from gunshots. As a note, you only have one grenade in this mission. With two teams suppressing this target, it was a simple matter to flank him and take him out. The gravestones offer plenty of cover, though, so it's not too difficult to suppress one of the teams while you sneak in and finish them off with an MP40. If you leave them unattended, and an opposing player happens to stumble across them, then they'll likely get picked off by distance fire without having the opportunity to kill the enemy, especially since you have to monitor their targets and order them to fire manually. Thanks to the parallax effect of the enemy dots, you should be able to tell which ones are closest to you as you move, so park your teams in position, suppress the closest dot to you, then move up the southern wall until you can take out the soldiers there. There are two types of teams, which are automatically provided before each mission: Additionally, some levels provide the player with a tank in lieu of a team, providing players with heavy firepower and mobile cover. He'll fire on them as he moves by. t would take a lot by this point for a game to distinguish itself from the pack of World War II-themed shooters, but luckily, Brothers in Arms has a number of features that help it set itself apart, most notably its realistic portrayal of squad tactics. Knocking Baker unconscious for a K98 if you can find one the gameplay that he 'll immediately begin blasting target. 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