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Indubitable scientific proof that Neanderthals and Denisovans were part ancestors of Europeans and Chinese. Rh status of an individual is normally described with a positive or negative suffix after the ABO type. on Holistic Psychiatrist Found Stabbed To Death At Holistic Clinic, on Hostage drama northeast of Paris as police reportedly corner shooting suspects, on Big Pharma’s Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry, on Scout Association apologises over historical abuse of children, on Turkish Pilots Saw UFO An Hour Before EgyptAir Crash, on Andrew Cuomo Aide Was Sexually Abused By Top Democrat, Weather Wars: Recent Natural Disasters Are Man-Made, Rhesus (RH) negative blood? Watch an extraordinary video about the Nephilim below and read more about your possible origins here. But what does Rhesus Negative mean exactly? You have reached your limit of 5000 friends! Could this also be where the Caucasian was introduced? Unable to upload a file: This file type is not supported. Thus, rhesus monkeys exhibit 2 distinct DC precursor populations that closely resemble those of humans. By comparison, Neanderthals and chimpanzees share some of their DNA. As in fallen angel. In terms of the effects of sex, HCT and MCV values were significantly higher in the male cynomolgus monkeys than in the female monkeys. They chose to inject rhesus monkey blood into guinea pigs and rabbits because the rhesus monkey was higher up the phylogenetic tree than sheep. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Science 22 Jul 1955: Vol. A Rh-negative woman who conceives a Rh-positive child with a Rh+ positive man will typically bear her first child without special problems. It is native to South, Central, and Southeast Asia and has the widest geographic range of all non-human primates, occupying a great diversity of … Possession of Rh-negative blood can be a major disadvantage for a human population. Both are mobilized into blood and lymphoid tissue by Flt3L, offering potential for their further characterization and possible therapeutic application. Due to the larger European numbers, it is a safe bet that was where it was introduced into the human genetic code. 156 DOI: 10.1126/science.122.3160.156 . The ABO Blood Grouping System Blood Volume of the Rhesus Monkey. Given the above facts, blood types AB and O seem to be some form of combination of A+A, A+B or B+B (AB as exclusive and O as inclusive) - whereas A and B themselves appear to be separate original groups. The RH factor is the Rhesus (rhesus as in monkey) blood factor. In the rhesus Rhesus Monkey Whole Blood is available as pooled or individual samples, with either sex as an option. No significant changes was found on RBC count both in cynomolgus (Table 2) and rhesus monkeys (Table 3). I have no desire to be racist. This would lend credence that the RH-negative factor was introduced from an outside source. Your post was submitted, we will review your content soon. We have detected some adult content on the image you uploaded, therefore we have declined your upload process. Rh negative blood type is rare. When blood type is inherited from your parents, it is known that this factor element of the blood is the most consistent human or animal characteristic passed on to the off spring. Then an interesting thing happened. Around 600,000 years ago, in southern Europe, a species of man-kind separated off from the ancestral line, and we call this species Homo neanderthalensis. Recent studies have shown that this rare blood group may indicate non-human traits in your makeup which set you apart from the conventional DNA of homo sapiens. Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood, yet ALL royal families have Rh-negative blood. It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. In the Book of Enoch, which never quite made it officially into the Bible as it was considered idolatrous and too concerned with the story of the angels, the Nephilim and fallen angels are referred to in detail. There is no d antigen. This question has puzzled scientists for years. Rhesus Monkey Whole Blood is available as pooled or individual samples, with either sex as an option. In the United States, some 15% of the ‘European’ population are Rh- negative, while the percentage in the ‘Asian’ and ‘Black’ population is relatively negligible. It’s interesting to note that the coloring referred to in these characteristics are typical of Northern Europe – an echo of the Biblical story of Noah’s son being murdered by the Nephilim and the children produced populating Northern Europe perhaps? The new analysis of the rhesus monkey genome, conducted by an international consortium of more than 170 scientists, also reveals that Neanderthals and the macaques share about 93 percent of their DNA. The blood of the remaining 15% lacked the factor and was typed Rh negative. The Rhesus factor gets its name from experiments conducted in 1937 by scientists Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Weiner. In general, about 40 – 45% of Europeans have the RH-negative group. The determination of the Rh (from rhesus) factor in human blood involves reaction with the blood of this monkey, and a rhesus was the first monkey to be rocketed into the stratosphere. Basque skulls tend to be built on a different pattern. In ABO, blood may contain the ‘A’ factor (giving A-group blood), the ‘B’ factor (B-group), both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (AB blood), or neither (O blood). They are well known for their ease of breeding and are widely used in neuroscience, behavioral biology, infectious diseases, reproductive physiology, endocrinology, cardiovascular research, pharmacology, and other fields. The rhesus protein is named for the rhesus monkey, which also carries the gene, and is a protein that lives on the surface of the red blood cells.. For example, if someone's Rh factors are both positive, it is not possible for his or her child to have a negative blood type. on Video: Should Europeans Sacrifice Liberty For Promises Of Security? The birthplace of the Neanderthals is well known to have been western Europe, and they dominated that region for about 250,000 years . There are VERY few aberrations. In addition, the researchers identified roughly 200 genes that appear to be key players in defining the shapes of species, in what makes the primates different from us and each other. Only if the father and mother are A and B or B and A blood type can the child have any of the human blood groups A, B, AB or O. The rhesus monkey and other macaques are classified in the family Cercopithecidae (the Old World monkeys). Rh factor is an antigen, a substance which stimulates the production of antibodies to fight foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria and transplanted organs. These include early maturity, large head and eyes, or an extra vertebra - a ‘tail bone’ called a ‘cauda’, and lower than normal body temperature. Could they have come here and manipulated life forms already present on earth to create modern man? There’s no credible explanation as to why this happened and leads back to the story of Yakub. It is the second most important blood group system, after the ABO blood group system. Even a few kinds of bacteria have Rh molecules. PrimateBiologicals.com is a leading supplier of Rhesus Monkey Whole Blood, and only provides whole blood originating from primates housed in the United States. The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. Women who are rh negative, already carry antibodies and are pregnant with an rh positive fetus, need an Anti-D shot or the fetus will likeliest die. Experts can’t agree about where the origin of this side order of humans may have originated, citing fallen angels (Nephilim) or aliens as possible sources, but they do agree on the characteristics which can include: Once you have finished checking yourself over, if you are Rhesus Negative you are already very special as very few (15%) people fall within that category. Read More The article represents a new twist in the politically charged debate about evolution. The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. Blood types are further broken down into two groups, negative and positive. Scientists discovered that 1% to 4% of the latter three sample DNA (being the New Guinean, the Han Chinese and the French genome) is shared with Neanderthals and Denisovans. There are other physical characteristics of humans which are typically associated with Rh- negative blood, but which in the present scenario would be regarded as belonging to the Neanderthals. Many Neanderthal specimens have originated from the Iberian Peninsula. "Homosexuality Was Introduced By The European Neanderthal". Europeans may be closer to their Neanderthal cousins than previously thought, new research suggests. This case inspired the groundbreaking research of 1940,conducted by Landsteiner and Weiner. See all Hide authors and affiliations. We are able provide a variety of commercially available anticoagulants used in the United States. He was considered to be the same historical figure as Abraham in the Talmud. There is some evidence that suggests the RH-negative blood group may have appeared about 35,000 years ago. Monkey DNA Points to Common Neanderthal Ancestor. The 'Rh' stands for the rhesus monkey because researchers recognised that this human blood antigen was similar to a rhesus monkey blood antigen. Actually, its quite more likely that modern humans were raped by these savage creatures and forced into homosexual practices by them. Could the source be from human like beings from another planet? Rh factor is also called "Rhesus factor" because it was first discovered in the blood of Rhesus monkeys (small monkeys from India often used for experimentation). The blood of most contains this factor, and is called Rhesus+ (positive) or Rh+ blood. The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. Another original group were the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Video: Should Europeans Sacrifice Liberty For Promises Of Security? There is NO blood type AB in either of the man-apes; but man has both A and B, and blood type AB as well as very much O. The author of "The Ancestor Within," Michael Le Page, cited the babies with tails as a likely example of atavism, a phenomenon in which ancestral traits suddenly reappear after thousands or even millions of years. Rhesus monkey is a small, Asian old world monkey that widely used for medical and biological research on human and animal related diseases even space travel due to its closeness to humans anatomically and physiologically. That may sound like a headline from the Weekly World News, but it was the respected New Scientist magazine that published a cover story about the phenomenon of evolution "running backward." PrimateBiologicals.com is a leading supplier of Rhesus Monkey Whole Blood, and only provides whole blood originating from primates housed in the United States. The Rhesus Factor set of blood types, derived from experiments with rhesus monkeys. Another yet unexplained phenomenon the sequencing revealed must do with lumps of DNA known as centromeres, which hold together the two separate strands of DNA that make up a chromosome, acting somewhat like the centre of an X. Strangely, nine of the 22 centromeres the monkeys have re-positioned themselves on their chromosomes in the last 25 million years. That could support the idea that humans evolved or were derived from Primates. There is NO blood type AB in either of the man-apes; but man has both A and B, and blood type AB as well as very much O. In the Book of Genesis in the Bible it relates how the Nephilim produced children with humans. But I have every right to be logical. This article was originally published in 2014 and is frequently updated, Psychic Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin Would Save Us From World War III, Sweden Begins Implanting Microchips Under Employees’ Skin, Copyright © 2021 The People's Voice, Inc. All rights reserved | News Punch, Sylvester Stallone Sends Liberal Fans Into A Frenzy After Joining Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, China Creates ‘Hotline’ To Report Citizens Who ‘Criticize’ The state Or ‘Misinterpret’ History, Fauci Claims It’s Still Not OK To Eat or Drink Indoors Even If You’ve Been Vaccinated, INSURRECTION: Antifa Sets Portland ICE Building On Fire With Officers Inside, EXPOSED: Marxist BLM Founder Patrisse Cullors Profited Millions Through ‘Woke’ Activism, on 9/11 Families File Lawsuit Against Saudi Arabia. In rhesus monkey. The terms Rh factor, Rh positiv (Blood. The significance of the discovery was not immediately apparent and was only realized in 1940, after subsequent findings by Philip Levine and Rufus Stetson. rhesus monkeys Hematological analysis results are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The article represents a new twist in the politically. There is a Basque type with a long straight nose, thick eyebrows, strong chin, and long earlobes. Ample evidence exists that the Basques are a physically distinct group. The Rhesus blood group system is comprised of Rhesus monkey erythrocyte antigens such as the D antigen that are found on the red cells of most humans, who are said to be Rh+. Rhesus Monkey Whole Blood $ 0.00. My logic tells me that White people have no ancestors. File size error: The file exceeds allowed the limit (92 MB) and can not be uploaded. The Neanderthal’s Genome: European, Asians and their other Ancestor. Is the introduction of Caucasian related to the RH-blood factor. Rhesus monkey ancestors diverged with those of Neanderthals roughly 25 million years ago, while chimpanzees diverged from their lineage 6 million years ago. There is a lot of confusion about the origin of the word Nephilim and what it means. The Basque Country, lying on the western side of the Pyrenees and on the border between Spain and France, fits in neatly with this location. That may sound like a headline from the Weekly World News, but it was the respected New Scientist magazine that published a cover story about the phenomenon of evolution "running backward." However, because of intermingling of fluids between mother and fetus, the first pregnancy builds up antibodies to Rh+ blood in the woman which typically attack the blood of her subsequent Rh+ children, causing them to miscarry, be stillborn, or die shortly after birth (infant haemolytic disease). If you test negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. The rabbits naturally objected and produced antibodies against the monkey blood. Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. Upgrade To Pro, findings detailed in July 2013, edition of Science Daily. These include genes involved in hair formation, sperm-egg fusion, immune response and cell membrane proteins, findings detailed in July 2013, edition of Science Daily. Using a small “newborn” cuff (cloth cuff) on the upper arm and auscultation of the sounds in the brachial artery, mean blood pressure in 14 normal monkeys was found to range from 137/112 to 188/152 mm Hg with a group average of 159/127. If you test negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. A and B are very likely the originals. Unless they don’t mind being associated with monsters. To upload images, videos, and audio files, you have to upgrade to pro member. The monkey is brown or gray in color and possesses a … Only about 3% of African descendent and about 1% of Asian or Native American descendent has the RH-negative group. In a laboratory Test, red blood cells from a Rhesus (Rh) Monkey were injected into a Rabbit.The Rabbit Serum agglutinated the Rhesus Monkey’s red blood cells and 85% of human red blood cells as well. The book was written by Enoch who was a very interesting and creative Biblical character. One was even depicted as killing Japheth, Noah’s son, and taking his place whereupon he fathered many children with Japheth’s unsuspecting wife which eventually populated much of Northern Europe. Methods: Whole blood was collected from 36 healthy Chinese rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of either sex, 3 to 5 yr old. In Greek mythology he is considered the equivalent of Hades who took spirits across the Styx to the Underworld. And the appearance was regional and seemed to, originally, be connected with certain groups/tribes of people. The rhesus macaque, colloquially rhesus monkey, is a species of Old World monkey. That’s what my logic tells me about the ancestors of White people; and many White people today who perpetuate the oppressive beliefs of their ancestors. The rhesus monkey and other macaques are classified in the family Cercopithecidae (the Old World monkeys). There’s no credible explanation as to why this happened and leads back to the story of Yakub. In reference to whole of the world’s population, only about 15% lack … Some 55% of Basques have Group O blood, one of the highest percentages in the world. The RH factor is the Rhesus (rhesus as in monkey) blood factor. Le Page also cites the less cringe-making example of a humpback whale with leg-like appendages that was caught off Canada's Vancouver Island in 1919. The only way you get a white plant or animal is when you interbreed them. Rhesus macaque, better known as the rhesus monkey, is a diurnal primate found naturally mostly in central, south, and southeast Asia. According to Sepehr, if mankind evolved from the same African ancestor their blood would be compatible, but it is not. Some believe he is the angel who greets you at the spiritual bridge between earth and heaven which technically makes him the Grim Reaper. Rh factors or ‘Rhesus factor’ was first discovered in the blood of Rhesus monkey. Neanderthals evolved and came out of Tigris area, not Africa. Scientists just happened to first discover this blood type in Rhesus monkeys. The scenario so far then is this. Scientists in Edinburgh have now confirmed that the genetic similarity between the two must have arisen after interbreeding in Europe and Asia, before our ancestors spread across the globe. The rhesus factor was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1937, 37 years after he has discovered the major ABO blood groups. The aim of this project was to help bridge that gap in knowledge by evaluating circulating miRNA in naïve rhesus monkeys and comparing results with currently available databases in different species in order to identify novel, mature miRNAs. If your blood tests positive for this, you have the factor in your blood. Neanderthal descendants called the Basques. The A and B factors act like antibodies, and if blood containing one or both, then if it is transferred to a person whose blood does not already contain them, adverse reactions occur. Looking now at the evidence for the theory that the Basques are descended principally from Neanderthals, everything suddenly falls into place, and the supposition becomes almost self-evident. You can unsubscribe any time. By M. A. BENDER. In the early part of the 1900’s, Karl Landsteiner, who discovered the ABO blood typing system, and Alexander Weiner, an important Rh system researcher, injected some rabbits with blood from rhesus monkeys. Years of further genetic admixing has diluted down the Neanderthal’s legacies. 2003;102:2513-2521) 15 % of humans have RH-negative blood. To avoid complications from a blood transfusion, recipients must be sure a donors blood matches their own, meaning two main factors must agree: the blood group (A, B or 0) and the Rhesus … Per experts the genetic flow between Neanderthals and early modern humans might have been as high as 10% to 20%, but today it is at 3% to 4%. It rarely changes. Arterial blood pressures have been determined in unanesthetized monkeys by 2 indirect methods. Group O blood contains neither antibody and can typically be transferred without reaction to any recipient. Our Rhesus whole blood products are custom collected per your order specifications. The Man-Apes - 28 separate studies showed that Chimpanzees have the blood types A and minimal O, but never B. Most people, about 85%, have RH-positive blood. It's not just Europeans who experience these altered states. The Bible, the Talmud and the Koran (where they are referred to as Djinn) all speak of fallen angels. The ape gene lies with the other nations, Africans come from the original human stock. This negates current theory that O is the original blood type, especially since the man-apes have little or no O blood type and no AB blood type. Mobilized into blood and lymphoid tissue by Flt3L, offering potential for their characterization... 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