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If you don’t graduate, you won’t get into college. 7 SMART Goals Examples for Depression and Anxiety, Gambler’s Fallacy: 5 Examples and How to Avoid It, 5 Appeal to Anger Fallacy Examples Throughout Life, >> Click to Grab the FREE Book: The Morning Routine for Peak Performance<<. Slippery slope arguments are prevalent in many fields. A slippery slope argument, in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is an argument in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect. In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Jedi Master Yoda famously uttered the words above. For people addicted to heroin and other injectable drugs, the biggest risk actually comes from using dirty needles. Conceptual slippery slope fallacies ignore the possibility that we can differentiate between things even if they exist on a continuum or spectrum. Identifying instances of slippery slope argument in everyday life will help you make more effective decisions, promote self-awareness, and liberate you from constrained thinking habits. Try to find a reason that we can stop the slope in the transition period. Philosophers have identified 3 major kinds of slippery slope fallacies: It can be difficult to tell the types apart in normal conversation and many commonly encountered slippery slope arguments involve aspects of all three types. Here is one you may have heard recently in the news: Argument: “If we allow the government to remove Confederate statues from public places, then it’s a short road to the government trying to erase and censor history. Pointing out the distance between the two also makes it easier to see how it's unlikely one will lead to the other. It’s fallacious because it treats the issue as if everyone always has to be granted an exception equally. Argument: “We should not allow doctors to end the life of terminally ill patients because if we do, it’s not far off from letting doctors euthanize healthy people or people that they believe to be genetically inferior. If you fail this class, you won’t graduate from school. Slippery Slope Fallacy Examples in Media, Real Life, Politics, Movies & Ads Slippery Slope Fallacy What is Slippery Slope Fallacy? http://twitter.com/colburnclassrmhttp://instagram.com/colburnclassroomOpen captions change to closed captions during second half of video. If I eat one donut tomorrow, I might eat several donuts the next day. The definition of slippery slope with examples. A high school kid’s mom insists that she study on Saturdays. When you have cable and can't find something good to watch, you get depressed. This kicks off a series of consequences: And so, the advertisement asserts that choosing cable over DIRECTV will lead to you sell your hair to a wig shop. It is a fallacy that often appeals to people’s emotions or fears. Slippery slope definition: If someone is on a slippery slope , they are involved in a course of action that is... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In the press, the phrase 'slippery slope' is more than seven times as common as it was twenty years ago. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. More drug abuse inevitably leads to more crime, especially violent crime. To this, the first man responds with the line above. They also assume that the beginning and ending positions of the argument are similar enough that precedent would apply between them. In a 1994 TV commercial, two men are seen seated outside. Slippery Slope The last “content fallacy” that we’re going to look at is “slippery slope”. Examples of slippery slopes usually involve multiple steps. I am generally sceptical of slippery slope arguments and in this post I wish to register some issues with their use. Therefore, we should not legalize recreational marijuana.”. For instance, the following is an example of a slippery slope argument in the context of bioethics: “If we allow voluntary assisted suicide for terminal patients now, then in a few years it will become a commonplace way to get rid of unwanted people in order to reduce medical costs.” That claim is just as unlikely as the claim that we should tax away everyone’s stuff. Humans have a natural knack for visualizing lines of possibilities, but this talent can get in the way of our rational faculties. Sometimes a slippery slope is based on false assumptions. A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from this website.). Sometimes exceptions to rules are reasonable and will not set a precedent for disassembling the rules. Slippery slope arguments are fallacious when the claimed links between the events are unlikely or exaggerated. Soon people will be asking for free cars, free cell phones, free food, and free everything. The slippery slope argument is a way of keeping the hands-off-the-Internet-entirely philosophy going. Opening safe injection sites will lead to a catastrophic increase in drug abuse in the neighborhood. A lone wolf howls in the distance. Well, if I give one to you, I have to give one to everybody else. An in-depth study of ordinary people over an extended period of time reveals how easy it is for ‘good’ people, starting with an initial small, self-justified deception, to quickly justify bigger and bigger indiscretions, thus falling down the ‘slippery slope’ to major unethical behaviour. Slippery slope is one example of a fallacy. Voluntary euthanasia is carried out under the express wishes of the patient and occurs with their consent. Now, your spidey senses might be tingling a bit. Part of the reason why some teachers are so strict about students arriving to class on time is that they believe tardiness can lend itself to a slippery slope. If I flunk the class, I will flunk out of school entirely. This argument can be considered fallacious as there is little reason to think that raising taxes in some areas will cause a spiraling descent into tyranny and communism. The other man asks if he can have one. I sense much fear in you.". You can definitely tell something is wrong with the above argument, but you can’t quite put your finger on exactly what. Precedential slippery slopes are usually combined with all-or-nothing thinking and often start by assuming a false dichotomy between two options. It’s an outrageous conclusion, which clearly illustrates how absurd slippery slopes can be. He holds his MA in Philosophy and writes on topics relating to science, culture, politics, finance, and education. Again, let us start with an example: If Rob has one drink then he will have another If Rob has two drinks then he will be sick Rob does not want to be sick Therefore, he shoul… Now that you’ve studied these slippery slope examples, it’s only logical that you continue down this path with other formal fallacy examples. A slippery slope argument shifts attention from the issue at hand to a hypothetical outcome, offering little or no proof that outcome is likely. If it becomes legal to marry children, this can open up the floodgates for other arrangements, like marrying animals or inanimate objects. Despite their differences, all 3 types of slippery slope arguments share 3 core features: Here are some examples of slippery slope arguments in the wild. My diet will quickly go out the window and I’ll get morbidly obese. The camera pans out to reveal they are the only two people amidst a vast frozen tundra. How to use slippery slope in a sentence. One explanation for our tendency to think in this fallacious manner has to do with how our brains are wired for making predictions. The next thing you know, we will have people wanting to marry animals and inanimate objects. One of the most common real-life slippery slope examples is when you’re tempted by an unhealthy treat. Finally, if you want another positive way to improve your life, then read and learn something new every day. Animals and objects are neither of those things so they can be excluded. Like any muscle, the brain needs practice to get stronger. For instance, there was one DIRECTV ad that starts with the line above. If possible, present a counterexample to show your opponent’s logic is flawed. 7 Slippery Slope Examples and Counterarguments, How to Respond to Slippery Slope Arguments, Final Thoughts on Slippery Slope Fallacies, A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from this website, Emphasize the distance between the start and end, here's an in-depth article about logical fallacies and why it's important to recognize them, do not discourage people from looking for work, Either Or (“False Dilemma”) Fallacy Examples, Anchoring Bias Examples That Impact Your Decisions, Circular Reasoning Examples (or “Begging the Question”), Straw Man Fallacy Examples & How You Can Respond, Hasty Generalization Fallacy Examples & How to Respond to Them, How to Overcome the Sunk Cost Fallacy Mindset, False Dichotomy Examples & How to Counter Them, False Equivalence Examples to Know Before Your Next Argument, how our brains are wired for making predictions, educating your critical thinking faculties, here's our in-depth look at the straw man fallacy, 200+ of the Best Self-Help and Personal Development Books, 71 Morning Routine Ideas to Successfully Start Your Day, Learn Something New: 101 New Skills to Learn Starting Today, Best Pedometer Watch (and Wearable) Review for 2020, An endpoint that is significant or extreme, A series of small steps to connect one to the other. Slippery slope fallacies are fairly common in everyday life and often go undetected. If you do not have a strict policy about being on time for class, students will arrive late. Slippery slopes do exist. If they skip one class, they’ll skip another and another, until they’ve failed all their courses. Let’s say you’re on a diet and you’re trying to lose weight. Involuntary euthanasia does not involve the consent of the patient. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Affiliate links are used on this site. Thus, the course of action is rejected. If she roams the neighborhood, she will get picked up by a stranger in a van, who will sell her in a … The argument is even more unconvincing when you realize that, according to its own logic, we shouldn’t have any taxes whatsoever. Here’s a pretty extreme example of a slippery slope fallacy. You don’t want the government telling you what to think is true, do you?”. There are several modern countries with universal healthcare that have healthy economies and don’t have a problem of people wanting too much free stuff. The "slippery slope" is an argument, considered by some as legitimate, and others as imaginary, that suggests once a law or attitude sets a precedent, it will more easily/ inevitably be corrupted or abused.. Are there any good examples of this occurring? Example: We can't permit the sale of marijuana by doctor's prescription, because that will lead people to believe it's an... Today late for ten minutes, tomorrow late for an hour, and then someday you will simply cease to show up. Copyright 2019 by Oldtown Publishing LLC. The typical thought process goes something like this: You won’t go obese from eating a single donut. This led to hate for the Jedi Council and other institutions that held him back. It's a convenient way of warning of the dire effects of some course of action without actually having to criticize the action itself, which is what makes it a favorite … Babies and toddlers cry a lot, like during sleep training. Argument: “If I fail this test, then I will flunk the class. Examples and Observations "To judge from the news stories, the entire nation is coming to resemble San Francisco after a heavy rainfall. Causal slippery slopes can be fallacious when there is little evidence to support the idea that one event will cause another and so on. However, one of the most common slippery slope arguments against safe injection sites goes like this: This ends up being like a straw man fallacy, attacking the theoretical consequence of increased crime and drug abuse, rather than discussing the merits or downsides of the safe injection site itself. Show how you can prevent the initial event from leading to the final event. The burden of proof is on them to make their case. Mr. Clean is bald and Cousin It is not bald. Next thing you know, all our history textbooks will be altered to remove the truth. A prime example of this is The Simpsons, a show that has been around for 30 years. It is an argument that suggests taking a minor action will lead to major and sometimes ludicrous consequences. Fallacious thinking can have serious negative consequences, so educating your critical thinking faculties to recognize fallacies like slippery slopes is an invaluable skill. Alex Bolano is a freelance writer based out of St. Louis. Also, if you're interested in learning about other types of fallacies, here's our in-depth look at the straw man fallacy. He enjoys playing video games and researching the latest trends in science and technology. Whether or not a slippery slope-style argument is reasonable depends on a number of factors including the type of slippery slope argument it is and the context of the argument. Slippery slope definition is - a course of action that seems to lead inevitably from one action or result to another with unintended consequences. Many young students have probably heard some variation of this slippery slope argument from their parents. Precedential slippery slope arguments can be fallacious as they ignore the possibility that we can determine when precedent should or should not be followed. Counterargument: Again, this argument assumes that a small event will have catastrophic consequences down the road. Say you’re debating a friend over the topic of marijuana legalization and they say this: “If we legalize recreational marijuana, then marijuana will become normalized in public life. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. When you go to Vegas, you lose everything. We tell ourselves that one bad thing will inevitably lead to another and another until our worst nightmares come true. If I flunk the class, I … Anakin’s fear of losing his mother, and others he cared about, did lead to fits of rage. In her article, Medine acknowledges the slippery slope of gifting and expresses remorse. Because of the uncertainties involved, slippery-slope arguments aren’t usually meant to be deductive so much as inductive.1 So, slippery-slope arguments are only considered fallacies (faulty lines of logic) if the outcome isn’t necessarily likely, given the premises. If marijuana is normalized, that will make it more likely that children and other impressionable people will partake. You said that if we allow A to happen, then Z will eventually happen too, therefore A should not happen. After all, taxes and forms of private property have coexisted in pretty much every single society throughout history. When you lose everything, you sell your hair to a wig shop. Today, many people see the racial stereotype as culturally insensitive (or worse). Yes, euthanasia is a slippery slope—one that leads to a slimy pit filled with the filth brought about by apathy, disdain, and selfishness. You take a pack of chewing gum to class. Fallacious causal slippery slope arguments rely on exaggerating the strength or severity of causal connections between events. Premise A leads to B, which leads to C, which leads to D, and so on. Before you know it, everyone will be doing drugs! Argument: “We cannot allow more taxation, as any taxation incentivizes more taxation, which will inevitably lead to the loss of all private property and tyranny.”. Slippery Slope Fallacy Example in Real Life. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. What matters is the reason for granting the exception. In extenuating circumstances, it may be correct to give an exception to some established rules. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Involuntary euthanasia is murder and murder is already illegal. "Fear is the path to the dark side. If there is little evidence that the presented causal chain is likely, then the argument is weak. The slippery slope is often view as a logical fallacy because the trajectory of actions tends to be assumption based. It claims that allowing some relatively small event (letting people litter) will lead to some larger negative effects (public annoyance and health issues). If you don’t do your homework, you’ll fail the class. Sometimes, a slippery slope argument can be an instance of valid reasoning. Historical facts about the Confederacy are still kept track of in libraries and museums and there is no movement to censor those things. Counterargument: Pretty much everyone is guilty of “catastrophizing” like this sometimes. Point out how the argument leaves out a lot of events between the first and last points. Pointing out these missing pieces can lessen the bite of the argument. The topic of “gay marriage” or same-sex marriage can be a controversial one and you will often see the slippery slope argument come into play here. (Side note: Another positive way to improve your life is to read and learn something new every day. Two questions can help you discern the outcome’s likelihood, and therefore, the argument’s strength: Here are a few general approaches to keep in mind: If your opponent did not provide any evidence to support their suggested slope, then ask them to justify their view. Usually the slippery slope ends in a premise that one clearlyshould reject. The strategy leans on the psychology of the slippery slope argument. Addressing these incorrect assumptions directly might be more helpful than explaining the problem with the slope. When you get depressed, you attend seminars. In this case, the argument is persuasive as there is good reason to believe that things will actually unfold in that manner. A slippery slope fallacy is a fallacious pattern of reasoning that claims that allowing some small event now will eventually culminate in a significant and (usually) negative final effect later. Precedential slippery slope arguments are based on saying that some current behavior or event will set a precedent for future behavior or events. Eventually, I would have to make exceptions for everyone else and then the rules would be utterly meaningless!”. When The Simpsons first debuted, the character of Apu was considered funny. If I eat this donut today, I’ll probably eat another donut tomorrow. Overcoming these kinds of limiting beliefs is important to navigate the world effectively. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email. Consider the following argument: “We can’t let people throw their trash on the sidewalk because, over time, that could build up to a big public nuisance and health hazard.”. Share this article! The slippery slope argument asserts that the initial step taken is a precursor to a chain of events that eventually lead to undesirable or disastrous results. The more frequent crying and inability to self-soothe can then lead to further sleep, relationship and attachment issues as the child gets older. Argument: “If we provide free healthcare then where does it stop? If I flunk out entirely then my entire future is ruined and I will never be able to get a good job and provide for a family!”. A good counterexample to this type of thinking is the category “bald.” There is no definite number of hairs that separates someone from being bald or not bald, but we can recognize clear instances of the two categories. Talbot believes that removing Apu will lead to removing other potentially offensive characters from the show. For example, if your opponent argues that legalizing gay marriage will lead to obscene behavior, you could just as easily claim that restricting gay marriage could lead to restrictions on other kinds of marriage, eventually banning it altogether. In the corporate world, the ethical slippery slope can stifle one's career and do harm to that person's reputation. If you don’t get a good job, you’ll be poor and homeless. You could also argue that legalizing some substance won’t necessarily make it more popular in the public consciousness. Criminals and fall apart at the straw man fallacy relationship and attachment issues as the claim that 've... Shows and Movies from the past would be deemed inappropriate or offensive if they exist a! Violent crime 'slippery slope ' is more than seven times as common as it was twenty ago. Slope in the way if there is a fallacy that often appeals to people ’ why... Committing a slippery slope argument is an argument that suggests taking a action... 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