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Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 11. 85. Tongues is the believer’s direct access to the throne room. An emotional feeling can lead to a healthy body. Tongues is worshiping the Father in spirit and in truth. Tongues is praying out God’s plan for your life. SNT-423, Benefits of Speaking in Tongues, Victor Paul Wierwille, V.P. Tongues is speaking the language and will of God. Tongues builds and stimulates your faith. Tongues is the beginning of being led by the Holy Spirit. 59. 31. 39. In this video, I want to show you seven things that speaking in tongues (praying in the Holy Spirit) does for every believer. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with might. Tongues is blowing the ram’s horn for battle. 41. 84. Tongues lines you up with the divine will of God. The Lord promised us that He would comfort us in all our tribulation (II Corinthians 1:4) and that is specifically what the gift of speaking in tongues does for us. :D. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. 2. 71. 22)Tongues is speaking the language and the will of God, speaking the heavenly language. “He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself” (1 Corinthians 14:4). Many people question what is accomplished by speaking in tongues. Tongues is being endued with power from on high. Tongues is releasing the winds of God to blow in your life. 63. 8. Tongues is praying out God’s plan for your life. 76. Tongues synchronizes you with the timing of God; it helps you to live God’s dream on earth. 98. About 95 percent of Spirit-baptized Christians don’t understand the purposes and benefits of speaking in tongues. 4. Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome. 56. Tongues is a direct line to talking to God. 88. Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement has brought speaking in tongues to the forefront, and these branches of Christianity are without doubt the fastest growing segments of Christianity. Tongues is the ultimate assistance to prayer. Tongues are life-filled words, faith-filled words and anointing-filled words. Tongues is drinking from the river and reservoir of God. It’s your supernatural means of communication with God; your spirit speaking with His Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:14). 72. 41. Tongues is blowing the ram’s horn for battle. Tongues is the release of the shekinah glory. 67. . 15. 49. Paul made it clear that his revelation of the mysteries of God came through the Spirit. Wierwille, Wierwille, Lamsa, George Lamsa, Pillai, Bishop K.C. 64. Tongues is living supernaturally in a natural world. Tongues is praying from your spirit. Tongues is extracting answers from the indwelling Spirit to solve life’s problems. 86. 22. Tongues helps you to develop your prayer life. 33. When you pray in tongues, no one understands it except God. Our born-again spirits have the mind of Christ. Tongues is making demands upon the power of God. 68. Tongues is the beginning and the maintaining of partnership with the Holy Spirit. Tongues is alignment with the assignment of God. 35. 48. 2. Tongues is decreeing the rhemas of God. 62. 60. Tongues enables you to perform your priestly duties. 37. 80. Tongues is being endued with power from on high. Tongues is drinking from the river and reservoir of God. Being a brain specialist, he was doing research on the relationship between the brain and praying or speaking in tongues. 22. Pentecost, they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues as the Spirit . Therefore, when we are praying from our spirit, we are praying with the mind of Christ, using our most holy faith (Jude 20). Tongues is drawing secrets from the well of life for life's complicated issues. 40. Tongues aids you to mortify the deeds and evil cravings of the flesh. In I Corinthians 14:4, Paul says we edify ourselves through speaking in tongues. What all of these studies have repeatedly found is that contrary to popular belief, those who speak in tongues are not experiencing a … The gift of the spirit language is the activator to the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and is the activator to the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Tongues is building a strong premise to carry the anointing. 100. Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. 1)Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. Tongues is decreeing the rhemas of God. Tongues opens the Scriptures to you from a divine perspective rather than an intellectual standpoint. 91. . This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 29. Tongues connects the intercession of the Holy Spirit with your great High Priest Jesus. 30. Tongues is speaking the hidden wisdom of God. Tongues is the prayer in the New Testament. 2)Tongues is the prayer in the supernatural. 90. Tongues accesses revelation knowledge. 36. Tongues delivers you from the scourge of the tongue of the wicked. Acts 6:4 We shall be persevering to the prayer and the service of the saying (logos) Acts 6:4 – New Testament Greek Interlinear 96. Tongues aids you to mortify the deeds and evil cravings of the flesh. 88. Tongues unleashes the winds of revival and refreshing in your life. Tongues is praying things that have been concealed to be revealed. This article is not intended to be an exhaustive study on the subject of tongues, and I do not intend to deal with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit here. Tongues makes you God-friendly rather than seeker friendly, confuses the enemy and equips you for the wonders of God. Tongues is home improvement and a source of spiritual edification. 58. More than 600 million Christians have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, yet most do not utilize this precious gift to its full potential. 16. the promotion of spiritual growth” (W. E. Vine). Tongues is getting drunk on the new wine of the Holy Ghost. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tongues gives you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot deny. 66. Tongues is pouring in the oil and wine of the Holy Ghost. 25)Tongues qualifies all things to work out for your good. . Tongues keeps you spiritually fit. 5. 77. Tongues is speaking the hidden truth and wisdom of God. Tongues is ministering to yourself, to the Lord, and unto others. 42. 65. Tongues is giving praise and thanksgiving well unto God. You have entered an incorrect email address! 100. 27)Tongues makes you miracle-minded. Tongues taps into the creativity of Elohim. Tongues is prophesying your God-ordained future. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit – the miraculous zone. 68. What is your need today? 13. Tongues is expressing, enforcing, and declaring the will of God in your life and the earth. 29. . 78. Tongues enables a closer walk with God. Tongues is drawing secrets to life’s complicated issues. 43. Tongues is speaking divine mysteries – divine coded secrets. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with might. Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. 89. Tongues enables you to perform your priestly duties. Tongues is a direct line to talking to God. 25. It is a means of spiritual edification–charging your own spirit’s “battery” with the power of God Himself. Acts 2:4 says that on the Day of . Tongues gives spiritual refreshing and rest. Tongues opens the heavens and charges the atmosphere. 2. 78. Tongues is the divine agreement of the prayers of our earthly and heavenly intercessor with the plans of God. 26. 4)Tongues is the believers direct access to the throne room. 1. 18. 97. Speaking in Tongues Can Boost Your Immune System A few years ago, a brain surgeon at Oral Roberts University did a study of what happens in the brain when people pray in tongues. 73. 80. Change ). Tongues is a direct line to talking to God. Tongues renders you to be God-inside minded. Tongues overrules and overturns death assignments against your life. Learn how your comment data is processed. 70. Tongues is releasing the winds of God to blow in your life. ‘Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the … Partner with us for the completion of this Church Building Project, for Take Charge World Ministries 0020070646.Stanbic IBTC Bank 080-3508-8617 God bless YOU! 12. 13. Tongues is building your image of God in you and confidence. 42. 48. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 38. 71. Tongues is getting drunk on the new wine of the Holy Ghost. 82. Tongues is the ignition key to walking in the power of God. 28. The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues 28 November 2016 Glorious Way Church The practice of speaking in tongues began at Pentecost in Acts 1 when Jesus told his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. Tongues helps in living effectively in the last days. Tongues is your private conversation with God. 14:14) through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; Jude 20). 87. 61. It is the best way to give thanks. Tongues is giving your spirit ascendency and power over your flesh. Tongues is the pilum to cause great damage to the kingdom of darkness. the promotion of spiritual growth” (W. E. Vine). . 7. Tongues qualifies all things to work for your good. 26. More than 600 million Christians have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, yet most do not utilize this precious gift to its full potential. Tongues is pulling treasure out of you. 84. Tongues synchronizes you with the timing of God. 94. 5. Tongues delivers you from the scourge of the tongue. I Corinthians 14:14, says our spirits are the part of us that prays in tongues. 19. When we pray in tongues, our spirits are praying (I Corinthians. 3. 62. Tongues is building the image of God in you and your confidence. Tongues is … 20. Tongues is leaning upon God. Tongues gives you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot deny. Good Morning My Brothers AND Sisters Who Allow Themselves To Be Lead By The Precious Holy Spirit AND To Those Who Will Too! Tongues facilitates the entrance into the gifts of the Spirit. Tongues on the Mind By Constance Holden Nov. 2, 2006 , 12:00 AM For a practice that's been around for thousands of years, scientists understand very little about what goes on when people "speak … Pastor Eze Uchechukwu Patrick is the Lead Pastor of Take Charge World Ministry Inc in Owerri, Nigeria. And since we are praying from our spirit, we don’t experience the hindrances that are present when we pray from our mind. Tongues is serving God from your spirit. Tongues qualifies all things to work for your good. God has … Tongues removes you from the limitations of the flesh to God’s abundant supply of the Spirit. Tongues reverses demonic assignments against your well-being. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit – the miraculous zone. Tongues is the prayer in the New Testament. Tongues is the highest form of the prayer of agreement. Another study found that 80% of participants who spoke in tongues had greater emotional stability and less neuroticism. Tongues hones your sharpness and accuracy in the anointing. 98. Tongues taps into the mind of God. 69. Tongues is the divine agreement of the prayers of our earthly and heavenly intercessor with the plans of God. Tongues is building a strong premise to carry the anointing. 99. 18. Tongues is building a strong premise to carry the anointing. Tongues helps you to develop your prayer life. Tongues is living supernaturally in a natural world. Dsc. gave them utterance. 95. Speaking in tongues builds us up (Jude 20) and promotes spiritual growth. 33. 79. Tongues enables a closer walk with God. Tongues is releasing angels on heavenly assignments to change earthly situations. 2. THE BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES By Andrew Wommack One of the things that happened when the baptism of the Holy Spirit first came was that all the people who were there spoke in tongues. In the 1950s and 1960s, I preached much on the Holy Spirit Tongues is prophesying your God-ordained future. 39. 27. He found that as we pray in the Spirit or worship in the Spirit (our heavenly language), the brain releases 2 … 100 BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit – the miraculous zone. 24)Tongues is the ultimate assistance to prayer. The gift of the spirit language is the activator to the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and is the activator to the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. 21. Tongues is a direct line to talking to God. 55. Tongues lights the fire of God in your life. 3. Tongues is refilling empty vessels. 2. This is a very powerful benefit of speaking in tongues. 47. Think about the effects this can have on opportunistic diseases such as cancer. Tongues is releasing angels on heavenly assignments to change earthly situations. Grown men and intellectuals that have struggled for years with receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit are receiving instantly and weeping for joy as they begin to speak in tongues. 57. 100 Benefits Of Praying In Tongues - Religion - Nairaland 1. 15. 20. Tongues opens the heavens and charges the atmosphere. We are giving perfect praise unto God, without the limitations of human language or thought. 100 Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: 4. Tongues is the wind beneath your wings. Tongues is the believer’s direct access to the throne room. Tongues is a door of utterance and boldness. 94. Tongues is rivers of living waters flowing out of you. Tongues is home improvement and a source of spiritual edification. ( Log Out /  46. Tongues facilitates the entrance into the gifts of the Spirit. A spirit language is the greatest gift the Holy Spirit can give a believer. The word “edify” means, “the act of building . Tongues is ministering to yourself, to the Lord, and unto others. However, put in mind that praying in tongue is not something easy to follow on. He found that they secreted two chemicals that can boost the immune system by 35-40%! 3. Tongues is the perfect prayer in the New Testament. Tongues is speaking divine mysteries – divine coded secrets. 63. Tongues is speaking the language and will of God; speaking the language of heaven 44. Praying in tongues bypasses our minds and allows our spirits to have unhindered communion with the Father. 10. Benefits of Speaking in Tongues. 56. 58. 11. Tongues is the Holy Spirit searching your heart and praying through you the perfect will of God. 43. 49. 3. Dd. 45. 20. Tongues is serving God from your spirit. Tongues is worshiping the Father in spirit and in truth. In I Corinthians 14:4, Paul says we edify ourselves through speaking in tongues. 14. Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked. Tongues is a door of utterance and boldness. Tongues hones your sharpness and accuracy in the anointing. Can you just blast in tongues now!!! Holy Spirit with speaking in other tongues. 72. Tongues is pulling treasure out of you. The word “edify” means, “the act of building . 90. Later in I Corinthians 14:21, Paul quotes from Isaiah 28:11-12 and specifically applies those verses to speaking in tongues. “A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church.” –1 Corinthians 14:4. 25. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 47. 17. Our spirits are complete (Colossians 2:9-10). 61. 4. 86. 60. Tongues builds and stimulates your faith. 51. When we speak in tongues we are praising God. Tongues equips you for the wonders of God. Tongues overrules and overturns death assignments against your life. 24. . Tongues is speaking the language and will of God. 4. 53. was that all the people who were there spoke in tongues. Normally our understanding is unfruitful (I Corinthians 14:14) when we pray in tongues, but we can change that by praying for the interpretation. In I Corinthians 14:2, Paul says we are speaking mysteries. Tongues connects the intercession of the Holy Spirit and with your great High Priest Jesus. 75 Reasons Why the Bible Condemns Alcohol Beverages, 8 Secrets Your Business Mentor Won’t Tell You, How to Bounce Back When You’re Feeling Down, How to Carry God’s Fire(prt1) || pastor Uchechukwu Patrick. 23. The way this works is that as we speak in tongues and believe for the interpretation, revelation knowledge comes. Tongues unleashes the winds of revival and refreshing in your life. Tongues lights the fire of God in your life. 34. 76. 100 Benefits of Speaking in Tongues: 1. Sunday Night Teaching #423 Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille: "I see my life beyond today and tomorrow. Tongues is the prayer in the New Testament. 93. 4. THE BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES . Tongues gives spiritual refreshing and rest. Tongues reverses demonic assignments against your well-being. Speaking in tongues builds us up ( Jude 20) and promotes spiritual growth. This might be insight into some truth of God that we are pondering, or godly insight into some situation that we are praying about. 23. 31. 100 Benefits of Speaking in Tongues 1. 44. Tongues also takes you to the realms of prophecies and visions. Tongues makes you God-friendly rather than seeker friendly, confuses the counsel of ungodly, and equips you for the wonders of God. 18. 3. Tongues is rivers of living waters flowing out of you. Speaking in tongues is the most talked about phenomena in Christianity. Just as Paul was not ignorant of the power of prayer and speaking in tongues, neither were the early Christians. First Corinthians 14:2 says, "For he who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to men, but to God. Tongues is speaking divine mysteries – divine coded secrets. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Tongues charges your spiritual battery. Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked. Tongues is a brainstorming session with God. 24. 93. Tongues equips you for the wonders of God. 13. 87. 26)Tongues renders you to be God-inside minded. ( Log Out /  . 46. Tongues is a well springing up into the God kind of life. Tongues is the threefold cord that will not be broken. 8. Tongues develops intimacy with the Holy Ghost. 95. 7. Tongues is expressing, enforcing, and declaring the will of God in your life and the earth. Tongues is the wind in your sail. 19. . Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God. The early Christians understood that they could not neglect prayer: But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word. 17. Tongues is the threefold cord that will not be broken. 79. 2. By Andrew Wommack . Jesus is the greatest gift God … 10. 9. Tongues is giving praise and thanksgiving well unto God. 66. For no one understands him, although in the spirit, he speaks mysteries." Tongues is making demands upon the power of God. 97. 6. Tongues lines you up with the divine will of God. 81. 28)Tongues magnifies God Tongues is spirit-to-Spirit communication. If there were no other benefits associated with speaking in tongues, this would be more than enough reason to seek this gift. Tongues pulls you from the past into the future. Tongues is praying things that have been concealed to be revealed. 1. 32. . 6. 35. 7. 3. Tongues keeps you spiritually fit. 73. Tongues is the rallying sound of victory. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Dr. Carl Peterson, M.D. 83. Tongues builds and stimulates your faith. 1. Tongues is part of the armor of God, the lance that will shoot down the enemy. Tongues gives you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot deny.

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