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[150] While under the leadership of Francisco Franco, the Spanish government explicitly endorsed the Catholic Church as the religion of the nation state and did not endorse liberal ideas such as religious pluralism or separation of Church and State found in the Republican Constitution of 1931. Conversely, Franco strongly identified with his mother (who always wore widow's black once she realised her husband had abandoned her) and learned from her moderation, austerity, self-control, family solidarity and respect for Catholicism, though he would also inherit his father's harshness, coldness and implacability.[25]. He then arbitrarily appointed an interim prime minister and after a short period announced the dissolution of parliament and new elections. [50] Thirty four priests, six young seminarists with ages between 18 and 21, and several businessmen and civil guards were summarily executed by the revolutionaries in Mieres and Sama, 58 religious buildings including churches, convents and part of the university at Oviedo were burned and destroyed. This was the situation throughout the 1940s and to a lesser extent during the 1950s, but after 1960 the non-Castilian Spanish languages were freely spoken and written, and they reached bookshops and stages, although they never received official status. On 23 October 1940, Hitler and Franco met in Hendaye in France to discuss the possibility of Spain's entry on the side of the Axis. [207], Spanish general and dictator who ruled from 1939-75, Rif War and advancement through the ranks, From the Spanish Civil War to World War II. He was devastated by the closing of his Academy, but nevertheless continued his service in the Republican Army. "Riots Sweep Spain on Left's Victory; Jails Are Stormed", sfn error: no target: CITEREFRichardson1969 (, Payne, Stanley G., and Jesús Palacios. [82] At the same time communist parties throughout the world quickly launched a full scale propaganda campaign in support of the Popular Front. [66] Franco himself along with General Emilio Mola had stirred an anti-Communist campaign in Morocco. [citation needed], However, when Juan Carlos asked Franco if he could sit in on cabinet meetings, Franco would not permit him saying that "you would do things differently." [10][11] Combined with wartime killings, this brings the death toll of the White Terror to between 100,000 and 200,000. "Francisco Franco as Warrior: Is It Time for a Reassessment of His Military Leadership?. [88] A rumoured state visit by Franco to Germany did not take place and a further rumour of a visit by Goering to Spain, after he had enjoyed a cruise in the Western Mediterranean, again did not materialise. International firms established factories in Spain where salaries were low, company taxes very low, strikes forbidden and workers' health or state protections almost unheard of. Student revolts at universities in the late 1960s and early 1970s were violently repressed by the heavily armed Policía Armada (Armed Police). Mussolini’s public posturing and boasts did not guarantee loyalty in Italy – hence why it was so important for him to establish a relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. [110] Franco made himself jefe nacional (National Chief) of the new FET (Falange Española Tradicionalista; Traditionalist Spanish Phalanx) with a secretary, Political Junta and National Council to be named subsequently by himself. [170] Infrastructure had been damaged, workers killed, and daily business severely hampered. [24], Franco's father was a naval officer who reached the rank of vice admiral (intendente general). Not needing any more officers, the Naval Academy admitted no new entrants from 1906 to 1913. Despite an attempt at a general stoppage in Madrid, other strikes did not endure. [173][174] The site was designated by the interim government, assured by Prince Juan Carlos and Prime Minister Carlos Arias Navarro, as the burial place for Franco. [176] Former US President Richard Nixon called Franco "a loyal friend and ally of the United States. Through representatives, he started to negotiate with the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy for more military support, and above all for more aircraft. Some time after these events, Franco was briefly commander-in-chief of the Army of Africa (from 15 February onwards), and from 19 May 1935, on, Chief of the General Staff. [60][61] Stanley G. Payne claims that the process was a major electoral fraud, with widespread violation of the laws and the constitution. Yale University Press, 2008, pp.84–85, Spain 1833–2002, p.133, Mary Vincent, Oxford, 2007, sfn error: no target: CITEREFCasanova2010 (, Madariaga – Spain (1964) p.416 as cited in. Nominally led by Cabanellas, as the most senior general,[94] it initially included Mola, three other generals, and two colonels; Franco was later added in early August. This designation came as a surprise to the Carlist pretender to the throne, as well as to Juan Carlos's father, Don Juan, the Count of Barcelona, who had a superior claim to the throne, but whom Franco feared to be too liberal. The end of the war led to hundreds of thousands of exiles, mostly to France, but also to Mexico, Chile, Cuba, and the United States. [142][143][144][145], After the war, Franco did not recognize Israeli statehood, maintained strong relations with the Arab world and Israel expressed disinterest in establishing relations, although there were some informal economic ties between the countries in the later years of Franco's governance of Spain. Franco was recognized as the Spanish head of state by the United Kingdom, France and Argentina in February 1939. [203] Churches that retain plaques commemorating Franco and the victims of his Republican opponents may lose state aid. He allowed Spanish soldiers to volunteer to fight in the German Army against the Soviet Union (the Blue Division), but forbade Spaniards to fight in the West against the democracies. Spain attempted to retain control of its colonies throughout Franco's rule. On 23 June 1936, he wrote to the head of the government, Casares Quiroga, offering to quell the discontent in the Spanish Republican Army, but received no reply. The first decade of Franco's rule following the end of the Civil War in 1939 saw continued repression and the killing of an undetermined number of political opponents. Azaña found Franco's farewell speech to the cadets insulting. Historian Ricardo de la Cierva claimed that he had been told around 6 pm on 19 November that Franco had already died. [43] In June 1933 Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical Dilectissima Nobis, "On Oppression of the Church of Spain", in which he criticized the anti-clericalism of the Republican government. the successful integration of a substantial portion of Republican prisoners-of war-into the Nationalist army (proportionately one the greatest out of any army in any 20th-century European civil war). Francoism professed a devotion to the traditional role of a woman in society; that is, being a loving daughter and sister to her parents and brothers, being a faithful wife to her husband, and residing with her family. Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo Poyato stated that having Franco buried at the monument "shows a lack of respect ... for the victims buried there". Concurrent with the absence of social reforms, and the economic power shift, a tide of mass emigration commenced to other European countries, and to a lesser extent, to South America. An early indication that Franco was going to keep his distance from Germany soon proved true. La Guerra Civil no ha terminado, "Francisco Franco | Biography, Nickname, Beliefs, & Facts", "La loca familia de los Franco: historia de una saga extravagante", "Franco, "hombre de un sólo testículo" BBC News Mundo", "Carmen Polo: La Esposa de Francisco Franco – la Guerra Civil Española", "Discurso de Franco a los cadetes de la academia militar de Zaragoza", "24 horas - Stanley G. Payne: "Las elecciones del 36, durante la Republica, fueron un fraude, "Los discursos catastrofistas de los líderes de la derecha y la difusión del mito del "golpe de Estado comunista, "Indalecio Prieto en Cuenca: comentarios al discurso pronunciado el 1º de mayo de 1936", "Las raíces insulares de Franco (The island roots of Franco)", "El monumento a Franco en Las Raíces será retirado (Monument to Franco's meeting to be removed)", "article in the Guardian about Cecil Bebb", "Spain torn on tribute to victims of Franco", "Aportaremos trozos de verdad a un 'puzzle' que resolverá Garzón", "Paul Preston, The Spanish holocaust: inquisition and extermination in twentieth-century Spain (London: Harper Collins, 2012)", Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, "A Wolfram in Sheep's Clothing: Economic Warfare in Spain and Portugal, 1940–1944", "Franco and Hitler: The Myth of Hendaye 1940", "Franco, Hitler & the play for Gibraltar: how the Spanish held firm on the Rock", "WWII document reveals: General Franco handed Nazis list of Spanish Jews", "The Angel Of Cairo: How A Spaniard Saved Egypt's Jews", "This Day in Jewish History 1968: Spain Revokes the Expulsion of the Jews", In the Shadow of the Holocaust and the Inquisition: Israel's Relations with Francoist Spain pp. The 17,000 refugees housed in Gurs were divided into four categories: Brigadists, pilots, Gudaris and ordinary "Spaniards". He was also referred to in state and official documents as "Caudillo de España" ("the Leader of Spain"), and sometimes called "el Caudillo de la Última Cruzada y de la Hispanidad" ("the Leader of the Last Crusade and of the Hispanic heritage") and "el Caudillo de la Guerra de Liberación contra el Comunismo y sus Cómplices" ("the Leader of the War of Liberation Against Communism and Its Accomplices"). On 22 October 1923, Franco married María del Carmen Polo y Martínez-Valdès (11 June 1900 – 6 February 1988). Moreover, Spain did not intern any of the 1,200 American airmen who were forced to land in the country, but gave them shelter and helped them to leave. [109] In 1937, Franco assumed as the tentative doctrine of his regime 26 out of the original 27 points. [210], Official endeavors to preserve the historical memory of the Franco regime include exhibitions like the one the Museu d'Història de Catalunya (Museum of Catalan History) organised around the prison experience. While the Republican forces presented the war as a struggle to defend the Republic against fascism, Franco depicted himself as the defender of "Catholic Spain" against "atheist communism". In several mining towns in Asturias, local unions gathered small arms and were determined to see the strike through. [205], In Spain, a commission to "repair the dignity" and "restore the memory" of the "victims of Francoism" (Comisión para reparar la dignidad y restituir la memoria de las víctimas del franquismo) was approved in 2004, and is directed by the social-democratic deputy Prime Minister María Teresa Fernández de la Vega. With that he was promoted to major at the end of February 1917 at age 24. [3] Recent searches conducted with parallel excavations of mass graves in Spain (in particular by the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, ARMH) estimate the total of people executed after the civil war between 15,000 and 35,000. Two years later Franco became the director of the General Military Academy in Zaragoza. All cultural activities were subject to censorship, and many, such as the Sardana, the national dance of Catalonia, were plainly forbidden (often in an erratic manner). He consolidated all nationalist parties into the FET y de las JONS (creating a one-party state). "[112] The Falangists' hymn, Cara al Sol, became the semi-national anthem of Franco's not-yet-established regime. This situation ended in part when, in the light of Cold War tensions and of Spain's strategic location, the United States of America entered into a trade and military alliance with Franco. Official propaganda confined the role of women to family care and motherhood. But Primo de Rivera refused to run alongside a military officer (and Franco in particular) and Franco himself ultimately desisted on 26 April, one day before the decision of the election authority. The argument that Mr Gil Robles tried to destroy the Constitution to establish fascism was, at once, hypocritical and false. While serving in Morocco, he rose through the ranks to become brigadier general in 1926, aged 33, becoming the youngest general in Spain. 5,000 Spaniards thus died in Mauthausen concentration camp. [91] Those who had served in Spain were tainted in Stalin's view and were singled out for harshness in the purges and were virtually all eliminated. Franco: A personal and political biography. Franco's own leadership, which helped unify the various Nationalist factions, as well as his diplomatic skill, which helped the Nationalists secure military aid from Italy and Germany and keep democracies such as Britain and France out of the war. [200] Similarly, as recently as 2006, Franco supporters in Spain have honored Pinochet. In 1944, a group of republican veterans from the French resistance invaded the Val d'Aran in northwest Catalonia, but were quickly defeated. This historic alliance commenced with the visit of US President Dwight Eisenhower to Spain in 1953, which resulted in the Pact of Madrid. Franco was a running gag during the first two seasons of, The first-season episode "Cómo se reescribe el tiempo" of the Spanish television series, Franco is often referenced in the Spanish TV series, Franco is a character in CJ Sansom's book, Franco is the centrepiece of the satirical work, Cerdá, Néstor. After the proclamation by Marshal Philippe Pétain of the Vichy France regime, the refugees became political prisoners, and the French police attempted to round up those who had been liberated from the camp. Despite the end of the war, guerrilla resistance to Franco, known as "the Maquis", occurred in the Pyrenees, carrying out sabotage and robberies against the Francoist regime. [28][29] Two years later, he obtained a commission to Morocco. Franco was briefly elevated to Chief of Army Staff before the 1936 election moved the leftist Popular Front into power, relegating him to the Canary Islands. His instructions were clear: "A hundred per cent Franco's victory was not desirable from a German Point of view; rather were we interested in a continuance of the war and in the keeping up of the tension in the Mediterranean. Jews who were not allowed to enter Spain, however, were sent to the Miranda de Ebro concentration camp or deported to France. Spanish diplomats protected about 4,000 Jews living in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. [48] A Catalan state was proclaimed by Catalan nationalist leader Lluis Companys, but it lasted just ten hours. The letters between the two were found and she was questioned by journalists. "[89] Hitler wanted to help Franco just enough to gain his gratitude and to prevent the side supported by the Soviet Union from winning, but not large enough to give the Caudillo a quick victory. Born on July 29, 1883, Mussolini gained a reputation for bullying and fighting during his childhood. [201], In 2006, the BBC reported that Maciej Giertych, an MEP of the clerical-nationalist League of Polish Families, had expressed admiration for Franco, stating that the Spanish leader "guaranteed the maintenance of traditional values in Europe".[202]. Spanish efforts to occupy their new African protectorate provoked the Second Melillan campaign in 1909 with native Moroccans, the first of a period of Riffian rebellions. In January 1943, after the German embassy in Spain told the Spanish government that it had two months to remove its Jewish citizens from Western Europe, Spain severely limited visas, and only 800 Jews were allowed to enter the country. Outwardly, Franco maintained an ambiguous attitude until nearly July. Although both Germany and Italy provided military support to Franco, the degree of influence of both powers on his direction of the war seems to have been very limited. In 1932 the Jesuits, who were in charge of many schools throughout the country, were banned and had all their property confiscated. [147] On 16 December 1968, the Spanish government formally revoked the 1492 Edict of Expulsion against Spain's Jewish population.[148][149]. [56], With this rebellion against established political legitimate authority, the Socialists showed identical repudiation of representative institutional system that anarchists had practiced. He wore the uniform of a Captain General (a rank traditionally reserved for the King) and resided in El Pardo Palace. Attempts to give the national anthem new lyrics have failed due to lack of consensus. Historical analysis and investigations estimate the number of executions by the Franco regime during this time to be between 100,000 and 200,000 dead. [158][159][160][161] Stanley Payne notes that very few scholars consider him to be a "core fascist". On 16 February 1936 the elections ended in a virtual draw, but in the evening leftist mobs started to interfere in the balloting and in the registration of votes distorting the results. Franco's previous aloofness from politics meant that he had few active enemies in any of the factions that needed to be placated, and he had also cooperated in recent months with both Germany and Italy. As Gian Franco Corsi Zeffirelli 163 ] unlike other neutral countries in Europe 17 February he was promoted the! For a Reassessment of his regime 26 out of the Spanish Army of Africa rebelled, detaining their commanders it! 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