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Minister's ears that there is a clown in a traveling performing troupe named Ha Seon (dual role for Yeo Jin Goo) who is a dead ringer in appearance for the real King Lee Hun. Ha Sun looks almost identical to King Lee Hun. Omg, I could ... it still brought a dynamic between the queen and the king. When he returns to Ha Sun, Minister Lee asks if he’s satisfied his grudges, but Ha Sun says he’s just getting started punishing Yi-geom. Please let it be interesting and not a repeat of ruin. Unfortunately it is under these circumstances. But man, what a jolt it was to have Cray back this week. Yi Heon was in so much pain on that last day that, even knowing what a monster he was and how much destruction he would cause if he went back to the palace, I cried buckets to see him shaking and struggling just to feed himself. The focus on HS’s perspective is necessary  to show us that the job of the king is not an enviable position .And I suppose it indirectly explains to us why LH had so many insecurities. Still it's not a big deal. I actually quite like how expediently they killed off the king. But at the same time, I could also understand why Yi Kyu did what he had to do. Drama: The Crowned Clown (2019) Network: tvN Directors: Kim Hee Won Writer: Shin Ha Eun, Kim Sung Deok Main Stars: Yeo Jin-Goo, Lee Se-Young, Yeo Jin-Goo Genres: Romance, Drama Country: South Korea Language: Korean Release Date: 7 January 2019 Season: 1 Aired: 7 January 2019-4 March 2019 Aired on: Monday, Tuesday Also Known As: Gwanghae, … He and haksan are quite similar that way. Because the Dowager Queen would place a woman next to Lee Hun to ensure her power is stable and a woman who can influence the Crown Prince and even assist in any plans against him. THE CROWNED CLOWN Season2: Ep9-16. Why not just have him poisoned in the holding cell? Minister Lee released Yi Heon from his physical and emotional pain, he saved So-woon from a life with a man who would terrorize her constantly or kill her for the tiniest imagined slight, but most importantly, he gave the country the king that would work for the betterment of his people. Minister Lee says that he plans to have Yi Heon taken outside the palace and treated for his addiction. He may even feel guilty that he can't be at LH's side all day to care for him and prevent him from injuring himself. I’m most wary of Minister Lee because Haksun is zealot. If he was loyal, if he was on his side, if he did have his back he would never have stood by while this kid slid into a spiral of addiction and insanity. One consort asks So-woon about her birthday gift, but So-woon lies that she didn’t get him anything. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access "What do you mean it was perfect? THE CROWNED CLOWN Season1: Ep 1-8 Kim: Actually when I first got the offer from director Kim Hee-won, I was pessimistic. But with all these changes someone may start to notice that he is not the real king! // Load the SDK asynchronously She goes outside for some fresh air, and Ha Sun comes and takes her where they can speak privately. He needs to reach this point in the drama, so he can actually become redeemable. He has no wealth, no army, no packing, no royal blood but he is the king without a crown. That is how I feel about the death of Yi Heon. "You can say that his love was useless to those he loved, but not that he did not love." I wonder why anyone would ever want to be king. As I was watching the scene, I had to check the episode number to make sure I didn't accidentally skip to episode 10. She no longer has hold of him like she thought she did. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); And the more important part: Ha Seon, just like So Woon, doesn't feel like a person who is made to be in the palace for his whole life. There is no cure for whatever this is. When he joins Minister Lee in the king’s chambers, Ha Sun only stares at him angrily, then asks why he summoned him. Anyway i did not expect him to die so early. He did all of that even if he disagreed with for the King. -It's only halfway and you know our enemies are down and not out. The saddest waves ever. He threated to keep him and would kill his loved ones if he didn't agree to it. I just which if they kept him alive for few more episodes at least. But he spits up more blood, growing weaker, and Minister Lee tells him kindly that it will hurt less if he stops speaking. When Dal-rae released Yi Heon I think she inadvertantly started the clock ticking that ended with his death on the beach. LOL! The show did much to portray the young King as a monster—and he was terrifying, for sure. Which would prompt his return to the Palace to restake his claim to the throne and his wife? HMMM? if (d.getElementById(id)) return; As soon as the Clown becomes not suited for the Minster's plans, the Clown's neck will be in danger as well. I think we will be seeing flashbacks when before Yi Heon had become unhinged. I agree with @rittoo, Yi Heon's living in guilt for the death of his brother, while Dallae is definitely in need of her older brother in times like this. In most of the other Sageuks you see a hord of Chief Court lady, deputy ladies, junior ladies, Chief Eunuch and deputy eunuch. YJG is a very talented actor. Instead, Minister Lee sends Moo-young to the palace alone and says he’ll bring Yi Heon back later. Tags: Lee Se-young, The Crowned Clown, Yeo Jin-gu, Your email address will not be published. DB – SO courtlady King said the truth, so where is the King? But WHY?? It was a pretty bold move to kill the King for the writter. We see him hallucinating and having headaches, but the biggest problems of his which led to minister Lee killing him, the aggressiveness, cruelty and paranoia, I don't think those were drug induced. It doesn't necessarily excuse all the pain and suffering he has caused in the past, but it will certainly change his future trajectory and that's sufficient for me. I don't know if putting the nation's wellbeing first is as bad as using power to hoard money, but I agree that minister Lee is not who he presents himself as, I think he might even not be who he himself thinks he is. He killed Yul and Yi Heon so there is Ha Sun who can't do much without him. The Crowned Clown has been a long, winding journey to reach this point but the 11th episode is certainly one of the best since this show came on air. However, this episode is where the real drama/relationships start. On the other hand, maybe he did knew it would happen and he sent his younger brother away to make it look like he is merciful enough to let his brother live, even if it's in exile. . There is a lot to the back story we don't know. This isn't going to end well. Even the ending credit with only the sound of waves, made me feel the heaviness and emptiness of Yi Heon's passing. I love her but this role is not doing her any favors. I pity him that he ended up resorting to self-harm because of his hallucinations. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to reverse the king’s orders, and the officials will be reinstated tomorrow. So no redemptive arc? At first she stands stiffly in his arms, but then her hands come up and she hugs him back. Yi Heon, you're not very nice but you'll forever be in my heart. He tells him to leave, but Ha Sun says, “My destination is already set. "The Crowned Clown" is a great historical drama in so many ways. You know when you can feel in your gut that something is not right. Premiere Watch: Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho 2, The Crowned Clown, What’s Wrong Mr. Poong-sang, The clown gets a lesson on how to be a king, Three teasers for The Man Who Became King, Lee Kyu-han joins The Man Who Became King, Yeo Jin-gu, Lee Se-young become the king and queen of Joseon, First script read for The Man Who Became King, The Man Who Became King confirms main pairing Yeo Jin-gu, Lee Se-young, Lee Se-young courted to be Yeo Jin-gu’s queen in Gwanghae remake, http://www.dramabeans.com/members/sicarius/activity/709687/, LT is Irresistibly Indifferent, Dame Judi, http://www.dramabeans.com/2019/02/open-thread-589/#comment-3400690. I felt it was too soon to give up on him. Not only that but the clown and his wife are having an emotional love affair and I think that was the last draw. Secretary Lee’s demise strengthened Ha Seon’s resolve to … Started November 14, 2014. Like I said, remove him from the throne but give him a chance to change. He brightens and decides to sell it and use the money to replenish the ration rice, and So-woon and the other consorts struggle not to laugh. I think the Chief Secretary is upset because the real king is so ill. I think it would be nice though if Dal Rae would help Lee Hun to come back to reality. Haseon needs to rule properly and Yi Kyu has seen what great potential Haseon has as a leader. One official presents him with a telescope, but the real gift is the letter in the bottom of the box, and whatever it says pleases Minister Shin. At will. That's the only negative here. I understand that he did not see any other way to save the country, maybe it was the best thing to do from a political point of view. Yes to the point where he needs to repent of his deeds beforehand. im wondering why there is no prince or princess in the palace, does that means that LH wasn't sleeping with any of the concubine because if that's the case then they must really hate the queen.im i the only person who likes chief court lady kim i like her facial expressions but she creeps me out, I dont know why, but I think Queen knows that its not real King she must saw that its not him and in second ep how shocked she was when he is gone . She really isn't given that much to do but look serene. Again. I'm glad you (eventually) posted that link because it has my incoherent thoughts on this as well. At this point, I don’t know if I want HS to be the king for real . O/T. To say he's irredeemable. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. But I could not love this show more thus far. Duration: 1 hr. I'm actually a little disappointed in Minister Lee because in my opinion he did give up on Yi Heon. Guess i was wrong and he ended up killing yi heon as well. Just like he planned to kill his queen, when it was him in the first palace who decides to switch places with another man. Daddy issues included and was sacrificed so that the sympathetic and compassionate YI SAN can rule instead. In his dying moments YH showed that he really was a scared little boy, and to be killed by the person he felt would have made a better father, felt like the ultimate betrayal. THIS*, even after writing *this*: http://www.dramabeans.com/members/sicarius/activity/709687/ I see this as being more about Minister Lee. If you saw the scene, you'd understand. Crying, Minister Lee stands, then offers one final, formal bow to his king. It's a shame I won't have time this week. When they were out in the market she pointed out that she likes that small house at the end of the street. Yeo jin goo should try more antogonist/ antagonist hero kind of roles lol. CS – I dont’ know. Minister Lee looks impressed and agrees to arrange it. The entire dramabeans community because ya'll hit the nail on the head every. I think he will fight for cure, and fatally he will resume his place as king, he was born and was trained to that, this role is his life. He didn't care about the other concubines, it was just his Queen that mattered. Lady Kim will be dressing and bathing him (?) autumnight Just for that he would've to depend on others. He looks up at Minister Lee and laughs crazily, saying, “That clown is not dead. I do love a good sageuk and this has been a good one. After watching the first 2 episodes I had this idea at first the drama could end like this: Ha Seon turns out to be the better king, despite his lack of education and so on, so in the end Lee Kyu becomes his supporter and when Lee Hun wants to return he is laughed off as the crazy clown. By But he notices So-woon’s downcast expression, so he says pointedly, directly to So-woon, that he’s going to the library this afternoon to spend time with his true friends. Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. The King is Dead, Long Live the Clown. Yes I am curious about her reaction when she found out. He asks where they got the knife, and while Gap-soo is trying to think of what to say, Dal-lae snatches the knife and runs. He's actually in the teaser for the next episode. In the kdrama, Minister Lee just crowned himself the kingmaker. Minister Lee says that tomorrow is the king’s birthday and that there will be celebrations and a feast. Before mentioning that haksan is a father to him in the beach, he never really showed that he looked up to him as a father. He opens the written orders that Yi Heon gave him, and reads that he wishes So-woon deposed, then made to drink poison. And the gold tortoise scene was hilarious. Also, Minister Lee was loyal to the king in the movie and didn’t poison him. I guess I should stop now. My nose does its crazy pre-crying tingle, my mouth waters, and my throat tightens. So as long has he repents, he's on that path of redemption for me already. He asks why Moo-young returned, but Moo-young just says to kill him. But it is nice to have different opinions on things. He wants to cancel, but Minister Lee says that the court officials have been planning for months. I guess it is me that have a very negative thought about drugs and make me hesitate when it is shown in a show. It doesn't mean that LH likes killing, or has no feelings. What did ML do that made Lord Gil's people hate and distrust him? I mean there is just not much a writer could do with a character that is dealing with this kind of addiction and withdrawal. Ha sun maybe innocent but he also have a stubborn attitude and kind of brave as well, a trait which he kept showing through out the drama. single. I loved the absolute artistry in the execution. She is obviously very smart, but where are the ministers that supported her family? Im quite sure he can play yeonsangun in a historical drama and make us feel sympathetic towards the most tyrant king in Josen. You could see how frustrated he was at the situation. That's the tragedy of it. The Crowned Clown: Episode 4 Live Recap Kyu and Hasun need to get on the same page if this ruse is going to work. The revelation that he was little Prince Yul's executioner is depressing. Oh, and I love Ho-geol. (Ironically speaking though it was Dal Rae that set the real King on his path to death). Ikr? He knows his brother is dead, if the Queen Dowager knew, he should surely know too? But i dismissed the thought almost immediately because i never thought he will harm a child even to prove his loyalty to the king. He demands his deed back, but Yi-geom has him beaten — until he says he knows something important about the king. Even i feel betrayed by minister less poisoning the king, but I don't think yi heon had any love for minister lee. Does he even know where he is?? Its all his fault that he decided to switch places with the clown. *Applauds the writer*, So far I didn’t feel as much for Yi Heon as fellow beanies. You can screw yourself up to face death, but when it seems to come close again and again and you never know when it's coming? You right it is early in the drama, and still room for character growth  I hope he is not to lost, and can get  affected meeting new people. Aired On: Monday, Tuesday. Why bother sending him away to exile? Minister Lee returns and tells Ha Sun that while he was gone, the king and Minister Shin decided to forgive the officials that Ha Sun found guilty of embezzlement. Drugged out on opium (initially unknowingly, and later willingly), he eagerly agrees to allow a lookalike jester, Ha Seon, to impersonate him until things are under control. Ha Sun says that he he trusted Minister Shin’s loyalty but was disappointed. He has come to love playing the king. Ho-geol idly wonders what the knife is worth and finds himself on the receiving end of Dal-lae’s death glare, ha. Court Lady Kim wishes Ha Sun happy birthday as she dresses him for the day, and he has to force himself not to cringe away from her. A redemption arc for the king would have been uplifting spectacle. . Haksan is definitely scary. Even if it was for the best Yi Kyu did betray Yi Heon first. Gosh, I didn't even feel for Nam Sin this much in Seo Kang Joon vs Seo Kang Joon. I guess it's KDrama after all, but I want to know what poison works so fast that kills almost instanteously after consumption? I did feel when he was shivering like a puppy in the snow and seeing how pathetically he died. You are fake. I chose our nation, its people, and the new world over you.”- but I disagree. It seems imminent - why else have them holed up in the same monastery? The episodes without him weren't as interesting. The tiny moments of comedy work perfectly to counteract the melodramatic tone running rampant throughout this 75 minute episode. I was not expecting this at all. ), he seems to be doing nothing to help himself and making it worse by looking for the drug himself and descending into more madness. THIS!!!!!!!!! I have never thought of that. I think she was so cold towards her husband because he wasn't a filial king. Yi Heon gets the blame when he made a bad call. Yi Heon asks if Yul, his brother, suffered like this. At first I wondered if this is another red herring. So Minister Lee chose the country over the King and like always he didn't half-acted. I'm honestly far more interested about Court Lady Kim's motives and where her allegiance truly lies even if she's only working under Shin Chi Soo. When he came back he saw that things are not what he thought it would be when he left the palace. If you see the ratings, they got really high and became 2 digit rating when yi heon returned. Minister lee is such a grey character. I’d really hoped that Yi Heon could find redemption, but after seeing how his return to the palace only made him more paranoid and more vicious, I had to admit that he was beyond saving. When Prince Jin-pyung finally gets to talk to the queen dowager, she wonders why she was confined at all when the order was lifted so easily. His insecurity and guilt ate him up to the point of no return and it's so tragic to see someone who had so much potential end up in such a state. I am actually in the camp where I believe nobody is irredeemable. On him as a person! Personally I don't think LH ever stopped loving his Queen. He’s curious how Ha Sun knows about imprisonment in exile when he’s admittedly uneducated, and Ha Sun looks guilty while Eunuch Jo studiously inspects a random window tassel, hee. He says that he had one last chance, but he let it slip away, so now he’s prepared to deal with the consequences. Ha Sun whispers, “I want to have power. Totally metaphorically as well of course. THE SHORT VERDICT: A well-plotted, solid story from start to finish, The Crowned Clown is a show that has quite a bit to offer. Yi Heon wielded so much power in his hands but his mentality was already far too broken to have proper control of such power. This drama is a masterpiece thus far. If Prince Yul could haunt his big brother, there's no reason why Yi Heon's shade couldn't do the same to someone else. But then I thought, he just saw Yi Heon at his worst, and he was realizing that Yi Heon would never be anything more than a tyrant who terrorized his people, even those closest to him. He waits for Ha Sun’s decision, and they both look down at the unconscious king. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. Which I don't believe is the case. Even the monk cannot hide his disgust. (Couldn't help comparing to park min young in seven days queen) But then again the main focus here is the king and the clown. The king is finally putting his head on the game and is causing ruckus to his unknown (to him) enemies. Eunuch Jo reluctantly tells him that Yi Heon was supposed to spend the night with So-woon, but he got sick and ran out. He gasps, “I’m scared. Moo-young asks how Minister Lee intends to deal with the backlash when Yi Heon wakes and finds out he used his authority to confine the queen dowager. Well, in Yi Heon's defense, Yi Kyu betrayed him while he was gone. Yi Heon downs the drink, and he and Minister Lee look out over the ocean. Yi Heon growls that when he returns to the palace, he’ll kill the clown, the queen, Moo-young, and even Minister Lee, but first he’ll make them all regret this betrayal. , long live the clown to lead the nation YH was n't as swanky as the tortoise... 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