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Reviews of the Money Masters Documentary. Character-driven stories with a cinematic approach. AdvisoryHQ’s List of Top 10 Best Documentaries About Finance and Money Click any of the names below to go directly to the detailed review section for that documentary: 10. ‘Money as Debt is a 2006 animated documentary film by Canadian filmmaker Paul Grignon about the monetary systems practised through modern banking. Another film inspired by the financial crisis of 2008, or if the entire financial system is due for a massive collapse, The movie was released in 2009, directed by James Allen Smith, and received, recognition from the Austin Film Festival. Below are primary reasons we selected 97% Owned to be rated as one of the top finance and money documentaries. Exactly what laws govern corporate acts? In the deep reaches of our solar system, there lies a planet so foreign and mysterious that we’ve been able to do little more than speculate about it for some time. Feeling pressured to provide the best for their children, NYC parents behave like … Personal credit card debt is at an, Not to mention, many of the youth of our nation are in a serious. The Ascent of Money Watch the four-hour documentary. Cash rains from the skies as central banks increase their money printing to never before seen levels. The Money Masters, Directed Bill Still. But former employees detail the ruthless and fraudulent practices that fueled its growth. It is a form of stored labor – both intellectual and physical and also a medium that conveys value for exchange. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room 1. Filmmaker Philippe Diaz sets out to get a complete and researched understanding of poverty throughout the world. Many Americans can’t even begin to answer these questions. The documentary won Best Documentary at the Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards and the St. Louis Critics Association. In line with the previous list of films mentioned, it also focuses on the great recession and housing bubble crash of 2008. Another film inspired by the financial crisis of 2008, End of the Road looks at the consequences of a currency backed solely by belief. Read each review to determine which finance documentary is geared most toward your interests, or go ahead and watch them all! It’s simply data that is generally not found through conventional means. Time: The Kalief Browder Story. This film was prescient in its knowledge of the lurking corruption and mismanagement of credit in both the United States and abroad. It starts from way back in the cradle of civilization in Mesopotamia. Image source: Henry Gray / Wikimedia commons, Palmaris longus muscle. Each of these top finance documentaries is well-made and packed with information about the economy and the financial industry. Please click here “AdvisoryHQ’s Ranking Methodologies” for a detailed review of AdvisoryHQ’s selection methodologies for ranking top rated firms, products, and services. - relies heavily on documents, which are carefully checked by the banks involved before they make payment. by Dewey Fernfield January 12, 2021 700 Views 5 Comments. This act gives the bank the power to flood the market with capital – and means that one of the major ways money is flushed into the economy is by putting the common people into debt. It seems that in hindsight, the unregulated activities of the financial industry had only one possible outcome – disaster. Through the film, he interviews a litany of policymakers, scholars and more about the crippling problem of poverty. Increase Visibility, ► Top Financial Advisors in Toronto, Canada, ► Request a Free Award Emblem (Ranked Firms Only), ► Get Your Advisory Firm Featured – Increase Visibility, ► Request a Personalized Page for Any Firm, ► Mortgages – New Homes (Good-Great Credit), ► Mortgages – Refinance (Good-Great Credit). The film focuses on the human side of the markets, revealing what sort of person is motivated to make a living by working in the capitalist trenches of America. Mostly, however, the film spotlights a few coffee traders and follows their stories on and off the trading floor. The main theme of Capitalism: A Love Story is to illuminate the differences between the fantasy of capitalist opportunity and the actual impacts the “free-market” system imparts on the hardworking middle class. AdvisoryHQ’s List of Top 10 Best Documentaries About Finance and Money. Inside the Failing Financial System Master Plan – Mini Documentary. We’re Not Broke 8. Click any of the names below to go directly to the detailed review section for that documentary: 10. Review AdvisoryHQ’s Terms for details. Throughout the film, several economists and financial experts are interviewed and offer their opinions as to why the economy has become what we see today, and what they expect to see in the future absent major financial reform. Maxed Out was made in 2006 by James D. Scurlock. The film zooms into the personal narratives of the capitalist system and exposes all players – the losers, the winners, and the so-called “bottom-feeders” who make a living by suckling off the flawed system. Maxed Out. Money as Debt 1, Directed by Paul Grignon. Email. The summary of the act states:   After this crisis, phrases like bailouts and “too big to fail” entered the public vernacular. Facebook. The film received recognition from the Nantucket Film Festival, the International  Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, and many more film festivals. 2015: The Year of Pluto tells the story of NASA’s New Horizons mission, which sent a deep space probe toward Pluto. Capitalism: A Love Story 7. Stories, great tales, and songs have all been written about the all-mighty dollar. It also considers, if corporations are legally entitled to the label of “corporate personhood,” then exactly what sort of citizen are these “people”? However, a lot about the industry remains a mystery to the average American. The film sets out to explore what Moore thinks is an equivalency between democracy and unchecked capitalism. I.O.U.S.A. At 85 years old he runs of the greatest sushi restaurants in the world. Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and benefits banking institutions and investment houses .The consumers ( evryone ) lose out because their spending power is reduced and they have to borrow money or get pay rises to maintain their living standards.With ALL costs rising producers do everything they can to keep wages and salaries down. Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve (2013) Review. With William T. Still. You’ll learn about the actual people who are driven by the hustle and bustle of the market floor and how the high intensity occupation affects their personal lives. The film focuses on the shape and impact of the United States national … End Of the Road: How Many Become Worthless (2012) Review. Some ultimately lost jobs and others took a major hit to the ego as their knowledge of the old systems became outdated. Instead, it focuses on the whole prison system, the history of it, and the very unsettling racial disparity that has come to define it. in Latest, Video. The more you see them, the better you get at spotting the signs. 2006,Economics - 42 min48 Comments. Carmack, J.D. The film's title refers to the 13th Amendment. (1/35th of an ounce) within the context of the Bretton Woods gold standard system. That is to say, is work and the attainment of riches or at least a fair amount of money the true meaning of success and happiness? 97% Owned 6. Dirty Money. End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless 5. Image source: Wikimedia commons, Goosebumps. The sights seen in Bolivia show the real faces and people affected by unjust laws and corporate corruption. Capitalism: A Love Story is a Michael Moore film released in 2009. This film captures this question through the life and achievements of Jiro Ono and makes the viewer reflect and maybe even reconsider what it is they’re chasing after. Below are primary reasons we selected Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room to be rated as one of the top finance and money documentaries. Based on the book by Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money is an ambitious documentary that charts the progress and evolution of the financial system. Reasonable efforts have been made by AdvisoryHQ to present accurate information, however all info is presented without warranty. We’re Not Broke 8. The proverbial financial forces have laid the foundations for both society and civilization. soon after shipment of the goods. Not to mention, many of the youth of our nation are in a serious student loan epidemic. Understanding the inner workings of the financial industry takes dedicated time, experience, and research. Power Of The Purse | Documentary About The Money Control System. End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless (2012) Review, Key Factors That Enabled This Film to Rank as a Top 2016 Finance and Money Documentary. Saving money doesn’t help the economy when spending power is ruled by the loan process. The film highlights the housing crisis, the collapse of the Detroit economy, and other examples of the downtrodden U.S. economy after 2008. Film Festival. Free Budgeting Software for AdvisoryHQ Readers - Get It Now! This documentary created by UK financial analyst Ann Pettifor, sets out to find the answers to these questions. Not only is the financial sector inherently complex, but the game is constantly changing. Even so, he fell into a legal quagmire of deceit and thievery as he attempted to keep up with his growing lavish lifestyle. The Money GPS is the most active, most informative channel in the financial world. What happens to regular citizens when currencies and financial institutions break down and stop working? Google+. Here are the six traits that inaugurated the fun. Twitter. The Untold Truth About Money. 3 the one that is better to me is quantum financial system because quantum financial system is called the modern barter system in which you give value in order to receive something of equal value. Though finance and money is the prevailing theme connecting these films, each one has narrowed its focus onto a smaller aspect of the industry. Also review each firm’s site for the most updated data, rates and info. to explore what Moore thinks is an equivalency between democracy and unchecked capitalism. The film breaks down the profits of the largest corporations in the U.S. and explicitly describes how income taxes are avoided. It preceded one of the greatest financial crises of our time. This 2009 documentary takes viewers onto the actual trading floor of the commodities market, otherwise known as “the pit.” Director Johanna Lee peers into the insanity that goes on among traders working within the heart of American capitalism. The documentary states that crime was lower overall than it had been in decades, but that Republican candidates raised it to generate fear. Based on a book by former Fortune Magazine writers, Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind; Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is a warning for what can go wrong when a company is built off of unsound financials and hype. Ultimately, this is a fight between a giant reptile and a giant primate. With a host of interviews with top economists and bankers, it looks into how banks are given the power to create money and have a hold over the economy. made by Andrew Morgan, takes a look into a very pressing issue, but often overlooked problem in the fashion industry. Moral Money; ETF Hub; Most Read . Insider interviews offer an exclusive look into the historic corporate disaster that resulted in 20,000 lost jobs, lost fortunes, and even suicides. 2 quantum financial system is similar to strategic aboundance monetary system by both talk about Money. Your head will be filled with so many new facts that you’re bound to rethink everything you thought you knew. The film takes a brief look at the commodities market and how the crazed activity within “the pit” shapes prices worldwide. Through Indian cotton fields, we see the faces behind a multibillion-dollar industry. "Up in the Air takes the trust people once had in their … What sort of impact do these incredibly large entities have on society? He travels to Cambodia and Bangladesh to visit garment factories. Basically, this is the stuff that served some evolutionary purpose at some point, but now is kind of, well, extra. Directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott, this 2003 documentary picks apart corporate entities and how they function in modern society. The documentary points to the removal of the gold standard as the tipping point for financial disarray. Who makes it? But what are the impacts of such a complicated, debt-reliant system? This documentary captures that sound and tells the stories of the talented musicians who recorded there. What kinds of decisions are made by its chairman? And now, automation, removing the human aspect from most if not all production AND distribution, threatens to collapse even their monetary system. And when do those laws apply? It’s not just individual consumers that need to watch out either. A new study says the reason cave paintings are in such remote caverns was the artists' search for transcendence. Below are primary reasons we selected The Corporation to be rated as one of the top finance and money documentaries. The ability of the top executives to protect their own assets while the average investor and employee lost all, is a main focus of the documentary as well. The documentary ties these stories together by showing how a rotten system creates terrible incentives than ultimately harm innocent people. These questions, and more, are touched on during the documentary. Linkedin. 151. Linkedin . The funds are there; the only problem is that the funds are legally misdirected out of the country in the form of corporate tax loopholes. Love him or hate him, Michael Moore produces some interesting documentaries. Inside Job, Finding the Top Documentaries about Finance and Money: Selection Methodology. … It also chronicles the switchover to an electronic-based system and the personal struggles traders dealt with as their former profession became less and less relevant in the face of emerging technology. Ouch. The film presents Grignon’s view of the process of money creation by banks and its historical background, and warns of his belief in its subsequent unsustainability’. The following video is brought to you courtesy of the The Money GPS YouTube Channel. Note: Firms and products, including the one(s) reviewed above, may be AdvisoryHQ's affiliates. About THE ASCENT OF MONEY Learn more about the film. Inside the Failing Financial System Master Plan – Mini Documentary. Too many people are staying on probation for too long and it's siphoning money that could be used to bolster public safety, advocates say. The Pit also highlights the challenges individual traders faced when the markets switched to a technology-based system. The economic crisis of 2008 was one of the worst in recent memory. Below are primary reasons we selected Capitalism: A Love Story to be rated as one of the top financial documentaries. The film paints a broad picture and outlines how lobbyists, lawyers, accountants, politicians, and corporations all work in concert to create the tax loophole climate we see corporations taking advantage of today. The world of finance and banking is a complicated, and even shadowy, place. A look at the creation of the economic system. The Corporation 2. By Patrick S.J. Question Everything, Come To Your Own Conclusions. After all, they're among the biggest chart-toppers of modern music. This film explores the reasons for and the consequences of this system, linking the 2008 banking bailouts and credit crisis to this artificial  method of money creation. It paints a chilling picture of the unbounded enthusiasm both its stockholders and the general public had for a company that wasn’t worth the paper its shares were printed on. But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is … was directed by Charles Ferguson and led by actor Matt Damon. It’s simply data that is generally not found through conventional means. The following video is brought to you courtesy of the The Money GPS YouTube Channel. The 2008 switchover to a machine-based system wasn’t easy for many traders. Arguably because of unchecked banking regulations and greed prevalent in all strata of society, the global economy tanked and hit the floor. BASEL I. Many of these films also illuminate and explain the economic policies that have shaped the American economy into what we see today. The film was the winner of many awards, including awards at the Sundance Film Festival, Genesis Awards, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, Vancouver International Film Festival,  Women Film Critics Circle Awards, and many, many more, Free Wealth Management for AdvisoryHQ Readers, 2. Jan 10, 2021. Many garment workers only make $3 a day and are beat by bosses in a backwards working society. Kenneth Lay and Jeff Skilling’s history with the company is also featured, providing a timeline of their involvement with the company from 1985 to the 2001 corporate collapse. Traders could make or lose fortunes in minutes in this risky and adrenaline-inducing profession. Mostly, 97% Owned addresses common misconceptions in the banking system. The film describes how U.K. banks create money by providing loans that they treat as repaid as soon as the loan is given. Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream; The Party's Over (2003 film) The People Speak (film) Point of Order (film) PoliWood; Power Trip: Theatrically Berkeley; Precious Knowledge; The … In a forthcoming documentary called AKA Jane Roe, McCorvey claimed she became a pro-life activist not because she regretted her decision, as she told the public, but for money. It explores historical narratives and visits the poverty-struck countries it muses about. 0. Inside the Failing Financial System Master Plan – Mini Documentary. Credit can be used as an excellent tool for leverage and financial health … The Pit 9. It is the policy of exploitation that the rich employ against the poor. Economical Documentary on the international financial system, Gold, Dollar, Money. Below are primary reasons we selected Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve to be rated as one of the top finance and money documentaries. The Untold Truth About Money. The probe was launched in 2006 and didn’t reach Pluto until 2015. Filmed during the height of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, this documentary is an expose on the lack of taxes paid by U.S. corporations. But he shoehorns in socialism as the unquestioned panacea for all of our problems. It also won Best Documentary at the Alliance of Women Film Journalists and at the Southeastern Film Critics Association Awards, Top Five Documentary at the National Board of Review, USA, and Best Non-Fiction Film at the National Society of Film Critics Awards and the New York Film Critics Circle Awards. Day after day, breaking down the data and making it easy to understand. Filmed during the height of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, this documentary is an expose on the lack of taxes paid by U.S. corporations. With the 2020 race heating up, and Beto O'Rourke launching his campaign with a film, our panel of critics picks the best documentaries about the American political system. Carmack, What you have shown in the scenario is what we are constantly doing at the personal level as well as the public level. The film takes you through the beginning of the Enron scandal and what led up to this financial catastrophe in the first place. #money #finance #invest” If we had Lincoln money or Kennedy money, the transition would have been simple to do. Like many of Moore’s films, he paints a compelling argument for one side of the story but neglects the other. Top Documentary Films. Jan 20, 2021 Such as, where does it come from? There he’s faced with cruel and inhumane working conditions. AdvisoryHQ (All Rights Reserved), Below, please find the detailed review of each film on our list of top finance and money documentaries. Here are some of the most informative films on the subject. Inside the Failing Financial System Master Plan – Mini Documentary The tone of the film is extremely depressing and even disempowering. Directed by William T. Still. The Pit 9. Enron’s involvement with the California energy crisis is also presented and provides an interesting look at the real-world impact the morally bankrupt corporate culture had on the economy and lives of everyday Americans. 97% Owned 6. It is the policy of exploitation that the rich employ against the poor. It dives into the tax history of the U.S. and outlines exactly when changing regulations led to the complex tax code we see currently. But it's a challenging, strange, eye-opening film. He travels to Cambodia and Bangladesh to visit garment factories. 5.13. Ferguson considers money to be the essential force or as he puts it "backstory" behind all of history. from The Money GPS: TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ Facebook. While this film is dated, the points it makes are relevant to our time. The economic crisis of 2008 was one of the worst in recent memory. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © 2015-2021. The Fed is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and if the American people truly understood how it really works, they would be screaming for it to be abolished immediately. At the highest point in Enron’s pricing, it was worth some $300,000. The film shows how traders use hand signals and crazed communication to make trades that set global prices for a number of different goods. It preceded one of the greatest financial crises of our time. 13. Gold Documentary, Movie about Monetary Belongings and the historical past of the worldwide cash system – Gold: The Story of Man’s 6000 Yr Obsession – Episode 2 – In episode 2 Grant appears to be like on the gold markets and explains why ‘the gold value’ is completely different to ‘the worth of gold’. The documentary by saying this was released civilization in Mesopotamia and private in... 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