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In time, not even the gods could abide the evil actions of the inhabitants of the city, and they triggered an earthquake that destroyed Andok Sur, burying it below the region now known as the Old Hills. Richard Baker, Mons Johnson, and Peter Lee (June 21, 2011). The Nentir River only freezes a few weeks during the coldest part of the year, and summers are cool and mild. Around this tower, and the Moonstone Keep that was built later, the city of Fallcrest began to grow, until it became the center of trade in the region for the next 200 years. The Nentir River is too big to freeze except for a few weeks in the coldest part of the year. Heroes of the Nentir Vale: session 3! They established manors, settlements, and even monasteries through out the region. When the southern Nerathi Empire was at its height, settlers began to travel to the north of the continent in order to expand the borders of their nation. Edit, According to Christopher Perkins, the Nentir Vale was originally conceived to be part of the Forgotten Realms setting, before being used as the main region for the Points of Light setting.[26]. The Nentir Vale is a northern land, but it sees relatively little snow—winters are windy and bitterly cold. Stories of the hero Vendar and the dragon of the Nentir Falls date to this era, as do some ruins in the Gray Downs and the Old Hills. The Starter Set is coming out soon, and after that comes the Player's Handbook and the free Basic D&D PDF. The Nentir River only freezes a few weeks during the coldest part of the year, and summers are cool and mild. The Nentir Vale is neighbored by the Stonemarch to the west, the Harken Forest and the Witchlight Fens to the south, the Dawnforge Mountains to the east, and the Winterbole Forest to the north. [20] And a few years later, the Nerathi Empire fell as well, destroyed by the demonic hordes led by the “Ruler of Ruin”. [22], 150 years ago, Gardmore Abbey was destroyed when a resurgent force of orcs from the Stonemarch laid siege to the abbey. Fastormel Temple of Yellow Skulls The Nentir Vale - a frontier land sheltered by mountains and strewn with abandoned farmsteads, ruined manors, and broken keeps - is the perfect base for any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. The region, now divided into the Winterbole and Harken Forests, became known as the Nentir Vale.[8]. Giants, orcs, ogres, and goblins troubled the area. Cairngorm Peaks I'm not a huge fan of the Realms, so I stuck with the Nentir Vale, which is easily my second favorite setting after Eberron. Despite its location, the Nentir Vale sees little snow. Without the Imperial Knights to aid them, Fallcrest’s army was defeated in a rash attempt to halt the Bloodspears in the Gardbury Downs. Fallcrest lies near the middle of the broad borderland region known as the Nentir Vale. by Tim Baker » Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:40 am I came across this post on Tribality about running a Nentir Vale campaign using D&D 5e. Edit But I do like the Nentir Vale setting, since it’s a blank slate with enough detail and lore to give DMs a nice starting point but not enough to make it feel daunting like some of the other more popular settings. Around this tower, and the Moonstone Keep that was built later, the city of Fallcrest began to grow, until it became the center of trade in the region for the next 200 years. Will print and keep in a binder, arranged in 2-page spreads. ... (Dungeon 176), where he revises the Keep as Restwell Keep, greatly fleshes out its inhabitants, and sets it in Nentir Vale. The Nentir River and its tributaries run through the vale, ending in two main lakes. [7], Geography Notable ruins This forest was home to a commune of treants that used magic to protect their home from the dragon overlords of the elder world. Gardbury Downs [8], Before the age of the Ancient Empires, the Nentir Vale was dominated by the undead city of Andok Sur. The Nentir Riverand its tributaries run through the vale, ending in two main lakes. Non-Fiction Gaming is your news, entertainment, gaming website. This is great i used the mere of dead men modules from dungeon magazine to bridge the 5e boxed set into hotdq/rise of tiamat for my last campaign. This is not like the Forgotten Realms, where you can't throw a skull without hitting another band of dragonslayers, and all the good dungeons have already been taken. Roll20 brings pen-and-paper gameplay to your browser with features that save time and enhance your favorite parts of tabletop games. Every town in the vale is surrounded by numerous farms. The dwarves named that fortress Hammerfast. Ghost Tower of the Witchlight Fens Abandoned farmsteads, ruined manors, and broken keeps litter the countryside. So I decided to use the Nentir Vale as the setting. Geography [19], Along with the village of Fastormel, Gardmore Abbey defined the northern frontier of Nerath until the founding of the village of Winterhaven and the Barony of Harkenwold three decades later. The Nentir Vale is northern land with little snow during winters and the Nentir river almost never freezes due to his sheer size except a few weeks in the coldest part of the year. Summers are cool and mild. Despite its location, the Nentir Vale sees little snow. Those brave would-be settlers navigated the Nentir River through a trackless swamp or traversed the uncharted Harken Forest that separated the region from the Empire. Inverness Castle At the same time, a thane from the nearby dwarven kingdom of Shatterstone[18] sent a battalion of dwarf warriors to establish a forward operating fortress in the mountains to help quell dragon assaults that were razing the new settlements founded nearby the Dawnforge Mountains. Edit Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Witchlight Fens May 17, 2019 Lore for Friday: The Nentir Vale May 17, 2019 May 16, 2019 Divine Thursday: Continual Light May 16, 2019 May 15, 2019 Arcane Wednesday: Repair Serious Damage May 15, 2019 Anyone traveling beyond a few miles from settlements risks attack by bandits, wild animals, and monsters. D&D 5E, the Nentir Vale, and Other Assorted D&D Stuff After more than two years of waiting, D&D 5E is finally about to be published. Mike Mearls, Richard Baker (July 15, 2008). Fallcrest is a small settlement in the Nentir Vale, made the home of Acquisitions Incorporated at the start of season two of the primary game series while the Points of Light campaign setting was still in use. [7] Saruun Khel, a city located in the depths below Thunderspire Mountain, was the center of an oppressive minotaur kingdom that subjugated most of the central and western lands of the vale.[6]. Duponde Old Hills Travel between communities is dangerous with bandits, vicious humanoids, and monsters of all kinds in control of the darkness between settled areas. I liked the setting and ran a short-lived campaign there using 4th edition before I just got sick of all the rules errata horse-shit and the … ), and averaging about 70 miles (112 kms.) September 24, 2018 September 27, 2018 by ajtfantasypublishing , posted in Tabletop Gaming The party set out following the leads they were given by their foster mother regarding the possible true origins of the dwarven twins Amber and Baern, leads that hey led them to the tiny hamlet of Easthil on the eastern edge of the barony. from north to south. Appendix Gorizbadd 4E then released The Keep on the Borderlands in late 2010 as a five-part Encounters season adventure by Chris Sims. Hammerfast[1] The Nentir River is too big to freeze except for a few weeks in the coldest part of the year. [7][22] Fallcrest and Hammerfast are shadows of their former selves. [8] It is believed that the first elves that left the Feywild after the Kinstrife Wars ended came to the World in the southern region of this forest,[9] a place now known as the Spiderhaunt Thicket. This forest was home to a commune of treants that used magic to protect their home from the dragon overlords of the elder world. They established manors, settlements, and even monasteries through out the region. January 12, 2019 by ajtfantasypublishing, posted in Story Telling, Tabletop Gaming, Uncategorized. The Summers are cool and mild. This is your first go-to for a Nentir Vale based campaign. Known States Moon Hills The “clear” parts of the map are covered in mixed terrain—large stretches of open meadowland, copses of light forest, gently rolling hills, and the occasional thicket of dense woodland and heavy undergrowth. [14], Up until about 400 years ago, the Nentir Vale was thinly populated. [7], The vale is a cold and sparsely populated land, mostly covered in grasslands and light woods. And my group went nuts with it. [12] Arkhosia built enclaves in the Winterbole Forest[13] and in the Ogrefist Hills, while Bael Turath constructed theirs in the Witchlight Fens. Fallcrest The Nentir Vale is a northern borderland region of the continent of Nerath. Though the borders of the vale are mostly hills, mountains and forests, the heart of the vale is grassy plains for the most part. Human hill clans lived in the area along with remote domains of dwarves and elves. The orcs burned and pillaged Fallcrest and went on to wreak havoc all across the vale,[22] destroying all in their path until they found their match in Hammerfast. Human hill clans lived in the area along with remote domains of dwarves and elves. Restwell Keep Races [Dnd 5e] The Nentir Vale Welcome to the Nentir Vale, our adventures begin in the town of Fallcrest, built on the ruins of a larger city, in one of the newest building in town, we find our heroes, from locals to visitors, the Nentir Inn standing on the west bank of the river. Edit [22][25] Abandoned farms, manors, and keeps can be found scattered throughout the countryside. Geographic Features [7], The vale is a cold and sparsely populated land, mostly covered in grasslands and light woods. However, 90 years ago, chaos and ruin came to the Nentir Vale when an orc horde called Clan Bloodspear swarmed down out of the mountains to the northwest. Stories of the hero Vendar and the dragon of the Nentir Falls date to this era, as do some ruins in the Gray Downs and the Old Hills. Lake Nen Hammerfast [23][24], Even without the Empire, the people of the vale prospered for a time. [12] During the Arkhosian-Turathi Wars, the vale was the battlefield of some of the most violent battles of those wars. Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale, Hammerfast: A Dwarven Outpost Adventure Site, https://tahlequahpointsoflight.fandom.com/wiki/Nentir_Vale?oldid=4662. [15] The first soldiers and paladins of Bahamut who came from the south founded the Gardmore Abbey as a key fortress, and launched their Crusade of Conquest to defeat both monstrous humanoids[16] and the indigenous human hill clans[17] to pave the way for the Nerathi colonization of the vale[16]. The proprietor is a charming half-elf named Erandil Zemoar who showed up in Fallcrest one day about two years ago, bought land, and built an inn. Society [8] It is believed that the first elves that left the Feywild after the Kinstrife Wars ended came to the World in the southern region of this forest,[9] a place now known as the Spiderhaunt Thicket. The Nentir Vale was detailed just enough to give you a sense of the place and there was room for any DM to develop it further. Setting: Nentir Vale variant of low magic and minimal deity involvement. Bandits, wild animals, and monsters roam freely throughout the vale, threatening anyone who fares more than few miles away from one of the surviving settlements. James Wyatt, with Creighton Broadhurst and Steve Townshend (September, 2011). [14], Up until about 400 years ago, the Nentir Vale was thinly populated. The downs marked on the map are hilly grassland, with little tree cover. [22], 150 years ago, Gardmore Abbey was destroyed when a resurgent force of orcs from the Stonemarch laid siege to the abbey. The Nentir River and its tributaries run through the vale, ending in two main lakes. The Nentir River only freezes a few weeks during the coldest part of the year, and summers are c… [7], In the age before recorded history, the Nentir Vale was a huge forest known as the Nentir Forest. Various Winterbole Forest The vale is now mostly empty, with a handful of living villages and towns scattered over this wide area. Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down. However, 90 years ago, chaos and ruin came to the Nentir Vale when an orc horde called Clan Bloodspear swarmed down out of the mountains to the northwest. Postscript: An amazing collection of Nentir Vale setting lore has been posts on The Piazza. The Nentir Vale is neighbored by the Stonemarch to the west, the Harken Forest and the Witchlight Fens to the south, the Dawnforge Mountains to the east, and the Winterbole Forestto the north. Adapting Classics to D&D Next (or 5E) and the History Behind the (Caves of) Chaos. Learn how your comment data is processed. Major Settlements At the same time, a thane from the nearby dwarven kingdom of Shatterstone[18] sent a battalion of dwarf warriors to establish a forward operating fortress in the mountains to help quell dragon assaults that were razing the new settlements founded nearby the Dawnforge Mountains. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. It took a while, but I finally got a game together to try out 5E, which brings me to my next point: I'm not using the Forgotten Realms as the setting. https://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/, Find the North Scarecrow in Ashen Reaches – Sea of Thieves, How to Find the East Abandoned Stash on Fetcher’s Rest, Hero Line Wars Starlight – Hero Build Guides, Maybe They’re Born With It – 5e Sorcerer Optimisation Guide. I might potentially want to run a 5E game in the Nentir Vale setting. [20] As the borderlands became more settled, the heirs of Nerathi noble families began to move to the region and claim land of their own. The Elsir Vale is a thinly populated frontier, stretching from east to west for almost 250 miles (402 kms. [20] As the borderlands became more settled, the heirs of Nerathi noble families began to move to the region and claim land of their own. [23][24], Even without the Empire, the people of the vale prospered for a time. [21] About 310 years ago, the Nerathan hero Aranda Markelhay built a tower near Nentir Falls. Ruler The vale is a cold and sparsely populated land, mostly covered in grasslands and light woods. [10], Eventually, the Nentir Forest was destroyed when Malorunth the Eternal Ash died, and scores of dragons invaded the forest, triggering the so-called War of Endless Branches that destroyed most of the old forest. You have entered an incorrect email address! The orcs burned and pillaged Fallcrest and went on to wreak havoc all across the vale,[22] destroying all in their path until they found their match in Hammerfast. Mistwatch The Nentir Vale is a setting where you’ll find small, isolated “points of light” surrounded by the darkness of the untamed wild. James Wyatt, with little tree cover a northern land nentir vale 5e but it sees relatively snow—winters. Released the Keep on the Nentir River and its tributaries run through the Vale, ending in two lakes! 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