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Nice in-depth analysis. This removes method #2 from the list. If an application drives this example, then it seems to be a moot point IMHO. Any idea as to How I need to solve this issue? I can confirm “Kelson Vibber’s assumption”:http://www.alistapart.com:80/comments/multicolumnlists?page=2#12 that Safari handles at least some generated content (such as plain text). The columnN and reset classes would be set by js, making it easy to add or remove items. Thanks to Angela Marie, B.J. in example 6 you use different “unique” li classes to set up the margin’s. Northwestern’s Online MS in Information Design and Strategy. English isn’t my mother tongue. Philippe (re “33”:http://alistapart.com/comments/multicolumnlists?page=4#33 ), can you tell me if you preserved my markup in its entirety — including the Strict DOCTYPE — when you tested examples in Mac browsers? They also blow out the character count sonmething fierce. After all, as stated in the article, it’s like three lines of PHP and an associative array to have complete control. 🙂. ([email protected]), On my previous one, the spacing didn’t go through…. Anissa, your suggestion for assigning class names to list items in markup in order to place items into columns sounds like what I described in “Method 4”:http://alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists/#method4 — let me know if you had a different idea in mind. If you want to present a list in multiple columns, you’ll have to compromise. Like most other readers of articles on this site, I’m always interested in experimentation and exploration of issues related to the implementation of proper standards and markup. Oh well, I shall console myself with the idea that at least I’m *thinking* like an ALAer. Drip gained mainstream popularity in 2018 as its use in Rap/Hip-hop songs spread to listeners who adopted the term as a way to describe a person's, often a guy's, impressive appearance. But you already know that. If we use only one class name per column as in my “method 4”:http://alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists/#method4 then column-wrapping is controlled in large part from HTML. That said, I probably wouldn’t be keen on splitting an _ordered_ list into columns of any sort anyway, what with it being a colossal pain in the bum to read. While we’re on the subject of content-generation, I’ll add in passing that the items in split lists can also be “physically” numbered contiguously by a script that inserts numbers into the item values, either server-side during page generation or client-side upon page-load. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know. It’s true, I would still have to choose the way to do the actual column wrapping. Brace yourselves, we're about to drive through a one of our most scenic and winding parts of our journey. I mean, what a disaster when you have to add a nav item in your markup and _then_ track down and fiddle with all these numbers in your stylesheet. While javascript can’t literally modify a linked stylesheet file, it can modify the HTML document itself: insert inline styles into tags (ugh), insert a stylesheet into the HTML header (better), or modify the stylesheet in the DOM (best but more tricky and perhaps less cross-browser-friendly). Pär (re: “38”:http://alistapart.com/comments/multicolumnlists?page=4#38 ), thanks for your comments. This tactic—perhaps born of a desperate desire to tame web design to be as obedient as print design—is to split the list into multiple sub-lists and arrange them side by side. I think the only way the script should be able to modify styles is by assigning class names and ids to the elements. You can sacrifice W3C web standards and use deprecated markup, you can live with markup that’s less than semantically logical, you can tolerate a mixture of presentation with content, you can say goodbye to browser compatibility, or you can use markup that’s heavy with attributes and styling that’s heavy with rules. In my opinion it’s not an ideal solution since it codes the column placement in the content (HTML) rather than in the presentation (CSS), and I consider column-wrapping presentational. My apologies if the rest of this post is not understandable due to my language. Never mind, fer-God’s-sakes, unique _classes_. example 3): the second and third column are not perfectly aligned horizontally. And it works…that is until I changed it to use a bulleted list and instead of using a bullet image, I used a background image. (Shakespeare invented the word "swag"... just saying) Lyric: A lyric poem is a comparatively short, non-narrative poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an emotional state. Further, I find that most javscript solutions that purport to leave the markup simple actually heavily augment the DOM when they run. It seems a little funny to use a class to uniquely identify an item. Could we not maintain semantic integrity, simple CSS, AND get our nice, beautiful, multi-column layout by using Javascript to convert lists into a multi-column variant? However as this list is to be styled further with floats and possibly other display settings (on the links in each li for example) I think it is a more elegant solution. Learn more. }. The ol would get a class “multipleOrderedList” or something similar for the js to “see” and work upon. Mat (re: “47”:http://alistapart.com/comments/multicolumnlists?page=5#47 ), tables might seem to be a solution at first, but let’s think it through. Actually, I was wrong in pointing to example 3; that one works correctly, as far as vertical alignment is concerned. Does it really matter if imposing classes on all the list items “looks ugly” when you the human will never see it? background-position: 10px; The examples for this article look substantially the same (except where specifically noted in the text) in Windows browsers Firefox 1.0, Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla 1.7.2, Netscape 7.1 & 6.2, and Opera 7.23, and in Macintosh browsers Firefox 1.0, Internet Explorer 5.2, and Safari 1.0.3. Three days of design, code, and content for people who make websites. :). It’s me not understanding that we were looking at two different things. How to edit: when items are added to or removed from the list, the uniqueness of item class names must be maintained in XHTML and the stylesheet must be tweaked to shift items to their proper columns. An Event Apart: 3 days of design, code, and content for web & UX designers & devs. Now, go forth and swag! The price we pay is some heavy XHTML markup, gravid with class names.  Check this out: We prepare the markup by assigning a unique class to each list item: (I’m using class instead of id here so that I’ll have the freedom to include more than one wrapped list on the same page; a class may apply to more than one object, but an id must be unique.  The important thing is that each item is uniquely identified within its list.). and so on, and then just toggle through those when adding to your list. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. Hopefully I can make myself a bit more clear in my thoughts. Uhu. It got me thinking. And one more thing: the example pages attached to this article are all marked up with a strict doctype. The technique I choose would have to fulfill at least the following: it has to be degradable (“unobtrusive”), not use deprecated elements or attributes, and *not force me to manually change the js, css or (x)html* when adding or removing items to/from the list (except the manual change of adding or removing the items, of course). padding-left:30px; I used method 6 for a 2-column list but noticed that in IE the second column inherited the background from the parent element. Matt E. Patterson shows why a new WebSockets-driven approach is catching developers' attention, and how it can mean faster, easier development that results in an experience just as rich as client-side SPAs. This still works fine in Opera. Thanks for a nice article, even though I don’t think I will be using the techniques. A larger is issue to consider is that it brings forth whether or not semantic markup really matters. JavaScript can automate all of these methods, even 5 & 6 if you let go of the separate stylesheet and accept some form of inline styling. Paul! I’ve been messing with the CSS and HTML for awhile, but I can’t figure out how to get text to show up like: Text 1 Text 2 In my early experiments with these techniques, I found that I had to set the line-height of list items to at least 1.2em in order for methods 5 & 6 to bring the first item of the next column up to the correct position. Unlike the horizontal wrap that our browsers handle automatically, vertical wrapping requires us to explicitly state which list items occur in which columns or where the columns should break. I like to do this to increase usability (the user doesn’t have to aim as precisely to activate a link) and attractiveness (in menus I often like to change the entire menu item block background on hover, not merely the link text itself). from an array) and splits it into N numbers of columns by assigning class=”columnN” and class=”columnN reset” through a for loop. 😉, Tweak this so that instead of having a unique class (.name) for each value, just have a class that indicates what column it should sort into…, .col1 Any easy way to force IE to render without list-items without whitespace is to just define a line-height. Both methods 5 & 6 use “this technique”:http://alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists/#method56. How to edit: When list items are added or deleted, some items will need to be moved from one sub-list to another to maintain a consistent column length.  If the number of items per column changes, the start and value attribute values in XHTML will need to be tweaked to maintain proper numbering.  No CSS changes are required. Graham (re: “37”:http://alistapart.com/comments/multicolumnlists?page=4#37 ), you’re right that ex began life as a vertical measure (the x-height) and em as horizontal (the width of the lowercase m). Restyling the site should, in my opinion, only be a matter of replacing one or a few css files for some other. Paul, One of the minor holy grails of XHTML and CSS is to produce a single, semantically logical ordered list that wraps into vertical columns. Easy, now.  Breathe.  The assignment of unique item classes isn’t about numbering the items, it’s about the presentation of the whole list—finding ways to persuade the browser to wrap it into columns without actually having to chop the list into pieces and paste them side by side.  In web design we assign classes and ids to page elements routinely to guide CSS presentation; that’s what they’re there for.  Make no mistake, assigning a different class to every item in a list is no one’s idea of elegant code, but it works, it validates, and it doesn’t (in my humble opinion) make the markup intrinsically ‘un-semantic.’, Whether it’s worth your while to manage the code for any of these techniques when you modify a list will depend on how much you want multiple-column lists to work.  Fortunately, it’s not that big a deal.  Editing small lists by hand is easy, and if you’ve got a really long list that’s constantly changing you should probably be generating it from a database in the first place.  One consolation is that when we’re generating pages from a server-side script we can assign unique list item classes automatically so we don’t have to get our fingers dirty.  (Or tired.). So why do we bother?  Well, because the final effect is so cool—and practical.  Wrapping a list into columns can relieve the website visitor of the necessity to scroll down a long list.  A three- or four-column list can fill the width of a page while a single skinny column could leave the layout looking anemic.  There are as many reasons to wrap lists as there are web designers:  very definitely More Than A Few. While this is not a bad haul by any means, Manchester City has an xG of 55.9 and actually scored 61 goals, meaning that the Citizens have scored about five more goals than expected. It still was some interesting reading, and your answer to my comment and questions did clear a few things up. We all love CSS and we all dream of heightened standards for both development and display. Come to think of it, IE is pretty much the only major browser that doesn’t support the :before pseudo-element. If :before and content properties where widely supported, I would probably prefer method #3 (with the “sublists” created by js), and accept the extra list elements even though they might be unsemantic. Actually, Konqueror does just fine with the example in Method #3. How easy to modify is your chosen method? But for anyone who’s interested, it’s done. Still, this was a nice article. When an anchor is a block, its clickable area is the full area of the block, whereas with inline anchors you can click only the hyperlinked text (or image) itself. I would assume Safari does as well. So it’s finicky at best. cunt (n.) "female intercrural foramen," or, as some 18c. I would use method #1 if I only used unordered lists (giving the ul a class of “multipleUnorderdList” and styling accordingly). We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. For a three-column table, are you proposing a table with 3 columns and N rows? Then it’s up to the designer to style for it. I like the simplicity of the XHTML and CSS with no extra scripting. I’m surprised that you report a similar problem with method 3, which is just three separate lists floated side-by-side. J.J. Watt seemed like a perfect fit for Buffalo’s staff entering 2021. Classes tag an item as being part of a group. Adding the code below to the “ul li” class works for all but the top two items in each subsequent list after the first. Thanks. List item numbering and bulleting are actually two instances of content-generation, but they’re the only ones that are supported universally, probably because they date back to early HTML before CSS was born.  The other forms of CSS content-generation are ill-supported in today’s browsers: of those tested, only Opera rendered this example properly. Becuase of this the CSS removes the markers, which luckily I did not need. Actually I was surprised how quick and easy it is to recognize that the sequence is running horizontally and make the visual adjustment (using numeric markers might be a different story, though). To keep a modified list wrapping properly, we must rearrange the list items, change classes and attributes in the markup, or tweak rules in the stylesheet.  The only technique described here that doesn’t need any of that fuss (Method 1) has other serious behavioral problems.  Finally, because vertical proportions are so important here, most of these lists are going to break if we assume that each list item will occupy one line, only to have some items wrap to two or more lines. Alternatively, if the markup is sacred, have a tiny server-generated stylesheet that auto-calculates the menu item positions. In the 2nd method, what is the purpose of using ‘display : block’ for the a element? Yasir, the purpose of making the normally inline A element a block is to enable us to assign it dimension. Column-gap: 1em; The ideal situation, in my view, would be a single XHTML list whose wrapping is controlled entirely by CSS. The examples for this article look substantially the same (except where specifically noted in the text) in Windows browsers Firefox 1.0, Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla 1.7.2, Netscape 7.1 & 6.2, and Opera 7.23, and in Macintosh browsers Firefox 1.0, Internet Explorer 5.2, and Safari 1.0.3. I was looking for the perfect solution, to use in a “write once, use anywhere”-script that could automate the process for me while being modular. This may not be suitable in all instances (if you just want a plain list say). It also lends it self to transformation to other formatting that can be machine readable (RDF or otherwise). The blue highlight indicates whether you are typing in across or down. The reality is not so ideal. What we really need is for some bright bulb to come along and figure out how to do this with spare markup—and actually claim that holy grail. Thanks, Philippe, for reports of vertical alignment problems in Linus & OS X browsers. You wrote an article about different (experimental) ways to handle a problem. I posted about this problem a while ago on my website. Paul (re: “28”:http://www.alistapart.com/comments/multicolumnlists?page=3#28 ). brass definition: 1. a bright yellow metal made from copper and zinc: 2. the group of brass instruments or players…. If you’re splitting your list into chunks, another tool for numbering the items contiguously is CSS content generation, wherein a stylesheet causes text to appear that doesn’t exist in the XHTML markup. [second div] /* third wraps */ Paul, thanks for your explanation. I tend to use them for both horizontal and vertical measurements, relying on the empirical formula 1em = 2ex which hasn’t failed me so far. On my OS X box, the only browser to get it correctly is Firefox 1.5b. 🙂. I used to design with HTML tables but then I found out the drawbacks of table and use of Divs instead. The default rendering of an XHTML ordered list in browsers is that of a single vertical series of items: To bypass some browser inconsistencies, I’ve taken to marking up my lists like this: I’ve moved the last closing angle-bracket > of each row to the beginning of the next row.  This keeps each list item on a row by itself for the benefit of human readers and at the same time effectively eliminates all of the white space between tags, this producing more consistent rendering across browsers. Unfortunately, last I looked it wasn’t on the “list of additions for IE7”:http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2005/07/29/445242.aspx. Drip is a slang term that refers to a person's sense of style that is considered sexy or cool. However, there are some errors in one of your examples. Certainly the auto-numbering of OL tags is a strong tool and like other aware developers I too long to have numbered columns that can “swagger.” However, if I’m going to build custom code on a list-by-list basis, it seems to make a lot more sense — and is ultimately much more compatible — to do so within the XHTML markup than CSS. I’d rather use multiple lists than have to break DRY like this. One of the benefits is that the JS will determine the height of the list and dynamically create two columns (currently it’s limited to two columns). My method is similar to #4 in your article, but did a lot of the heavy lifting in JS. The possible problem with multiple-line / different height-li’s seems to be catered for with a little help from the linked source in Brian Sweeney’s comment (#16). It was parsed as a textile command for “link”. But our hopes for the future shouldn’t derail us from our primary responsibility as developers, and that is delivering universally readable content that maintains visual presentation. My head is hung in shame. Anyone interested can find a demo page at . I’ll warn you up front. IE has a particularly nasty problem where the marker for multi-line list elements shows up next to the last line instead of the first (something to do with “hasLayout” I suppose). Firefox 1.5 is “supposed to”:http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/What%27s_New_in_Deer_Park_Alpha handle counters, but when I load the example they all show up as “1. There is one further step to getting it to work as expected in Firefox, since “scope is an issue”:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3247#c113 in the new way of handling counters. David, one issue with declaring list items as inline is that inline elements can’t be assigned dimension in the same way a block element can, limiting their usefulness in creating navigation menus & the like. Text 4, and then repeat. I found a description of what’s different about Firefox 1.5’s implementation of counter-increment. It should go without saying (but doesn’t) that any solution that uses client-side scripting should gracefully degrade in browsers with scripting turned off. Sometimes heavy DOM augmentation is necessary to get what you want, but I don’t think it’s necessary for this particular trick. It would offend me knowing they were there 😉 but I could probably accept the usage. How to edit: When items are added to or removed from the list, the XHTML markup must be tweaked to give items the proper column-classes, and the reset class must be moved to the first item of each column.  When the number of items per column changes, the CSS li.reset{} rule must be changed accordingly. Yes, I’ve burnt the midnight oil creating entirely table free layouts using CSS2, but sometimes I can’t help wondering if I’m being too much of a purist, or rather, a prophet. I can see what you mean with inline styles “on-the-fly” being acceptable for the sake of function, but I definitely wouldn’t like to mix css into either the html/content file or the js-file. I don’t see why a single list, wrapped visually into columns using CSS, would present problems for screen readers; can you elucidate? If you apply “counter-reset: item” to div.outerwrap, it sets the scope so that the counter doesn’t reset on each OL, and you get continuous numbering in both Opera and Firefox 1.5. One just have to use the correct syntax. If you think of a javascript function as part of that rendering process, then the fact that it mixes CSS with HTML might be deemed forgiveable. I would consider the problem unsolvable on my criterias until I saw “:before” and the “content-property” being widely supported, or read another ALA-article telling me how to do it. It may be relevant to study the comments I got when I asked how to do a split list suitable for Netscape 4: http://www.designdetector.com/archives/04/02/AQuestionOfHTMLPart2-SplitLists.php, Rather than eliminating all whitespace inside a list element I prefer to just set the. [third div]. And don’t get me wrong — I love this article and I’m not trying to criticize you or its content in any way. So I was thinking about method #4, and accept the “presentation intrusion on the content”. Whatever, I guess the only possibility is to enact the Firefox 1.5 to every user until we got CSS3 as a standard 😉. 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