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Cult leaders have psychosis or narcissistic personalities that drive them to preach a message and convince others to follow, according to therapist Rachel Bernstein. Cult Leader Characteristics Cult groups often have a dynamic leader whose authority is respected and, in many cases, unquestioned. Leaders use the power of the group in various ways. Demands blind unquestioned obedience.. 4. Characteristics Associated With Cults. Ron Rhodes, The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions: The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001), 31–34: SOCIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTS. He was a self-proclaimed prophet, drawing rhetoric from science … They are viewed as innately good, possessing special wisdom, answerable to no one, with no one above them. "Charismatic leaders tend to be intuitive. According to Bernstein, most cult leaders are narcissists, and are a "bottomless pit of ego need." Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, or brilliance. Traumatic narcissism isn't the narcissism of a movie star, for example, who is full of himself and inspires the admiration of others, Lalich said. They all have traits in common. Types of Cult Leaders. They convince people buy into whatever they are promoting. Members were given strict rules of no romance or familial ties, even as their leader had several aff… How it is run, who does what, the rules and regulations, the ideas of the group, when things change, all these things are chosen by the leader to suit himself (or herself!). The following six men number among the most delusional – and most dangerous – such cult leaders. By Nick Holden Throughout Recent history Cults have exploded onto the media scene But what exactly is a cult? A look into the acts of narcissistic cult leaders who hurt their followers. 5 Most Charismatic Cult Leaders And The Common Traits That Make Their Personality Type So Dangerous 1. His work, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China” outlined eight criteria for so-called thought reform. Born in 1931 in Indiana, Jim Jones was an orderly and Methodist pastor before he became a self-proclaimed messiah. Checklist of Cult Characteristics; Checklist of Cult Characteristics. Cult leaders act larger than life. They're able to read people. A cult leader's sexual fantasies, for example, might translate into sexual abuse or sexual exploitation in their cult, according to Lalich. In modern English, a cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a particular personality, object, or goal.This sense of the term is controversial, having divergent definitions both in popular culture and academia, and has also been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study. Most cult leaders are very charismatic. Demands blind unquestioned obedience.. 4. 9.Takes sexual advantage of members of his sect or cult. Leaders are often seen as prophets, apostles, or special individuals with unusual connections to God. There is little concern for individual thought and development. Has anyone else been fascinated with the lure for people to cult leaders? Grandiose sense of self. Eventually, they realize people cling onto what they have to say and run with that skill. To members, it doesn’t matter what the evidence or logic may suggest, the leader is always right, and their misdeeds are always justified. Submission: Complete, almost unquestioned trust in the leadership. The end is always just around the corner. Not all destructive cults are religious in nature. 06 April 2019. How can you identify a cult leader? [Why Killers Write Manifestos]. He relied upon fiery preaching, social criticism, and racial integration in founding the People’s Temple in the 1950s. Here are 8 key characteristics of cults Dr Robert Lifton was a psychologist with a special interest in mind control. Education is usually discouraged while the convert is bombarded with the cult’s doctrine and literature. Many people believe that cult’s movements are those that conduct strange … A Cult Leader Is Usually A Charismatic And Manipulative Individual. Characteristics of a cult - the group itself. 2. Characteristics of cult include the pyramid power structure where the top figure head is at the apex. Criticism of the leader … From studying the writings and biographies and witness accounts of cult leaders, researchers have pieced together certain characteristics that unite this rare group. Cult leaders are manipulative of their followers’ character and will always accuse one’s character if you raise questions that differ with their standard doctrine because they feel threatened. On 19 April 1993, he and seventy-nine of his followers, including kids, died after a fiftyone-day siege with the FBI near the town of Waco, Texas.This event, also known as the “Waco Siege” is a reminder of how a dangerous leader can gather followers and convert them into an extreme ideology (Surugue, 2017). Cult leaders, or false teachers, often believe that they alone possess the truth. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are several characteristics of a cult in terms of religious groups. I wasn’t old enough to witness how men like Charles Manson or Jim Jones became persuasive. Cult … Many members, former members, and supporters of cults are not fully aware of the extent to which members may be manipulated, exploited, or even abused. But at the same time, this form of “worship” can tend to attract people who are more prone to be manipulated by emotional psychological tactics. He has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve.. 2. 7.Is arrogant and haughty in his behavior or attitude. Criticism of the leader is forbidden. If you aren't thinking of serial killers right now, you're probably thinking of cult leaders instead. We, as a true-crime-consuming, armchair-psychologizing public, can't help but be fascinated by the minds of the strangest and most mysterious among us. There’s always spiritual revival on the way. Cult leaders certainly don’t want to focus on the present. They don’t like to be examined and they believe that they are always right while everything else is wrong. So the only thing left for a cult leader to do is talk about the future. We suggest that you check all characteristics that apply to you or your group. Many members, former members, and supporters of cults are not fully aware of the extent to which members may be manipulated, exploited, or even abused. 10.Sex is a requirement with adults and sub adults as part of a ritual or rite. C22 - Cult Leader Psychology By Former members have also alleged that they were coerced into sex with Raniere. The president, he writes, “employs many of the same techniques as prominent cult leaders and displays many of the same personality traits.” Cult leaders are considered to be authoritarian personalities who have intense feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and hostility and to ... Cult leaders' needs. They then become the models for the newbies. Cult leaders convince members to forfeit their critical thinking ability in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose. For example, he can control who you should and should not marry; he separates members from their families; he destroys marriages; No major personal … This leader then informs the members. You may find that your assessment changes over time, with further reading and research. … So the only thing left for a cult leader to do is talk about the future. I wasn’t old enough to witness how men like Charles Manson or Jim Jones became persuasive. But I definitely remember the saga of Waco and David Koresh. My disclaimer: I’m not an expert in this area. Characteristics Of Cult Leaders And Their Followers: 1. Characteristics Associated With Cults Concerted efforts at influence and control lie at the core of cultic groups, programs, and relationships. Megan Gannon - Live Science Contributor Regardless of the goals or nature of their cult, most cult leaders behave the way they do in order to cultivate and maintain a power imbalance, Dr. Lalich says. I noted previously that even though cults should be defined from a theological point of view, we can nevertheless gain valuable insights into certain aspects of the cultic … Most cult leaders are very motivated by status, money, sex, or all three. Four Characteristics of Cult Leaders. Hope it will help me understand how to deal with family members and friends that are Trump followers! David Koresh was the leader of the destructive Branch Davidians cult. What are the signs of a cult leader? The characteristics are quite interesting, in that this type of personality cult have five different characteristics to it. To do all this a cult leader must be a master at mind control. Charismatic Leadership: Claim special knowledge and or skills, demand unquestioning obedience with power and privilege, excessive discipline and expectations. Obedience to … I noted previously that even though cults should be defined from a theological point of view, we can nevertheless gain valuable insights into certain aspects of the cultic … 2. The leader decides everything about the group. They are, that they try to attract males, target the entire population and not just some sections, that they employ mass media, and they make sure to control the media and inhibit any "rival cults" or other types of thought. This list was published in Psychology Today in a 2012 article title “Dangerous Cult Leaders.” When I read it, I was immediately reminded of a certain stable genius and felt compelled to check each item individually, so here it is! The first characteristic of a cult leader is the rejection of scrutiny. Glibness and superficial charm. Instructions and/or knowledge are sometimes said to be received by a leader (s) from God. But she stresses that "it's really important for people to be savvy consumers and to really check someone out before you give yourself over.". “God told me to tell you . How do cult leaders persuade others into these abusive situations? Cult leaders usually have a small following because it’s hard to find masses of people naive enough to follow their nonsense. The leader is typically a charismatic character who seems worldly wise and the members believe he is kind, helpful, caring, attentive and they will tell you that he is helping them tremendously. He thinks... 2) FANTASIES OF POWER, SUCCESS, AND ATTRACTIVENESS: Both Hubbard and … Despite wide differences in goals, ideologies and lifestyles, cult leaders have some key traits in common. Cult leaders' charisma also helps them set up a power imbalance between them and their followers. Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God? The word cult has been known to refer to a group of individuals who believe in an abnormal practice. 11. From modern cult leaders such as David Koresh, and Charles Manson, our list goes all the way back to the 19th century. They typically love praise music and worshiping God with great emotion – this can be a very good thing for which I admire them. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. Charles Manson is escorted to court for a preliminary hearing on Dec. 3, 1969, in Los Angeles, California. Here are the typical traits of the pathological cult leader (from Dangerous Personalities) that you should watch for: He has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve. There was a problem. 'Obviously this does not mean that all narcissistic personalities will turn out to be cult leaders, nor that all leaders classify as narcissists, but there are clear indications that they do have characteristics in common,' says Robert Pardon, director of the New England Institute of Religious Research." But with my college degree in religion, I’m just fascinated but also deeply saddened that people become duped by men like this. If their followers don't know when they'll make their next appearance, they're in control. Jones was a classic megalomaniac psychopath, in some ways the very stereotype of the 'evil cult leader'. But I definitely remember the saga of Waco and David Koresh. When they walk in the room, you never know if they're going to be good and kind-hearted or be mean and call someone out or create some kind of dangerous situation. One thought on “ Four Characteristics of Cult Leaders ” Sylvia says: April 10, 2020 at 8:53 pm Thanks for this blog post. Mr Hassan was a follower of Sun Myung Moon for several years before his family intervened. (NXIVM recruiters were apparently called "masters" and they sought to indoctrinate "slaves."). "In most cases there is going to be some kind of indoctrination that teaches the followers that they have to have total regard for the leader," Lalich said. Even if they claim to be working for a higher power or for the good of others, they are acting to serve their own ego and self interests. They'll create crisis situations. This type of personality could explain why someone like Raniere set up his cult in the manner he did, with a constant need for members' blackmail, which he called "collateral," and obedience to him and his belief system. By the mid-1960s, Jones had amassed a following of around 100 people and moved to North Carolina. They have no shame, and they will demand things that a decent human being would not. Deceiving and conning. Other cult leaders don't realize their charismatic potential at first, but once they do, they become egomaniacs, according to Bernstein. Answer: They were self-styled leaders of religious cults that started the deadly mind control machinery in motion (such as Rutherford), or who were directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of their own followers. Their unpredictable nature and charisma allows cult leaders to be in control — which is by design, as these people are often power-hungry and authoritarian. 8.Has an exaggerated sense of power (entitlement) that allows him to bend rules and break laws. Charles Manson was living in squalor at an old Western movie lot anticipating a race war. They answer to no-one. Cult leaders are masters at mind control. Cult leaders convince members to forfeit their critical thinking ability in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose. These viruses are the most likely to trigger the next pandemic, according to scientists, A tiny, wobbling muon just shook particle physics to its core, 3,000-year-old 'Lost Golden City' discovered in Egypt, Astronomers detect a bright-blue bridge of stars, and it's about to blow, Turtles complete seemingly impossible journey thanks to a hidden 'corridor' through the Pacific, Scientists find deep-sea bacteria that are invisible to the human immune system, People are taking an animal deworming drug for COVID-19, and it's a really bad idea, 'Chaos of clicks and sounds from below' as 70 orcas kill blue whale. As I have grown older, I have become even more fascinated in why people join cults and/or why cult leaders can be so persuasive. Special Knowledge. You will receive a verification email shortly. Installing Vinyl Luxury Plank Flooring (LVP) – Lessons Learned, Series entitled ‘My Son Told Me He’s an Atheist’, Zoom Breakout Rooms: Important Updates and Changes, Zoom Breakout Rooms: Tips and Lessons Learned, We survived a bed bug infestation and lived to tell the tale, I Tried the Pruvit 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge — Not What I Expected, Issues Resolved – Echelon Connect Sport Exercise Bike. Just started reading “The Cult of Trump” by Steven Hassan. Profile of a Cult Leader by Randall Watters Question: What did Sun Myung Moon, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Joseph Rutherford have in common? If their followers never know how they are going to react to something, they're in control. Born in 1931 in Indiana, Jim Jones was an orderly and Methodist pastor before he became a self-proclaimed messiah. A Cult Leader Is Usually A Charismatic And Manipulative Individual. 2. The following list of social-structural, social-psychological, and interpersonal behavioral patterns … ", If their group gets big enough, cult leaders will often set up a hierarchy with underlings to carry out the demands of the leader using "charisma by proxy." Cult Leaders Characteristics Research Paper Introduction. And Based On The Personalities In Astrology, The Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Cult Leaders Are Those With These Traits. Cult leaders typically make tantalizing promises — "either to change the world, change you, make you rich, make you beautiful," Lalich said. Seven Characteristics of a Cult Bickle defines a cult as, “a group that deviates from the doctrines and practices of historic Christianity and has an inordinate loyalty to one leader, whose beliefs are not found in Scripture (as affirmed by historic Christianity). There’s always spiritual revival on the way. Based on the work of psychologist, cult leaders possess a common personality trait found in narcissistic personality disorder. Cult leaders may also display antisocial personality disorder traits, which include a form of psychopathy. NXIVM founder Keith Raniere will go on trial in New York later this month on sex trafficking and and forced labor charges. Tag Archives: characteristics of cult leaders. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, or brilliance.. 3. Leadership may consist of one individual or a small group of core leaders or collection of friends and or lovers. Concerted efforts at influence and control lie at the core of cultic groups, programs, and relationships. New York, Another famous and bloody cult-leader, Jim Jones was the leader of "The People's Temple", and their mass-suicide was the biggest single loss of non-military American lives before 9/11. Marshall Applewhite was the leader of the Heaven's Gate religious cult in Texas. From studying the writings and biographies and witness accounts of cult leaders, researchers have pieced together certain characteristics that unite this rare group. Cult leaders certainly don’t want to focus on the present. Despite wide differences in goals, ideologies and lifestyles, cult leaders have some key traits in common. … © 4 Personality Traits Cult Leaders Have In Common Refinery 29/October 10, 2018 By Sara Coughlin. Below are at least 12 Traits or Characteristics of a Cult Leader: A Spiritual Abuser The cult leader is a false teacher who not only teaches false doctrines, but he also seeks to intimately control and spiritually abuse the lives of his followers. This is important to understand because many predators and cult leaders display behaviors which are not only filled with narcissism but also have the psychopathic, anti-social behaviors which often make them involved with criminal behavior. My disclaimer: I’m not an expert in this area. Psychologists have certainly studied men like Charles Manson and Jim Jones. Just started reading “The Cult of Trump” by Steven Hassan. And I remember hearing about Sun Myung Moon. And of course, there was the nut-job named Marshall Applewhite who organized a mass suicide in 1997. Thank you for signing up to Live Science. "They may be required to dress a certain way, they may be required to speak a certain way, and they may be isolated from former friends and family because the leader is going to say they're going to get in your way on your path to salvation. The end is always just around the corner. He was the leader of the so-called “Heaven’s Gate” group. CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTS- Mental Manipulation Second, many times cults manipulate people’s minds. Erich Fromm was the first to describe malignant narcissism. To do all this a cult leader must be a master at mind control. They can be driven by political or financial goals as well. Cult leaders usually have a small following because it’s hard to find masses of people naive enough to follow their nonsense. Some of the characteristics are listed below. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. People may be allowed to repeat programs and seminars they have done previously at a reduced cost. "[Each leader] has been given this special status by the people who are in awe of him," Lalich told Live Science. Based on studying Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charlie Manson, Bhagwan Rajneesh etc here is the list of typical traits of the pathological cult leader he came up with, and warns “you should watch for and which shout caution, get away, run, or avoid if possible” It is a checklist of David Miscavige personality traits. But, as Lalich said, charisma is in the eye of the beholder; not everyone responds in the same way. Showing great attention and love to a person in the group by others in the group, to help transfer emotional dependence to the group. Hope it will help me understand how to deal with family members and friends that are Trump followers! Demand perfection at all times. To members, it doesn’t matter what the evidence or logic may suggest, the leader is always right, and their misdeeds are always justified. Thanks for this blog post. Or, a leader might be more interested in wealth and ostentatious displays, as was the case with Rajneesh, who owned 93 Rolls-Royces, and whose followers, all dressed in red, would throw flowers at him as he drove down the road of their commune. . "I'd say first and foremost, probably every cult leader is a narcissist, and the extent to which his or her narcissism is negative — as one scholar called it, 'traumatic narcissism' — that's going to have an effect on how the group is shaped," said Janja Lalich, a cult researcher and professor emerita of sociology at California State University, Chico. Traumatic narcissism has a "deleterious effect" on others. Cults: Characteristics of a Cult. If you are wondering who joins cults and why, the short, but creepy answer is that pretty much anyone can get sucked into them. Generally cult is used on any group out of the norm, experts however seem to think the word cult needs to be used more specifically Social Scientist have come to believe 5 Most Charismatic Cult Leaders And The Common Traits That Make Their Personality Type So Dangerous 1. Many cults have similar underlying signs that categorize them as a cult. Has anyone else been fascinated with the lure for people to cult leaders? Characteristics of cults Traits of dangerous cult leaders Psychology of the cult experience Telltale signs of cults What cults dont want you … Visit our corporate site. Cult leaders may also display antisocial personality disorder traits, which include a form of psychopathy. For a good example of traumatic narcissism at work, Lalich said you could look at the alleged sex-cult NXIVM (pronounced "nexium") that sold itself as a self-help group to empower women. Shoul be an interesting read. From studying the writings and biographies and witness accounts of cult leaders, researchers have pieced together certain characteristics that unite this rare group. Demands blind, unquestioned obedience. Jim Jones – The People’s Temple Image credit: Murderpedia. (Image credit: John Malmin/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images). Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, or brilliance.. 3. Jim Jones – The People’s Temple Image credit: Murderpedia. Cult leaders. Please refresh the page and try again. For a group to be a cult in the doctrinal sense, essentials (in this case of the Christian faith) would have to be violated. Cult leaders often have personal proclivities that shape their group. They convince people buy into whatever they are promoting. An exposé in The New York Times in 2017 detailed how women in NXIVM were branded with a symbol that included Raniere's initials and forced to follow "near-starvation diets" to be physically appealing to him. Characteristics Of Cult Leaders And Their Followers: 1. Ron Rhodes, The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions: The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001), 31–34: SOCIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTS. Jim Jones, Death Toll: 923. Despite wide differences in goals, ideologies and lifestyles, cult leaders have some key traits in common. ", Their unpredictable nature and charisma allows cult leaders to be in control — which is by design, as these people are often power-hungry and authoritarian. She said this type of cult leader may start as a teacher, street preacher, or in another public-speaking position. They typically love praise music and worshiping God with great emotion – this can be a very good thing for which I admire them. Cult leaders are masters at mind control. Here are 13 phrases cult leaders love to say: 1. Cult leaders are usually charismatic, controlling, and pathologically narcissistic. All the traits of a cult leader displayed by Donald Trump: Malignant Narcissism: Stereotypical Characteristics of a Cult Leader 1) GRANDIOSE SELF- CENTERED BEHAVIOR: Like cult leaders of the past, Donald Trump has a GRANDIOSE self-image. Cult leaders offer simple solutions in a way that makes sense, and they know how to motivate people to devote their life to the leader’s cause. He has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve.. 2. But at the same time, this form of “worship” can tend to attract people who are more prone to be manipulated by emotional psychological tactics. Adolf Hitler was very good at this. (That's why, when you see footage of Charles Manson, you might be deeply confused about how he was able to attract dozens of followers.) Characteristics Of A Sociopath. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Cult leaders’ charismatic personalities, fringe beliefs and lust for power have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results. Cult leaders convince their victims to separate themselves from society, give up personal possessions and sometimes huge sums of money. But once they do, they realize people cling onto what they have shame... 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